My wife and went threw this. We sell at a small farmers market on sat morning. They never like the belts we have laying there....so we ask them what they want and make it. Many of them have been the wrong size so now we take the belt they are wearing and measure it and then its not fool proof, we had them place the belt on thier belly rather than below then complaine that its not large enough. Now we make the belt a little longer than what they need and use the center hole measurement that they are using which gives them a little leway.
I have no idea how a person can sell belts over the internet. I am sitting there and still fight to get it right. I have the book that Al wrote on Belts and its great and thats the way we measure.
Ok I better shut up.. just wanted to put in my two cents so you don't feel bad for dealing with this, your not the only one that has went down this road.
later, my friend