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Everything posted by beltbuckles

  1. thank you all very much for your responses.. -i did find a few more machines.. a singer 29d71 http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/atq/5967018439.html -and a juki246 http://southjersey.craigslist.org/bfs/5921889507.html for handbags.. are they worth pursing? should i just go for to the singer 153 (it needed a needle to be able to test it out) plus i never threaded one before and the guy had little knowledge of the machine
  2. so i am looking into getting a machine that is for sewing leather handbags. i live in NJ. I have very little knowledge on this subject. i guess a cylinder arm, walking foot ?? anyway, i did some searching nearby, and i found a singer 153w103 machine. the owner didn't know much about it.. and it didn't have a needle so i could not test it out... they wanted $800 but the price was negotiable. i did find an adler 105 that a shoe place was selling. they wanted to upgrade. i wonder if the one they are selling is junk or still usefull? i don't really know enough to determine what to look for when buying used... i could buy new, but i strongly prefer to buy used if possible to save money.. i heard cobra 4, pfaff 335 ect.. are good but finding a used one is really tough
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