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About Raksha

  • Birthday 01/26/1984

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  • Interests
    Dogs, horses, rabbits

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  1. Lucky Sadie! I'm pondering something like this, but ned it to be abel to close.
  2. Nice! Both the work and the raven
  3. Thanks! I suffer from that to, so it is SO liberating to be happy with a less than perfect pice, it is perfect for my use for it, so it is kind of perfect anyway, or something like that. Thank you
  4. I mean that I would like them to be only brass or only silver metall, not a mix. I will remember that next time. I have seen that video over and over and over , I had some issues with my glue, needels, and and awl, rest is just lack of experience. Hopefully next big projeckt will be more picture perfect Maybe... But I love it like it is, it turned out much better than I could have hoped. This is my first ever projeckt bigger than 10 by 10 cm. Its perfeckt as a walk/training bag for walks with the dogs or rides on my horse :D
  5. thanks! I wantet the seems on the outside, but thanks for the feedback :D Angree on the angels.
  6. So... I was out walking my 3 dogs and had my cellphone in one hand, treats in the other hand, and a serious need for free hands, and no pockets on my clothes. I needed a purs/bag that was easy to bring on walks, something made for walks and training dogs, with room for wather bottle, phone, treats, poopbags and leash. I had som ebay leather lying around, think it is upholstry/furniture leather? And I really can not follow instructions over a long period of time, and there are only so many small practise projects I need lying around. Sooo with a need and leather, I made a purse/bag. Real learning by doing projects. No manual, just what I rember from watching youtube. I wanted a rustic (?) rough look, and here we are: Lots of mistakes on the sewing, I need a better awl, I need more practice but I have learned loads and I love it! Only small regret is the brass button and metall D-rings. And I need to make a shoulderstrap and put in the last stitches.
  7. I forgot this one, I went with the hangman on my first to half choke collars. But I'll have a look at bowline andt figure-eight loop - thanks you! <3 Reminds me of my late rough collie, he untied every knot he could reach My new collie does not seem so smart, thank god.
  8. It is flat braided. Thanks I'll have a look at the osborner and john james ! Thanks guys, I have a small multitool I can try to change one of the old ones :D
  9. Thank you! I'll try glovers needle :D
  10. Hi guys! I have cheap ebay awls, (as everything else) and one of them is diamond shaped, and I can switch the pointy end.. But, even the smalest of them are to big to make small ice holes for sadlestitching with thin thread. And I can't seem to find smaller in my go to norwegian webshops. Sooo, where can I find diamond shaped awls with small diameter ( for 0,6 thread).
  11. Thank you soooo much guys! I'll have a look. I need to change a wheel and a new holder for the tread on top of the machine. Pressuere foot and needles are there :D
  12. Yep, I know this is maskin is about as tvice my age, but I found it at a used sale today, and payd 50 nok for it. Witch is somewhere around 7 us dollars. I just had to have it. however, there is some small issues with it, and I wonder if anyone here can look at pictures and tell me what the pars are called and maybe help med fint where I can get them. I am planning on using it on soft goat leather. It should work on that? Right? If I can't get it to work, my kid loves it, and wants it for a toy. Just pictures to show witch model it is. I'll be very happy if anyone can help me
  13. Thanks!
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