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Casey Jordan

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About Casey Jordan

  • Birthday 03/25/1963

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Interests
    Saddle making, Silver engraving, Pictoral carving

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Miniature saddles and various miniature items, Full size collectable saddles, Themed saddles
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    I want to get better at tooling.
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    Other saddle maker and friend.

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  1. The 2012 Art of the Cowboy Makers contest is in the books! The competition was very tough in all categories. With over 100 entries, 7 different countries and 22 states involved it was a GREAT event. We want to thank all who entered to make this the caliber of event it has become. The level of craftsmanship seems to raise the bar every year. Also, a big Thank You too all the entrants who attended in person, it was good to see old friends and meet some new makers and their families. Please check out our Face Book page for pictures and comments of this years contest. http://www.facebook....rs/495937530011 We strive to make this contest bigger and better each year so if you have any questions or comments Please just let me know! A Special THANK YOU to all our 2012 contest sponsors!! With out these Sponsors this contest would not be possible! Let them know you appreciate their Sponsorship and Support! Allen & Cathy Wilkinson - Champion & People's Choice Boots Brighton Feed & Saddlery - Champion Braider Tejas Industries - People's Choice Braider Panhandler Leather Co. - Champion Chaps Dave & Kristi Wilson - People's Choice Chaps ArtCords, LLC. - Champion & People's Choice Cinch GRS Tools & Training - Champion Engraver Silver King - People's Choice Engraver High Plains Travel - Champion Hats Lid Locker - People's Choice Hats Barry King Tools - Champion Leather Carver Leather Machine Co. Inc. - People's Choice Leather Carver Colorado Saddle Makers Association - Champion Saddle Maker Davie & Rachel Richardson - People's Choice Saddle Maker Dave Hewitt - Champion Spurs Round-Up Productions - People's Choice Spurs Casey & LeEllen Jordan - Champion & People's Choice Youth Corporate Sponsors:Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal Round-Up Productions (Contest Host) Associate Sponsor:Sheridan Leather Outfitters Congratulations to all the winners! 2012 Art of the Cowboy Makers contest results Boots: 1st: Paul Krause - Az. 2nd: Dan Schwarz & Keni Crane - Mt. 3rd: Bill Niemczyk - Ct. People's Choice: Shane Deeter - Ut. Braiding: 1st: Eberth Chauca - Peru 2nd: Pablo Lozano - Argentina 3rd: Chris Barr - Australia Peoples Choice: Ed Pass - Az. Chaps: 1st: Nancy Martiny - Id. 2nd: Don Butler - Wy. 3rd: Chris Andre - Co. People's Choice - Nancy Martiny - Id. Cinches: 1st: Alison Stockland - Or. 2nd: Diane DeWeese - Wa. 3rd: Darin Alexander - Ak. People's Choice: Alison Stockland - Or. Engraving: 1st: Rex Crawford - Co. 2nd: Kendall Smith - Mt. 3rd: Bev Gilger - Id. People's Choice: Rex Crawford - Co. Hats: 1st: Kody Jacobs - Ut. 2nd: Holly Jacobs - Ut. 3rd: Klaus Inderfurth - Germany People's Choice: Gene Baldwin - Or. Leather Carving: 1st: Nancy Martiny - Id. 2nd: Don Butler - Wy 3rd: Mike Eslick - Ok. People's Choice: Nancy Martiny - Id. Saddles: 1st: Don Butler - Wy. 2nd: Nancy Martiny - Id. 3rd: Terry Henson - Tx. People's Choice: Don Butler - Wy. Spurs: 1st: Dossie Cribbs - Tx. 2nd: Rex Crawford - Co. 3rd: Gannon Leifheit - Co. People's Choice: Dossie Cribbs - Tx. Youth: 1st: Rainie Schwarz - Mt. (Boots) 2nd: Rachel Freshour - Or. (Saddle) 3rd: Toby Barr - Australia (Whip) People's Choice: Rachel Freshour - Or. (Saddle) All awards were well deserved and earned, not given, EARNED! You will be getting an email soon with exciting news of next years contest. Any comments or suggestions are WELCOME!
  2. Dink, Here's a link to our website, if you look at the rules and application page it should answer most of your questions. If you have any other questions please just ask! http://www.artofthecowboymakers.com/ Here's a link to my posts on the contest: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=34634&st=0&p=214678entry214678
  3. Very Nice work! Would love to have your work in our Art of the Cowboy Makers contest next month!!!!
