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Everything posted by mdmorgan

  1. Thanks for the tips. I was thinking of using two layers of 8 oz. What is the advantadge of using a heavy front with a light liner? How does that wickett & craig bridle case and stamp?
  2. Thanks. I have done a little of it on small items. I want to learn, but I figured it would take hours and hours of stamping. If I can get it down to maybe an hour that would be great. I have noticed the "growth" that comes with stamping. What do you do? stamp the top layer, glue it to the correct size bottom layer and cut of the excess? Also I have found that my tandy stamps are not very good, what would you recomend I use? Thanks for all your input.
  3. I have had several co-workers express interest in having me make them new duty belts. The problem is that they have to be basket weave. Is there a way to do this without spending a grand on an embossing machine, or spending a week hand stamping it? Or, is there somebody that I could buy 2.25 inch strips of leather already embossed? All I can find is 1.5 inch. Any ideas would be great! thanks!
  4. Have you sold this yet?
  5. I am looking for a machine that will do two layers of 7/8 oz with #277 thread with ease and maybe three layers once in a while. will the GA5-1 work?
  6. I use the shortest 6/32 t-nuts I can find. I then use 6/32 x 3/4 round head screws. This combo keeps the screws from sticking through and allows the snaps to work. I tried pan head screws, but they poked through the back and had to be cut. Fyi I use 7 oz leather, so different weights may need shorter or longer screws.
  7. It's not that anything is really "too" heavy, but I find a big difference in the detail I can get with 7oz over 8oz. I don't know if that matters to you, but it's one of the things I look for.
  8. I use 6/7 or 7/8 for everything. I think alot of what makes a holster firm is how it was cased and how it was dried. If I ever made something for a S&W 500 or something I would just use 2 layers of 5 oz.
  9. Thanks! that helps a lot. I will be sure to post some pictures when I get one made.
  10. I have been intrested in making a holster in the style of the Mernickle PS6 for a while. I have made a few, but they all ended up as a big pile of wasted leather. What I can't figure out is how to make this holster so it wont roll away from the body. Do any of you guys know how they do this? I can't figure it out for the life of me. I think a picture of the back would help alot, but I can't find one. I don't really have any plans to sell this style, but I would like to make a funcuntional one for my use. Thanks in advance for any help!
  11. Very Nice! I have been wanting do do something in that style for a while. How about some pictures of the back!
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