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Big Papa Leather

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About Big Papa Leather

  • Birthday 01/08/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Burnet TX
  • Interests
    Writing Pens
    Pin-up art
    Knives... all kinds of man stuff.
    Old cars
    American/Texas History

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets... Bags...Purses...Stuff
  • Interested in learning about
    All things leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    forum recommendation

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  1. Load up some gallery pics!

  2. HEY Haven't heard back from you concerning the Craft Aids... LMK, thanks! John

  3. Just listed 18 Vintage Craftaids for sale in Marketplace.

  4. I have the following vintage Craftaids for sale. Many are copyrighted 1953. I can email photos to those who are interested if you do not know the Photo Carve for these. 2014 2080 2046 2100 2101 2230 2260 2340 2350 2360 2410 2480 2670 2950 2980 3000 3020 3220 $8.00 Each or all for $135.00 Shipped. Willing to group for buyers who want multiples. $4.95 USPS Priority Shipping for one or multiple.
  5. I'd prefer it made for 1 1/2" belts as well. I was stating that it could be made at a size to accomodate a larger belt and I would make it work. I can grind it down to fit. So one made at 1" is fine by me. Allen
  6. I do mostly 1 1/2 belts. So something along 1" to 1.25" would be good. I could do some wider belts or grind them down to fit.
  7. Sent a PM to ya Camp... I'd be interested in 10 or so, but depending on the price maybe more. Either stainless or brass.
  8. Help Me. My memory ran away. It started by jogging then broke out in a full sprint.

    1. Spence


      Mine's still at a jog, so let me know when you come across mine, k?

  9. Anyone know a source for a double prong mechanic's belt type buckle? Any help appreciated! Allen
  10. I agree Springfield is great at helping getting you pointed in the right direction. I doubt you will find a premade interior for that style wallet. Pretty unique and more of a specialty wallet that wouldn't really fit thepremade market. When do you need this? I actually am thinking this would be cool to make. If you not in a hurry I am thinking I could whip one up and maybe a spare template might be be hanging around when I'm done. Allen
  11. Ray, If you friend has a wallet like that why not take the measurements from it and make him a new one? If your trying to surprise him with a new one you might have to be sneaky and get it on the sly. Looks fairly basic. Allen
  12. I'll take group 2 if available.
  13. Resqman, Wow... just wow. Seriously? Really? Have a nice day.
  14. Timd I hand dyed the red for the halo around the gargoyle. I airbrushed the black. The gray color was achieved by a super secret formula that only NASA and I know about. Actually, not. I used RTC to resist, let dry about 45 minutes (no longer than a hour or it will get splotchy) and a light even coat (via airbrush) of Fiebings USMC Black over the RTC, then buff the heck out of it with a shoe polish brush. Allow to dry a couple hours and a light coat of black antique to accent a few lines and neatlac the whole thing. Allen
  15. Resqman-- Your funny! Of course it is standard anatomy. Standard anatomy of a fictional creature. Ahhh but is it? Hmmmmm? You forgot, he has too many knuckles and a set of wings. Not standard either. Allen
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