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Posts posted by McJeep

  1. Finished this set today - nothing too special, but I'm glad all the braiding is done. 87 inches total of braid. This week I had two seats, three tank panels, a p-pad and a knife sheath - all with braided edges. I need a break from braiding. :crazy:

    notice that you're using the thinner lace and chisel slots vice punched holes this time - I find this makes things infinitely more harder and time consuming - sure is a clean tidy finished product tho guy :)

    And, on the topic of lacing/braiding; is there a Murphy's law someplace that says "no matter what length you cut your lace, you will always be about an inch short"? I swear, it happens every single time.

    And here I thought it was just my newbieness LOL

    Nice lookin set guy! :)

  2. I've had his program for about eight years now. Have all the fonts.

    Not quiiiiiiiite sure what you mean by "have all the fonts" ? I'm just starting to use it lately and have only played with the basic keyboard strokes on it - have you printed out all of the other commands that it's able to use? Did you put them in a binder or something?

    Any help's appreciated :)


  3. Oh boy, never seen anything like this question before </sarchasm> :)

    This either happens or has happened to almost every board I've ever been a part of and there are many - I gots a lot of interests ;) While it can be interesting to chat with someone about politics or religion etc, even with the best intentions the typed word sucks for getting a point across without huuuuge chances of it being taken the wrong way. And then there are inevitably those who will troll just for sport. MHO is that an off topic is plenty enuff rope without making a section "anything goes"

    If we do end up with a section for that can the section title be marked up as bold and underlined and typed in bright red so it grabs my eye to avoid clicking on that topic? LOL

    I really enjoy the fact that this forum is lean, clean, and down to the business/hobby at hand ... Leather in all shapes and forms. Between that and the outgoing generous nature of a group of people more than willing to take time out of their own lives to type away at a keybord to help someone (that they've likely never met before) figure out something leather related? Love this place :)

    But on the anything goes topic?

    One of my favourite pics sums it up hehehehehe


  4. Looking for some one who has an extra Harley Davidson stamp they are willing to sell. Not the ones that Tandy is selling now.

    Is there actually one available? I'd be surprised if there is what with all the copyright infringement laws etc. and it being a verrrrrrry official logo.

  5. You'll have to get the blade through Peter himself.

    Aaaaaah, that 'splains it - Thanks guy, I'll be looking into that fo sho :)

    There's alot of small tricks to carving I think

    So I'm finding out in rather short order LOL

    Thanks for sharing guy :):You_Rock_Emoticon:

  6. Hands down for me is the Peter Main blade. I like it, because the blade has a wide angle and I can cut shallow, ( a must for curves or lines close together) and still have a decent cut.

    Perfect blade for letters and accent cuts and light weight leather.

    I just spent half an hour trying to find a supplier for these and cannot - only a couple threads with you commenting on the blades and some mythical bulk purchase.

    If I can't find it on the interweb, it does not exist and you sir are a charlatan <-- kidding! LOL

    but seriously, I take it that they are a smallish manufacturer? Can't find a web page er nuthin.

  7. Lettering and general knife usage pointers are a huge interest for me right now as well. Good hints on dry'ish leather Tom - just starting to clue in on that now as I watch the surface of wetter leather twist along with the knife blade in tight turns :/

    I'm also verrrrry interested in just how you folks get such clean starts/stops to your cuts - by that I mean they all meet up perfectly at corners or pointy tips of things and are oh so square at the meeting point. I've been doing a lot of very close inspection of people's works to try and surmise ways of accomplishing this better. Yesterday I saved one of David's latest seat pics, blew it up to 400% of it's size and still couldn't find any signs of start/stop!

    I know it's called practice practice practice ... but there have to be some tricks involved too ... right? I'm right aren't I? LOL

    Hope ya don't see this as a thread hijack TK - just trying to get even more info on lettering in general.

    This newbie thanks y'awl :)


  8. Looks like anuther winner comin up :0)

    Can I ask what blades you use to do the tight curves you get on your carvings David? I'm just starting to pick up different blades for different aspects of carving (hollow ground for long straight cuts, angled blades for tighter turns on lettering etc to alleviate the wrinkles in the leather as I turn a bend etc.)

    Thanks in advance - always love seeing your seats come along - good incentive for raising my personal bar ;0)


  9. That's it - I'm inspired AND cheep like borscht ;0)

    Made a call downtown and I can get a foot of the 3" for $16

    Time to get the father inlaw working on his lathe and making me up a couple or three nice fat handles for my gimped paws :0) I figger a foot should net me 3 maul heads and we can turn a couple of em down for lighter weight.

    how long is the head on the one you made?

    Thanks bud!

  10. Wow Dave, simply outstanding!

    I might add that you probably aren't aware of just how big a service you are doing for this newbie when you post up a step by step like this. I'm always floored by your work and if I'm ever lucky enough to get to share some space with ya, choo gots mega cervesas coming my friend ;0)

    Your braid has more over/under's than a normal round braid - how do you do that when not using a needle? (baffled)

    Thanks again!


  11. Did you have any luck with this? I've been searching all over with no luck today - need to find the same type of thing to use on dog collars. Have found a local puppy boutique joint that's interested in helping me pay my mortgage ;0)

    Not the work I "want" to be into but if it'll put $ in the account it's all good :)

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