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Everything posted by iwannabeacowboy

  1. I like to shop around. I find that Tandy tends to overcharge on alot of items they carry. Oil dye I can save 50% on getting it from LeatherUnlimited http://www.leatherunltd.com/care/dye/dye.html or http://stleather.com/2008-P35.html STLeather is $15.95/qt Tandy is like $32.00 ! Tools are also cheaper at STLeather, Campbell Bosworth http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/catalog/i.../sort/3a/page/2 has Osborne tools at reasonable prices, OS-70 head Knife $49.85/Tandy $80.00 for the same thing! Tandy is ok as far as the cost of leather and fast shipping, but I like to shop around for everything else.
  2. Thanks. I hear good things about them. I've been hoping to find another source for adding to my recent addiction.
  3. Is there a working web page for Hidecrafter? All I can find says their improving their site, but nothing has happened with it in at least 6 months. Thanks
  4. I also would be interested in both sizes. Can you tell me what size the shank(shaft) size is. Thanks Charles
  5. Hello I'll take them, can you let me know what form of payment you except? Thanks Charles
  6. http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/catalog/i....php/cPath/1_15 This place has a nice selection of Osborne tools.
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