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Status Updates posted by Bawarrior

  1. Hey Doc, just wanted to say hey. I see you you like bikes, I have posted some harley seats. I did a king queen carved harley seat for my bro. Also a few others you might like.

    1. Bawarrior


      Hey Doc, I'm making a pattern for a S&W 357. Would you be able to post yours or your pattern. I would like to see before I start cutting if possible

  2. When I do hat band, I cut leather with a arc, not to much. Does fit better. I learned the hard way, hope this was of some help

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bawarrior


      Have sewn, and laced but happiest with shoe goo

    3. maxdaddy


      Interesting approach. I've got a fedora that I'm just finishing up and will give that a try.


    4. Bawarrior
  3.  some dragons are experts in black magic. Their powers remain even after death. He will quard the hoards of treasure

  4. Heres the pic you ask, glad you liked seat


  5. Its sometimes funny when I finish a project, can be really happy with my work. Then as time passes, I start picking the work apart. Does this happen to others?

  6. Mike how ya doing. I soaked rawhide for 7 days. Mason jar mineral spirit, chopped pieces coco bola wood with a bit of sawdust and little die. Sawdust gave some  Texture to the rawhide. Thanks for info. Bob

    1. mikesc


      Coco bola..here we'd use walnut shells ( you'll maybe find it cheaper ) ..makes a dark dye that in France is called broux de noix ..( you can also use walnut bark ..or leaves from the tree, some other trees will work, but walnut gives the darkest ) here it is sold at about €3.00 per litre, in drugstores /hardware stores.The leaves ( not the nuts or the shells or bark ) are also used to make a "walnut wine".

      broux de noix means brew of nuts..and broux* is pronounced just like brew..noix is pronounced to rhyme with "wah" ( like wah wah pedal )..de is like "duh"..as in Homer..

      Pretty sure that broux is the origin of brew.

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