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Everything posted by myjtp

  1. I'm going to mainly saddle stitch belts and saw this on eBay. Was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this longer stitching pony? If i bought it or made it i would wrap leather around the clamps. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Improved-Sewing-Horse-Leathercraft-Table-Pony-Vice-Clamp-Leather-Stitching-Pony-/302128129668?hash=item46583d6684:g:QSkAAOSwPCVX7O08
  2. I just ordered my first round knife. Did i get a defective round knife or are they all normally not exactly round?
  3. Got some light rose dye and some scraps of veg tan this was my first pass. I think i put WAY too much on but that's why i used scrap first Light rose Dye: http://springfieldleather.com/Dye-Angelus-Lt-Rose-3oz
  4. woah PERFECT!!! i think this is it! now i just need to figure out what size i need lol
  5. THANKS!!
  6. Was thinking about getting a leather splitter and just saw in my inbox Tandy has their high tech leather splitter on sale for $129 is it worth it for doing belts and straps for the price? Or would another machine be better for the price ? https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-high-tech-leather-splitter thanks!
  7. I would like to dye some unfinished blank veg tan leather belt to MAGENTA or PINK. What's the best dye to do that with? Whats the best way to finish and seal it? Any edge coat to match the dye as well? Thanks!
  8. I I will keep you posted. I'm not mass producing anything I just wanted to make a few for myself and friends so I'm not sure I will even reach the point of bending anything.
  9. Yup that sounds exactly like that I am looking for why are they so hard to find! lol and I would need press setters as well.
  10. Excellent reply thank you! I originally just got this to sew come curtain then thought hmm can it stitch through some leather and it does. I make no illusions that it will make a holster or any thick two pieces of 8oz slapped together but putting thin skin on top of leather for a few of my hobby projects it should suit me. I shall keep an eye out though for a bigger machine thanks for the tips!
  11. Needle was 18/110 and thread was #69 T70 bonded nylon so not too thin
  12. Yea I can't find them on Tandy let me know if you find it
  13. Snagged the Singer 4423 sewing machine brand new from amazon for $99.00 black Friday deal. I wanted it just to do some curtains but then wondered if it would sew through 8oz 1/8 thick leather. Tried it and it worked! Now the needle got a little sticky in the beginning but then it just went through after the first few stitches. I am sure I need to adjust the tension and other things. This is my VERY first time every sewing anything at all and the stitch is indeed not straight but I just wanted to test out the machine and to me it works pretty decent. I just wanted to add thin leather to the backs of the belt to get rid of the nappy leather part and this should do just fine. I would not recommend it AT all for any heavy leather work but for small jobs on thin leather it should be ok
  14. Yup just a regular domed rivet.
  15. All excellent points!! thank you so much!
  16. Here is the other side of the rivet
  17. What's the best practice for adding snakeskin or some other thin leather to the other side of an 8oz leather belt to cover up the rough side. I assume add contact cement to both pieces then glue them and let it dry then stitch the edges? I have one belt that i bought but for some reason the guy put two more stitches on the inside is there any reason for this? or will it work just fine without the extra two stitch lines in the middle? Thanks!
  18. I ordered the typical double headed rivets and a press. But I like this rivet washer combo it seems very simple but just can't find where to source it at. Anyone know where I can find it at? I want to marry two pieces of 8oz leather together so it can swivel. Thanks!
  19. WOW these look GREAT!! I can only hope to achieve edges like this one day
  20. I was going to build a little workbench around it cheap butcher block with 2x4 should i place a rubber mat or anything under this or just rest it directly on the wood? thanks!
  21. Just picked up the stone and man it's SMOOTH as glass. I saw some markings on the side I guess from Craigslist it's don't ask dont tell lol. $20.00 well spent!
  22. top looks pretty good though. I know it's only $20.00 BUT i just don't want to buy a chunk of concrete only having to throw it away.
  23. Hmm just got another picture of the "granite" does this look like granite or a slab of concrete?
  24. oh can you post a pic of how you have it set in your bench? im thinking of building a small bench just to hold that slab and want some good ideas thanks!
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