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Everything posted by Raksha

  1. Mailed the finished dog leash to day. I am soooooooo nervous for the respons from the shop. It is a prototype and there is room for changes, and if they like it and want to sell them for me, there will be some options reagarding length, colour, hooks, and so on.
  2. Juuuust a bit chill... But you do not want to touch metall
  3. Normal winther here is easy -20C - in march this year we had a cold streak with lover than -30 c. Cold. Oh thanks!
  4. Thanks! The hook is requested by the buyer. He had bad experiens with what we call pistol hook in same way. And I prefer this type because the pistol type will freeze in the winther But yes, you have to check them. Thanks! May I ask what that hook is called? Just seen it on large hooks use in the cow barn here.
  5. And you claim you are not an artist... this is beautiful!
  6. Thank you veg tan is the only leather I have acsess to, but it is quite soft no.
  7. First time making a dog leash. And just to set the pressure I need it to be good enough to be a prototype for a small online shop. Soooo... Here we go. Need to burn the thread ends, could not find matches And work to get the bloodknot to look nicer. Have not finished the handle, just marked the stitch lines. I am unsure if I should stitch on both sides of the bloodknot here to. Material: 3,5 mm veg tan. Treated with gum targ. and satin shine. Tread is waxed something... Linin? Can't remember. The goal is a leash that looks and feels nice and solid, made for dogs from 20kg and up to... say 50 kg. What do you think? Am I on to something? Or..?
  8. Absolut no vraking:D be can produce å singel "waff " if he works hard. But he jodels. But yeah, training is key, I've had everything from giant schnauzer to Brussel griffon and still not much barking
  9. Oh no. You would have to pay me to have one of those noisy barking machines have elghund, both grey and black, as neigbours. Cute dogs, but not my cup of tea. My inlaws had samojed when I moved inn. Also cutest when you could not hera him.
  10. I have saluki and basenji, 25kg and 12 kg. And the biggest is well behaved on leash. And swimming? Over their dead bodies but needs to hold if we see a deer or something.
  11. Probably good advice, yes. So far my collars are only for my own dogs, or gift, for practice.
  12. Perfect! Thanks :D Haha pictures will come - promise! Hmm I don't have anything to use for liner at the moment. You mean to dropp the rolled edges? But I love them!
  13. Hi guys! To day I got my goatskinn/leather (?) and want to make a dog collar lined with the goat. I want the edge of the goatskinn to fold inn and make a nice round edge. Sooo - I have an all purpose glue for leather, wood, paper and so on, can I glue with that and just fold and then stitch through the lot? Or do I need another kind of glue?
  14. It's not so easy for me to travel due to health issues (getting oooooooold 34 - going on 95) but it is a big dream! If you ever come to norway I have a very pink girls room (my 5 year old daughters room) as guest room Norway is lovley! Cold though, accoring to my freinds greek hubby.
  15. Wow! If you ever find your way to Norway, give me a shout @immiketoo I would love to learn from you
  16. Agree! I am on a dog forum and there we have a "like" button, I miss it on this forum!
  17. This is what I am counting on I do not need to reach the skill level shown in this thread. Just need to be good enough to make what I want. Problem is, I am a bit of a perfectionist. Well, you are a leather artist - really! You need a special talent and eye to get to your level, I'm sure. Smoosh leather is more my skill :D
  18. I like it! Is better than mine by miles But agree - its a bit small to work with.
  19. Wow @immiketoo your work is just... wow! The rest too! I have not desided if i like figur carving yet. I'm NOT an artist. Sorry to say I did not inheret my mothers artistskill. I can't paint a picture if my life depended on it. So time will tell if I learn enough to be good enough for simple work.
  20. I really do miss a "like" button on this forum. Both for superb question from Railrider and the amount of knowledge and experience in many of the answers!
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