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Everything posted by iwannabeacowboy

  1. Here's another one. What is it about this stamp that people will pay this. http://cgi.ebay.com/Leather-tools-Pro-Saddle-Stamp-NR_W0QQitemZ190357478000QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2c52309a70 charlie
  2. Wow. This is one of the best briefcases I've seen. Congratulations to both of you on a joint project. My wife just happened to see this and put in her request for one. So after I'm able(shoulder) to go back to the workshop she would give me a hand building one. Again nice job. Simple one stamp design can look pretty impressive when done right. charlie
  3. neat-lac spray $10.95 quart $9.95 at stleather http://stleather.com/2008-P35.html this is my main resist & finish. charlie
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/Leather-Tool-Pro-Crafter-Series-Border-Saddle-Stamp_W0QQitemZ250535416285QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3a551311dd sells for $4.99 at http://springfieldleather.com/store/product/4343/Stamping-Tool%2CPro-Crafter/ charlie
  5. don't know how the saddle soap would affect it. if the scrap you use is in bigger pieces it might be better to clean it off first. post a picture when your done regardless of how you cover it. charlie
  6. thanks, i just hope this is going to fix the problem. i don't know if i could go through this again. charlie
  7. http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/1_2_122 charlie
  8. very nice detail work on the car. charlie
  9. monday i had my 2nd shoulder(left one) surgery, the first one was in august. the nerve block is starting to wear off and the pain setting in. just beginning to regret having it done, and felt the need to talk to someone, can't sleep. right before leaving for the hospital i finished my first knife sheath a tandy kit. i wanted to build it to figure out how to design my own. they showed it stitched but i thought lacing looked better. i got lots of ideas from it. was told 3 months for full use of my arm, oh well now i gotta buy gifts for xmas. this forum is the best i've run across and spend alot of time reading old posts. a thanks goes out to everyone for sharing their knowledge and experience. charlie
  10. ran across this while looking for knife sheath how to's. lots to look at. http://www.britishblades.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=5 charlie
  11. pebble back grounders look here http://www.sdtradingco.com/stamps/probasket.htm bottom of the page charlie
  12. one end looks like you could use for a large beader blade. or throw it and see if it comes back! charlie
  13. kevin, what do you thin neat-lac with? charlie
  14. when i need them smaller than 1/4 i grind them down. charlie
  15. Most of what I finish I use Neat-Lac both spray can and Quarts for brush on, depends what i'm making. When it comes to Sno-Seal, use a hair dryer to warm the leather first, then apply Sno-Seal with your hand make sure you rub in well. Then use the hair dryer again. I put on 3 coats and it holds up pretty good. What ever you use do 2 to 3 coats.
  16. I've used this with good results. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Liquids/2091-00.aspx?feature=Product_3 Practice on scrap. I like this because you'll get no smearing or streaks when you put on your finish. Shop around for the best price. They also do a great job for spraying dye(not stain) stains will clog it up. If you've ever had a problem getting a large surface dyed evenly this is the nuts. Not as good as an airbrush, but it's under $8.00.
  17. There was a how to in the book "Coloring With Eco-Flo" page 37 for making a leather Mache handle, might look nice on a larger scale as in your hatchet. Charlie
  18. One idea, they sell the adapters to convert to snaps. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Conchos/11383-00.aspx?feature=Product_33 One more, adapters for drawer pulls. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Conchos/11380-01.aspx?feature=Product_12 Charlie
  19. Rivets, from what I've read they should stick out no more than 1/8 of an inch when inserted through your leather. Chicago screws, you don't want sticking out so that when you screw it together it's tight on the leather. Half the time I find myself grinding down the screws both parts to custom fit what i'm making. Charlie
  20. 55 here, and still trying to teach this old dog some new tricks.
  21. Thanks, thats were I mounted it. But it dosen't look right. Also I had to file down the bracket to get it to fit on the screw for the thread holder. Charlie
  22. I just got the lube pot for the Boss, but can't figure out where to mount it. If someone has one can you post a picture to show how to mount it. Thanks Charlie
  23. I had bought some from Tandy that were double cap rivets with flower design on them, Maybe 5 months ago. Last week I bought some screw posts with flower design,real cheap. https://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Hardware/Rivets/1360-076.aspx?feature=Product_4 https://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Hardware/Screw-Posts/1390-082.aspx?feature=Product_1 Charlie
  24. Kevin 1st off I want to thank you as a business owner with the knowledge and experience that you bring to this forum(not brown nosing). I was just on the Chaylor Fennelli web site http://chaylor.com/ and wondering if you'll have access to the entire product line or certain items only. I went to the hitching post site and saw they stopped carrying the liners. I would buy if you start carrying them. Can their liners be dyed, or do they have a finish on them? Charlie
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