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Everything posted by A6C5O7

  1. How did you install those snaps? Did you do it all by hand or did you use a tool and do you think you would replace snaps with these?
  2. No worries at all. I encourage the barging. Keeps a thread alive. My father wants me to make a pair with his 45 year old buckskin, first one he got as a child. Figured I'd make a few out of pigskin to get the technique down and then try with that leather. I' love to see gloves anyone has made! It seems to be a dying art.
  3. Sweet! Thank you so much for your help!
  4. Hello, First off let me say how great the community here is! Im looking at making a pair of pigskin work gloves and I would like to line them with something but my question is that would be a good liner fo ssmething that's good to work on? Also if you have any tips on making gloves I would be all ears! Thank you in advance for your help. Happy holidays.
  5. Super fine job there! I like that clasp a lot.
  6. Im excited to see the outcome! Keep up the stellar work!
  7. Very well done! I’m curious as to how you crafted the flap. How did you finish the flesh side?
  8. What oz leather and type did you use? They look awesome!
  9. I love the blue stitching! Wouldn’t be willing to give up the pattern would you? Lol
  10. I like the aesthetics is the thread as well and my idea was if the leather were to get damaged the thread would be there to hold the pieces together, more or less. I think the same thing about the hole for the stud as well. I imagine I'll build another one using you idea. Thanks again for the help sir!
  11. Well I found some time to entertain my idea. Besides messing up two stitches and overlooking cutting the hole for the peg, but in hindsight I couldn't choose between using another button or the peg. Only time will tell if I chose correctly. I'm pretty happy with the end result. Dye: Red, diluted finished with resolene. Thread: .6 tiger thread. Black. Fastners: line 24 snap and a large stud. Leather is 4/5oz. I applied neatsfoot oil on the flesh side and then laid down beeswax and burnished away until I got a nice finish. overall it took me around 3 hours total.
  12. Right on! I'll try it out for a bit. These are aircraft headsets so they weigh a little more but I'll whip up a prototype this weekend and see how it goes. Thank you for your help!
  13. Thank you sir! Do you mean to say, use a different material for the internal portion (the part that actually contacts the headset) and just line the outside. Not all to different from making a dog collar except the concern is rubbing against metal and not mans best friends fur, lol.
  14. Hello, first time I've posted on here. I'm interested in trying to make an aircraft headset holder I hook to my belt at work. I've attached a photo of a small drawing I did. My question to the seasoned folk is; would leather be able to hold up to what I'm asking of it. I'm planning on running a few laps of thread down the strap to help with the abrasion. Also what leather weight would be appropriate for this?
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