  4. This will be the last reminder of the entry deadline. There's only one month left until the entry deadline of June 1st. We now have 10 categories: Boots, Braiding, Chaps, Cinches, Engraving, Hats, Leather Carving, Saddles, Spurs & Youth Trophy buckles and ribbons have been ordered. Silver King has come up with another nice new design and we know the winners will be proud to wear them. A number of you have decided to get tables at the trade show and that's a great way to make additional sales while talking to folks about your contest item. Dave & Kristi have assured me that the makers with tables will be as close to the contest area as possible. If you are thinking about getting a table, don't wait too long. You can go to there website and download an application. www.oldwestroundup.com Don't forget that we will be taking all the contest entries to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame for a summer exhibit. The HOF has approximately 7000 visitors each month and so that means your item will be seen by over 20,000 people. We set-up at the Hall of Fame the day after the show, June 18, and the exhibit runs through Labor Day with us picking them up the Friday following. If you want your item to be displayed we would like to have some business cards or brochures that we can put out so folks can have your contact information. We mail your item back to you at the end of the exhibit and all we ask is that you pay the shipping and insurance charges for that. Loveland and Fort Collins are busy places in the summer so don't delay in making your hotel reservations. One of our contest sponsors is High Plains Travel and they will be glad to help you with your flight and hotel arrangements. They have reserved a block of rooms at the Candlewood Suites in Loveland from June 13th through the 19th. The rate is $115.00 per night and the hotel is within walking distance to the fairgrounds. Call Donna Evanoika Mitchell at High Plains Travel : 719-597-0004 ext:101 http://www.highplainstravel.com There is also hotel info on the Old West Round-Up site. We will have a few extra things to do this year. We will have at least one roping dummy to play with and you can also try your hand at Cowboy Fast Draw. There will also be an auction on Saturday. Here's the link to the application page on our website: http://www.artofthec...pplication.html You can print and send in the application or pay through Paypal. There doesn't seem to be much interest in Spurs this year!? If you have any questions don't hesitate to call: 602-482-9758
  5. Time is certainly counting down. Can you believe that it's April already? Just 2 1/2 months until the contest in Loveland. This email is sent to all makers even if they are entered. We are still accepting entries in all categories so get your applications in soon. Deadline for entries is June 1. Almost 90 entries from 7 countries – it's hard for us to believe that what started with 4 categories only 4 short years ago has grown this quickly – thanks to all of you! We now have 10 categories: Boots, Braiding, Chaps, Cinches, Engraving, Hats, Leather Carving, Saddles, Spurs & Youth Trophy buckles and ribbons have been ordered. Silver King has come up with another nice new design and we know the winners will be proud to wear them. A number of you have decided to get tables at the tradeshow – that's a great way to make additional sales while talking to folks about your contest item. Dave & Kristi have assured me that the makers with tables will be as close to the contest area as possible. If you are thinking about getting a table, don't wait too long. You can go to there website and download an application. www.oldwestroundup.com Don't forget that we will be taking all the contest entries to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame for a summer exhibit. The HOF has approximately 7000 visitors each month and so that means your item will be seen by over 20,000 people. We set-up at the Hall of Fame the day after the show, June 18, and the exhibit runs through Labor Day with us picking them up the Friday following. If you want your item to be displayed we would like to have some business cards or brochures that we can put out so folks can have your contact information. We mail your item back to you at the end of the exhibit and all we ask is that you pay the shipping and insurance charges for that. Loveland and Fort Collins are busy places in the summer so don't delay in making your hotel reservations. One of our contest sponsors is High Plains Travel and they will be glad to help you with your flight and hotel arrangements. Call Donna Evanoika Mitchell at High Plains Travel 719-597-0004 ext:101 http://www.highplainstravel.com There is also hotel info on the Old West Round-Up site. When we make the name tags for the contest, we will include a line that either says "Not for Sale" or "For Sale $????". Please let us know if your item is for sale and if so, your asking price. I know we have this on the application and some of you have already filled that in for us but some of your weren't sure if you were going to sell or at what price Here's the link to the application page on our website: [/font] http://www.artofthec...pplication.html You can print and send in the application or pay through Paypal. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call: 602-482-9758 Casey Jordan
  6. Thanks Colt! I appreciate the complements. I was at the show most of the day today (Friday). Spent a lot of money, as usual. Meet a lot of new people and saw a lot of old friends. Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you Colt. I must have missed you too Rick, I didn't see you.
  7. I'll be there all day Friday, or until I run out of money.
  8. Casey Jordan


