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Everything posted by Pause

  1. I know it has been awhile since this thread was active, but here is a pattern for a Phyrgian cap.
  2. Reliable Ironing Board Got one a few years ago. I do a fair amount of sewing and that means a fair amount of pressing. Very sturdy board.
  3. Mostly machine stitched. Not sure why colors look so different, they are the same. Half circle leather pieces holding d-rings were the biggest problem, they moved. Next time I will plan ahead to hand stitch. A bit too thick for my Juki. Also needed x long rivets. John
  4. Mediator and Negotiator going on 30 years.
  5. Hello again. I live in Northern VT. Formerly on the forum as Possum Breath. I am involved in wildlife rehabilitation and we happened to have a Possum when I signed up last time. Sold a house, moved and had email address change and had to sign up as new member, screen name Pause. Why Pause? I am a mediator and it is the word I mutter to myself as a reminder. Helps too when I mess up a stitch. I am almost done with my first messenger bag, a copy of the US Postal Satchel. I was reminded that hand stitching competence is a journey, snaps and rivets can be harder than they look to install and sometimes glue sets up faster than the label promises. I am also using a Juki-562 which I use to sew some leather and waxed cotton bags. Next project, a second postal bag to correct the things I learned about with the first.
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