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Big Papa Leather

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Posts posted by Big Papa Leather

  1. Here is my take on it.

    Don't do it.

    Unless you write each person a personal email and ask that they sign-up for an email list or introduce them to your new newsletter. Then I would use a private/commercial emailing service to manage the list. I have used Mailchimp successfully and they do all the work with unsubscribe and spam issues. It is a double opt-in and sometimes that is a pain and you loose a person or two in the opt-in process, but then you know the people you have on your list are people who want to hear your message.

    Johanna is correct you will find those who throw a fit about spam. I think it is rediculous that I must opt out of most forms when I buy something or book a hotel. If I wanted an email from the Hyatt hotel twice a week I could sign up for it. Not that I must unsubscribe because I booked a room. Petty yeah, probably. But that feeling and sentement is very common.

    So write them a personal email, plain and no pitch other than your invite to recieve the newsletter and use a double opt in service.

    Just my opinion.


  2. Well, I wanted to put together a gift type item for myself and our local high school's "Project Graduation."

    I wanted to do a portfolio but I didn't have the time I felt it would take to make a portfolio and blah.. blah..

    being lazy I decided that I would make what every high school graduate wants, or at least gets one of...

    A Pen.

    It started as one for me and one for the project graduation. It turned into a whole slew of them. I will post one here.

    This one is elephant with 24k hardware.


    Rather than post all of then you can click the following:

    Visit this Website

    Let me know what you think.



  3. I want to make a couple bags/purses and would like the handles to be braided. Being that I already have my head stuffed full of other frustrating leather "I need to learns", I was wondering if anyone was interested in making a few that I could purchase.

    Please contact me with a pm or send me an email and I will get you the particulars, (or better you can walk me through the stuff you need to make the handles.)



    note to mods... Whoever moved this message, WOW that was fast! I was unsure where to post it so now I know!


  4. Awesome day there Rawhide. Very reminiscent of the day me and 2 other of my Longhorn Trail Guild members had a month or so back. We made the rode trip from Austin to Hidecrafter's and spent the day with George. If you see the March newsletter from Lonestar CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom of the pdf you will see the story of our visit.

    The photo shows (starting on the left) ATX aka Sam our Vice pres of the Longhorn Trail Guild, Me.. George has his arm on my shoulders and Danny our President. We had a cool meeting at the store and then lunch at the same diner! Sounds as if he is quite fond of the place.

    We didn't get the story of the football, but of his military service and his time at Tandy. He is a real cut up and not the monotone guy on the videos. If you get a chance to hang out with him you will walk away with more leather information than you ever thought one person could possess, and that is just what he casually talks about! Imagine if you had access to actually document and pick his brain. I had a blast and hope that I get the chance to hang with him again.


  5. I wouldn't be concerned about ordering ANYTHING from Hidecrafters. I have found them to be 100% friendly, helpful and prompt. They have gotten a bad rap lately as they do not have an updated catalog or real web presence, but I truly think that without a doubt they do just a good of job or better than some I have dealt with.


  6. The head on mine is 2" diameter and 2.25" in length.

    I am going to pick up some more at the local plastic shop prolly next week.

    Interstate plastic is the name. Interstate has alot of locations search them on google and see if one is close to you.

    I intend to try and make few more.


  7. I found several references to removing chrome from metal.

    I have not tried these and can not vouch for them.

    I am only providing the information.

    The procedure is very much the same as removing rust but with different chemical. First, degrease completely and scrub thoroughly with detergent. Mix 1 cup of Muriatic acid with 3 gallons of water in a plastic bucket. NOTE; ALWAYS ADD ACID TO WATER. NEVER WATER TO ACID !!! (It WILL explode) Hang two or three copper wires (#12 or larger) around sides of bucket. Connect these to ground of battery charger. Hang item to be de-chromed in fluid with positive lead connected. Be sure part doesn't touch ground wires. Within a few seconds or minutes, depending on thickness of chrome, it should come clean. More or less time as required. When finished, wash parts in mild soda water solution to neutralize acid. (Do this right way to prevent rust) As with any caustic acid, handle with care.

    Again use at your own risk.


  8. I used stainless steel bolts and molded the bolt head with a belt sander. Once I got the shape I wanted I changed grit and polished up the newly shaped heads. I then used a dremel and the fiber cut off wheel to create the lines, on the other I used a diamond bit to add the holes or pebbles. When I was happy with the design I went back to the belt sander to polish the burrs away that were created by the dremel.


  9. These are a first attempt, so keep the laughter to a minimum!

    I used stainless steel bolts.

    One is a simple crossed line look, but it kind of looks like a spider web or similar to the "Bio-mech" look that is popular in tattoos.

    The second is similar but it has a pebble added. Now I just need to figure out what I want to do with them.

    Any comment or suggestions accepted.






  10. I took BearMan's inspiration and created my own lightweight maul.

    I used some Redheart wood and a 1X30 belt sander to shape the handle.

    The head is UHMW plastic rod 2" in diameter. The handle is much thicker than the BK maul I have. I like the BK maul and think it is a fine piece of work, but making my own was fun as well.

    I needed a drill press to drill the hole for the carriage bolt that runs through and connects the two pieces.

    It weighs in at 12.6 oz. I have only tested the maul on scrap but I am going to use it to make a project this weekend.

    It gave me ideas to make a heavier one. I am going to make another head that is hollow to allow the insertion of lead shot to create more weight. It may even give it a "dead blow" effect. The main problem I have is the plastic place requires a $25.00 minimum purchase. That will be a Huge amount of this stuff. I do not plan on going into production of these things so I might just revert to eBay to buy a smaller qty. So if you see Scissormedic bidding don't bid against me ;)

    Let me know what you think, and again Bearman thanks for the inspiration!


    If anyone has any suggestions on the weighted head please let me know!


  11. Hello again!

    I was also the one who got the "plate" made.

    It is the bulldog face below. The green imprint is from the plate using a 1 ton arbor press to apply pressure.

    I made the holder as a protector against dinking up the edges. It was the first time I wet formed a case/holster.


    The two impressions on the brown piece of leather are the makers stamps she did for me. Sorry my photography sucks.

    One is a heart with a dagger and the text "Big Papa Leather" on the banners that cross the heart. Brenda went the extra mile to make the lettering look right even though it is tiny. The second is a old school tattoo swallow and Big Papa Leather again.


    I blotted out the third makers stamp as she did not do that one.

    I am completely happy with the work she did and the effort she made to make sure it was just how I wanted it.

    I would recommend her (and have) to anyone looking to get stuff like this done.




  12. I have a source for a Consew 18 Machine.

    I know NOTHING about sewing machines.

    Would this be a good starter machine?

    Comes with a table and alot of accessories.

    I would not be doing tack or heavy stuff. Max would be maybe 8-9 oz and a thin liner. Book covers, maybe a wallet or business card case, belts with a lining. Everyday type stuff.

    Their asking price is $400.00

    Any help?

    Or maybe this offer I got on a Juki # DDL-555 $400.00

    Are they comparable or is neither one a good buy?

    Should I just forget both and look for something else?



  13. Hey all,

    I am interested in starting a collection of makers stamps and making a display for my workshop that I hope to start in the real near future. My idea is to swap imprints with whoever is interested. If you do not want one in return I would gladly take one from you if your willing to do it.

    I can send one to you via USPS with a self addressed stamped envelope enclosed so you are not out the cost of postage, or if you wish we can just trade addresses. I can be reached at scissormedic at gmail dot com off the board to prevent any addresses being posted online. Also I just cleaned my message box here so there is another avenue to trade addresses.


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