    Very nice Roses! Very impressive!
  9. Hi to all, As we start into the month of February I just wanted to give you another update on the contest and how things are coming. We've had a busy 10 days with two shows; Old West Round-Up in Tucson and High Noon in Mesa. Reconnected with some makers there and hope to see you entered in the contest. I'm sending this email to all makers, entered or not. The good news is that we didn't cancel ANY category!!! So we have kept all categories: Boots, Braiding, Chaps, Cinches, Engraving, Hats, Leather Carving, Saddles, Spurs & Youth We have currently 62 makers entering 76 items in the contest. We have entries from the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, and Australia. Love the way this thing keeps growing on the international level. We will be accepting applications up to June 1 but some of the categories are over ½ full so don't wait too long to get them in or it may be too late. You can print off an application from the website and mail it in with your check or you can go on-line and sent it that way. You have the option to send a $50 deposit or your $100 entry fee on-line through paypal so it's pretty easy. http://www.artofthec...pplication.html I have asked Kristi Wilson to help me answer some of your emails and questions on the contest. She is the one who keeps our website updated and so she should be able to answer most of your questions. If you're new to the contest this year we want to make sure you are listed in the Makers Directory on the website and that we have a picture of your work to post on the photo pages. Don't need a picture of your contest entry but just something you've done in the category you have entered and would like others to see. You can send that info to Kristi and she'll get it put up for you. kristi@artofthecowboymakers.com Kristi & Dave have the Loveland Old West Round-Up that hosts our contest and so they can also answer any questions you may have about getting a vendor table at the show/contest. You can call them at 406-834-3603 or email kristi@artofthecowboymakers.com As always if you have any questions Please just ask! 602-482-9758
  10. Happy New Year!!Thank you everyone for your wonderful response in signing up for the different categories for the Art of the Cowboy Makers contest. The last two weeks of the year we're very busy around here and it wasn't all Christmas either. We still have applications coming in on-line and in the mailbox and we encourage any of you who were waiting to see if your category had enough entries to go ahead and get your applications in now. Remember, we only have 25 openings per category so don't delay in getting signed up. We have a couple categories where folks have told us that they were late in getting signed up but that their applications are in the mail so as it stands now this is what we have: Boots: 8 Braiding: 4 need 3 more Chaps: 5 need 2 more Cinches: 13 this category is HALF FULL Engraving: 10 close to half full Hats: 3 need 4 more Leather Carvers: 12 HALF FULL Saddles: 9 Spurs: 5 need 2 more, we know you guys are out there so let us hear from you! Youth: 2 this category will not be cancelled because no buckles are awarded As you can imagine, it will take Silver King quite a while to get 18 trophy buckles made and that's why we had the December 31 date for making sure we had enough makers in a category. We realize some of you may have been busy with Christmas and just forgot. For those of you who haven't sent in your applications yet, you will have until June 1 or until the category is full (whichever comes first). Applications are on the website http://www.artofthec...pplication.html and so is on-line payment option; either pay in full or 50% deposit. The website directory will be updated to include all new makers in the next few days. If you have a picture of some of your previous work that you'd like Kristi to list in the Photo Gallery on the website please send those to her directly at kristi@artofthecowboymakers.com She'll get them up as quickly as she can. We don't want a picture of your contest item, just something you've done in the past in that category and would like others to see. Once again, thanks for getting your apps in as quickly as you did. Makes all our planning for the contest so much easier. Any questions or comments Please just ask!
  11. roo4u, We would love to have your work entered. No entries from Nebraska yet this year! Here's the updated total of entries received so far. Boots: 3 Braiding: 2 Cinches: 10 Chaps: 2 Engraving: 8 Hats: 2 Leather Carving: 5 Saddles: 5 Spurs: 2 Youth: 1 I have received several entries this past week and I know I have some coming. We had probably 20 people ask, plead and beg for us to add a Chap category and we only have two entries??!! We added it because there was enough interest and you asked. Here's the list of countries that are entered so far. U.S. - I think about 15 states so far. Czech Republic Canada Germany Australia I have had interest from several other countries including Argentina, France, England and Japan. All countries welcome!!!! You can enter online through our website http://www.artofthec...pplication.html using a credit card or through Paypal to my email address: casey@artofthecowboymakers.com Any questions or comments Please just ask! Casey
  12. Steve, We are very happy and honored to have Leather Machine Co. as our "People's Choice Leather Carving" Sponsor. What impressed me the most was when I called Steve and was giving him my best sponsorship sales pitch and I barely begun and he interrupted me and said "I'm in, how much do I owe you?" He said he will do it if it supports the makers, "I want to support the makers!" As you can see from his post above he supports ALL of you!!! Thank You Steve & Leather Machine Co. for your Sponsorship! Casey
  13. Chris, You absolutely, 100% "GET IT"!!!!!! How refreshing to see that someone sees the opportunity and value of this contest. If I had a dollar for everyone who has told me " I can't win so I won't enter" I'd be well off by now. They obviously don't get it! I enter the engraving KNOWING I CAN'T WIN! I'm not good enough at engraving to win, place or show, that's a fact. Bu wait a minute......The first year we had engraving I entered an engraved Barry King maul and I sold it and took three orders at the contest and then several months later took a re-order for two more mauls. I made about $1,200.00 for a $100.00 entry fee! My maul did not win anything in the contest ( no surprise here) but I guess you could say I was a winner after all. I can't guarantee or promise you will sell anything or take orders, some have, some have not. But I learned a long time ago that NO ONE will buy it unless they can see it! This contest gets your item in front of many potential buyers and new customers! By the way I got your entry fee Chris, Your all set!! Thank You! Casey
  14. Six months to figure out how to make a purse? With your skills I have faith in ya! We have thought about your idea and several other options. We do consider all comments and suggestions. Let me put it to you from my prospective. We started this contest as a way for contemporary to get exposure for their work, and it works very well. Win, lose or draw you will get exposure!!!!! Let's take the leather carving category as an example. I send out emails to over 500 makers ( not all leather workers) and so far today 537 leather workers have visited this site alone. Now if we can't even get 7 people proud enough of their work to enter.................then I'm just wasting my time! Quite frankly, it's not worth the time and effort for just a couple entries. The public was very disappointed last year to see only 5 pair of boots. Not much of a contest with only 5 entries. I could go on and bore you with other fact and figures, but I will spare you. Casey
  15. THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!! It will be good to visit with you again and I know others happy to see you too.
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