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Everything posted by Bawarrior

  1. Thank Dwight much appreciated. God bless
  2. Thanks for nice comments. 8oz veg tan and dye with Briar brown and use water with tan-kote. Wet cloth then keep wiping until I get desired color
  3. Shear sheath is made for areo space friend. A dailey user, he wanted to stand out at work. Was pleased with result.
  4. Bawarrior


    That's cool, need to be high lighted to pop
  5. Not sure why you posted this, but try cutting with sharp knife. Oh did you finish?
  6. This probably seems dumb but how does it work
  7. What am I seeing between the handle, its white
  8. DieselTech, Craftool large E294-03 medium E294 small E294-04 hope this helps
  9. Very nice work, knife and sheath, awesome
  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends at Leatherworker
  11. If someone was so inclined to use the holster in bad conditions, I belive it would take on the look of Autumn. I do not have any Barry King tools only try fineness. Thanks for your comments
  12. Bawarrior

    Bowie sheath

    Hmmm surprised no one ask to see knife. Ok I'll bite, lets see the Bowie
  13. Very nicely done and really liked you carving the hole piece
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