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Everything posted by strathmoredesigns

  1. Yeah, I'm by no means ready to toss in the towel with these guys, I just wanted to get a second opinion. I plan to reach out and see what they say/
  2. This is the camera I have (Nikon D3300). It's on the smaller end of the DSLRs. With it's zoom lens on it weighs about 990 g or 33.2 oz.
  3. Here's the other end. Also, some of the have tough patches in the middle. I can't really capture it on camera, but it kind of puts a damper on if I'm thinking of using it for like a camera strap or something where I need most of the strap.
  4. They range from about 52-55 inches long. Including my best attempt at capturing full length shots of the ones that seemed to be the worst. As for the advertising, they're a couple of different thicknesses by they all basically say: "'X width' wide strips of our import veg tan, great for belts, straps, and other projects - length may vary. Cut from 8/9 oz leather. Approximately 50" length." So I guess maybe it's fair that there'd some bits to discard at the ends, but the parts I have a problem with are about 6-7 inches long. Also they don't seem to offer a grade choice for most of their pre-cut import stuff. They do for their top tier stuff, which I've ordered grade 1 for before. I'd order 1 of the import if it was an option.
  5. So I'm new to leather work and have been experimenting with different suppliers. I ordered some straps recently - my second order from the same supplier - and I'm a little disappointed. I don't want to totally blow them in, but let's just say they seem to be one of the bigger suppliers located in the middle of the U.S. Anyway after waiting well over a week for the stuff to even ship this is a sampling of some of what I got. Some of it is pretty hairy (which I know will be hard for me to skive), some is marked, and some is even sort of chewed up looking. Even though I'm new, I know enough not to have picked these pieces for myself had the store been within reasonable driving distance. I've sort of heard (can't recall where), that it's good practice to send stuff back if you're not happy so the supplier starts to learn what type of quality you expect. Not sure if that's true or not, but I also wanted to get a second opinion on this stuff just to make sure I'm not being overly fussy. Also, does anybody know why the ends seem to be the worst bits? Could they be belly?
  6. Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm only skivving the ends and my goal was to have a more finished look to the overall piece by doing so. But obviously I don't want to weaken the strap too much and put the camera at risk. This past time (before I thought to ask), I skivved the whole end section, though as a novice skiver I've only managed to take about a half ounce off so far. Next time I'll try to skive sections A & C and leave B alone and see how that goes. By the way, my leather is about 7 oz/2.8 mm if that influences your recommendations at all.
  7. Hi all, Question about skivving leather. If I were making something like a camera strap where I wanted to fold an end over itself to put in a D ring, do I skive the entire section where the fold is happening or should I only skive the two sections that are going to mate and leave the part where the ring would rest alone? So assuming (based on the attached graphic) that sections A and C are going to be matched up and attached to each other and that section B is where the D ring would rest, would I skive sections A, B, and C or just A and C? Thanks!
  8. Hi all, Question about skivving leather. If I were making something like a camera strap where I wanted to fold an end over itself to put in a D ring, do I skive the entire section where the fold is happening or should I only skive the two sections that are going to mate and leave the part where the ring would rest alone? So assuming (based on the attached graphic) that sections A and C are going to be matched up and attached to each other and that section B is where the D ring would rest, would I skive sections A, B, and C or just A and C? Thanks!
  9. Semi-related question... when you purchase pre-cut strips from a place like Tandy or Springfield, is there a general rule about what part of the hide they're cut from? Like are they typically from a side or belly or could they be from just about anywhere?
  10. Good to know. I might give it a go, I have an Iwata as well.
  11. I've got some 2-thin on the way. I'm excited to try it with my Angelus paints in my airbrush. Have you ever airbrushed Angelus brand dyes? If so, did you cut them and with what?
  12. I was interested in getting one of those feet. Do you have to do any major modification to attach it? At this point I'm more thinking of it as a tool to help with stamping than setting snaps and rivets and such.
  13. Know this topic has been quiet for a little bit, but figured it's relevant, so I'll ask. I've been thinking about picking up a Harbor Freight 1 ton press which usually runs about $60. There's a 20% off general store coupon in this month's circular that's good until April 30. This would knock the price down to about $48. I don't have a ton of experience with Harbor Freight so I don't know if they have coupons like this or better sales all the time? What do you guys think, is this a good deal or do you think it's likely something better could come along soon?
  14. Thanks @Mattsbagger. What would you recommend for neatsfoot oil and what do you use for general buffing then?
  15. Hi all, I've been using some cotton cloths I had around the house to apply neatsfoot oil and Aussie Finish and generally buff my work. I haven't gotten there yet, but I know you can also use cloths to apply dye. So... I was wondering, what do you guys do when these cloths get dirty? Ditch them and start anew or does anybody toss them in the washer and if so, what are you using to clean them? Seems like kind of a waste to toss them, but I don't want to contaminate one project with something leftover from another. Also, I'm assuming you have different cloths for different products/types of products. How do you split them up? One per product or one per type of product (e.g., alcohol based dyes vs. finishes vs. oils)? Thanks!
  16. Ah, gotcha, thanks
  17. Newbie question. What's 50/50?
  18. Thanks, I just discovered that there were tops, so will definitely be ordering some of those!
  19. @retiredff I'm in the market and am comparing the Iwata Eclipse CS (gravity feeder from the top) and the Iwata Eclipse SBS (as you know, can be gravity or siphon fed from the side). Ideally, I'd like to be able to sit at my desk and just airbrush something that's sitting flat on it, so I'd be airbrushing pretty much straight down. It seems like the side feeders would be better for this. Have you tried this with any of your side feeders and if so, would you recommend a side feeder vs. a top feeder for this?
  20. I wondered about the purity of the water, thanks for that tip!
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