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Everything posted by Kj86

  1. Hi Bert thanks I think I have found what I need to find now, well most of it be good if Bunnings actually had any stock in at the moment. yes the Pilbara is lovely, I am actually planning a road trip up that way very soon to catch up with some family, I can’t wait!!!
  2. Hi Josh Thanks for your input. I am building a barrel saddle from scratch and rebuilding a pleasure/reining saddle too. your suggestions for screws is a huge help!! The other day when I was at the hardware I was comparing prices of screw and tacks/nails there opposed to leather/saddle supply shops and wow talk about a huge price difference for basically the same thing. i already get my contact adhesive from the hardware again a big price difference. Our farm supply stores here don’t seem to stock much other than irrigation supplies, I asked the other week if they had any s/s d rings and they looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language. thanks again for your input
  3. I am in Western Australia all we have is leather direct and that is still 200km drive
  4. In Australia the main store is Bunnings I just need more pliers and hammers (cost a kidney to post)
  5. Hi everyone needing a bit of expert advise are any of the screws and nails found at the local hardware shops suitable for saddle making? A the main leather shops are on the other side of the country and with this virus post is taking up to a month to arrive. I have a budget kids saddle to build and was wondering if I could just pop down to the hardware store for most my needs. while I am there are there any pliers or other tools to help me out that any one could recommend? thanks
  6. Hi folks does anyone know where I might be able to find a good quality Portuguese or paso fino style tree. Would need to get it shipped to Australia Hawkesbury river saddles used to carry them but no longer do. I have a project in mind for my SCA and mounted archery costume. Wanting to make my own saddle as they are hard to find here in Australia and ones I have bought off line have been absolutely crap even the $2500 ones any help would be fantastic thanks
  7. Hi just seen your post. Did you end up making your stock bridle?? I personally have not used Sedgwick leather yet. I usually just use Italian veg tan, I dye it oil a few times and just heat it up and would in a fair amount of Joseph lyddy dubbin. I have been extremely happy with the way this turns out as have my customers. I find the dubbin give a nice glow to the leather but doesn’t give it that horrible glossy look, it also helps to water proof it too i have tried to attach a pic of a few I made but my files are too big.
  8. Your welcome hope it helped. The width from outside to outside will vary depending how how wide you make the ear piece. I generally make them the same width as the crown of my bridle especially for the working ones, 5/8”-3/4”.
  9. Hi here is a quick draft of the one I use on my sliding ear bridle. its really basic can be tweaked to change it up hope this helps
  10. Sorry for the disappointment guys! Glad someone knew what I was on about
  11. I really like that design of saddle!!! I have some very short backed horses and struggle to find westerns to fit without hitting the hip. lovely work!!! I would be keen to buy the skirt pattern if you would like to sell a copy!
  12. this one was fun! Had to try and colour match it too just off pictures I think it turned out pretty good
  13. So bummed I can’t upload any pics
  14. A couple of custom tack sets I have just completed feathers are all hand tooled and paint with contrasting blue crystals the tan set I went for a 2 tone rustic look. With turquoise lettering and set off with turquoise and clear crystals, this set was made for my sponsored rider.
  15. I would be agreeing that this a older saddle it seems to have the old heavy wood and steel tree and from doing a strain test is still in excellent condition no squeaks or creeks! The stuff in the channels is still very smooth so now sure if it has been restuffed in recent years. compared to a few other saddles sitting in my shed this one does appear to be more superior even though it’s in poor condition will just have a play around and see how I go with it
  16. Hey folks I was given a saddle to restore and keep/flip. It only has the makers plates “France” “premiere” I am not up to date with English saddles so I am at a loss. it needs the sweat flaps replaced as they were cut off, a re-dye and good condition i just want to know if it’s worth putting any money into it just chuck it down the tip? I would like to atleast try and break even if I sell it with materials and time put into it.
  17. Thank you
  18. The lastest 2 nosebands I made for a customer she was over the moon with them
  19. My 2 latest Bronc nosebands I have just completed
  20. I hope she does !!! I fully agree nothing like a nice gift that's handmade with love
  21. Thank you... yep I just make a nice nose band and sometime some matching cheek pieces and then just attach them to a store bought halter with either conchos or rivets. i guess you possibly could make a whole new leather halter to go with it. I have thought about doing that but it just seemed to time consuming at the point in time this is a mini pony one I just finished for my daughters bday I am not just waiting for a rainbow halter to arrive to attach it to that
  22. If it's ok with Ron it would be fantastic if you are able to try and do that
  23. Ah no I haven't never thought about that will have a look into it no harm in trying Thank you will have a look
  24. Ron!!!!! You are the best thank you so much!!!!! :):):)
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