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  1. Brettuns Village has a large selection of leather remnants. Most are chrome tanned and finished, not good for stamping but you save the price of dyes and such. Shipping is included in the price, so no surprises.
  2. Brettuns carries the whole line
  3. I've been using a Pro Edge burnisher in a Dremel with good results. I plan to upgrade to the drill press set up for better control and convenience . A drill press is a great tool for many jobs not only does it drill it presses. Look at Leodis Leather videos with arbor presses. Much of this work can be done with the drill press turned off. You could use the chuck to hold punches, rivet setters, hot stamps and other tools.
  4. Good tip I found on Youtube. I use a glass cutting board for gluing, edge kote, and sloppy stuff. A single edge razor scraper and some windex will make it slick enough to skive on.
  5. Saw this thing on Tandy site and liked it, cut wide straps on a firmly mounted tool. make fringe and lace.... Thanks Jim
  6. Check out this video. He offers patterns for sale in it but supplies enough information that you might not need one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMzj3a9nL4Q Jim
  7. You might by drilling through them with a bit the same size as the punch you used
  8. I.ve been using the Fiskars ProCision cutter. The cutter is mount on a pair of rails mounted on a ruled board. I'm working with some thin leather remnants and can turn a bunch of ink blot shaped pieces into wallet panels quicker than I can find a dropped needle.
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