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Everything posted by SouthernCross

  1. Yes, I need to stick stuff together first and sand/even the edges so that I'll know exactly how far from the edges I need to mark for my stitching groove and stamping.
  2. What do y'all recommend I use as a contact type cement for temporarily gluing some pieces together that I will later take apart? What I'm specifically wanting to do is glue the edges of a holster together so I can shape the edges up and then take it back apart so I can lay it flat to stamp basketweave on it. I know Tandy used to have a good contact cement that would work, but I don't see that product on their site anymore - I see something close, but it doesn't really look the same.
  3. What product should I use to highlight my stamping if I plan to stain with Fiebings Pro Oil dye and finish with a 50/50 combination of Mop-n-Glow/water?
  4. Thanks, Alex. I haven't purchased any Resolene yet, but I'll give your concoction a try.
  5. Thanks. I've got some LP that I use on my boots - never thought about using it for anything else.
  6. What is the recommended type of stain and finish for simple wallets that will be carried in a back pocket? I've made a couple of really simply wallets and stained them with Fiebings alcohol based dye followed by a finish of Tandy's Super Sheen. When the wallets get wet from summer sweat they feel kinda "gummy" as the Super Sheen is apparently not very water resistant. I'd like to find something that will highlight my basketweave stamping. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
  7. Boriqua, that is beautiful! Would you share your dying/finishing process with us, please? Stunning! And yes, I like how you didn't hem it in with a border.
  8. That sounds interesting. I really need to start mixing more colors and trying different things. I still have this "no-no" in my head from my days as a house painter about not mixing water-based and oil-based stuff. Apparently it doesn't necessarily work that way with leather, huh?
  9. Cool! I just used some of that today in saddle tan I believe it's called. Did you use any resist on the lighter spots?
  10. I like that, snubby. Can you tell me what you used as a finish on that sheath, please?
  11. Got it. Thanks
  12. Jason, Can you explain what you mean by glueing and trimming your edges?
  13. I have the same problem, Alfa34. I do find that I can reduce the wandering a bit if I sand my edges using my drill press with a sanding mandrel before I try to use the stitching groover.
  14. NVL, yes I stained first with a very light British Tan, followed by neatsfoot oil, which darkened it just a little bit, but it's still fairly light colored. Perhaps it's not "antiquing" that I want but instead "highlighting". In other words, I don't want to really darken it much further, but simply highlight the basketweave stamping to bring it out.
  15. I have some items that I've got some basketweave stamping on that I'd like to antique or highlight. After stamping, I stained with Fiebings alchohol based die and then went over that with neatsfoot oil to get the color I want. What are the next steps and products to apply in order to do the antiquing. I'm hoping to use the Fiebings antiquing paste but believe I need to use some sort of resist before doing so, correct? And I don't think I can use Tandy's SuperShene as a resist since it's water-based, right? Please help me with my next steps.
  16. What specific tool do you recommend for freehanding?
  17. Thanks, zuludog. I found some "scraps" on ebay that will probably work.
  18. Does anyone have a recommendation for a freehand groover? Preferably a v-groover, I think. I'm wanting to make some edges in the center of my work to serve as a border for my stamping.
  19. What are some of your favorite borders for your basketweave stamping? I'd love to see pictures, too.
  20. I just came across this post. Nice knife. But where in the world would one find a piece of brass like that?
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