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Everything posted by MacB

  1. Hi, my wife needed a xmas gift for her colleques (alle females). Since we had enough Pens, we made "Bag-Case" that can be attached to the purse/bag strap, so that the pen doesn't get lost in the bag :-) 5 Colleques = 5 colors :-) Leather used is a fat leather. Quick, easy and they loved it. Enjoy
  2. Hi, my brother works for a wilderness NGO and needed a new sheath for hie leatherman. the color and the wolf was choosen, since it is part of their logo. The wolf is more bad than good, but my first carving experience. this is my 5th project. Enjoy! I first cut off too much of the upper part, therefor I had to add an extra layer :-)
  3. Oh, thx!! Yep it was an alc based dye. I did wetten it (After dying), but somehow the wack with a hammer was too much for the "flap" for the front :-))))
  4. Hi, and here a Knive sheath for a normal knife - I leared that leather can "break" if you stretch it too much :-(
  5. Hi, i am completly new to working with leater, so I might post my very first projects - I have done a lot of mistakes and please critisiue whereever you can! 1) The Mans Purse .. veg leather with a homemade vintage coloring (attempt) and firstwetforming ever (bottom) the seam fell appart and I had to renew everything. I learned that "carving" the Letters isn't so easy in already dyed leather :-) 2) old Kukuri Knife .... the wooden part was covered with sheep leather and the loop was veg leather where i glued the sheep leather as outer lining ... to match the color... At least the wetforming with Alc/shampoo/water worked.. What I learned: contact glue is a bit** .. once the parts touched the stick together like hell... so the whole wet forming didgn't wor anymore : -) Hope you like them, and esp. with the knife I will add the progress pics
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