Good afternoon everybody..First and foremost everyone has been so helpful and I wanted to say tha k you.
My project..a saints football wallet.Colors are black and gold.I was thinking to dye or paint the edges gold I am unsure which method is better and what product brand to trust.could use some advice
Stitched Grover to make a grove for the stitching.Any resonable price recommendations?I bought a leather starter kit off ebay.The stitch Grover got cloves on first try..It is dull and doesnt work..Barry king is to expensive for me right now..Any recommendations for a good but reasonable price one?
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this and it made sense .Being new to leather I been trying to use every peice possible .I have noticed some of the I guess weapons or wrinkles tend to not work well.I imagine maybe higher end leather works better and is easyier to deal with.
I am overwhelmed with all the sewing machine options out there.
Is there any sewing machine under 1k that would be good for wallets,watch straps,maybe even belts?
Thank you for the info brother!Ill have to forge a kardishi ..I need one anyway they come in handy when I'm doing wood work for my katana handles.
Awesome thank you brother
Thank you for the link brother ima check this out..I thought about the box cutter knife self healing cutting mat is supposed to be here today..this kitchen cutting board I think is filling my blades fast
Thank you for the reply brother!Now that you guys point it out I do notice the flex in the blade.Ill look into the beefy blades!
Thank you for the reply brother!You know that makes total sense.I dont know why I didnt think of that.I have noticed hand curting the pattern HAS been the hardest part so far lol!
Another question..Do you have a certain knife you find work better?I have alot more practice to do with the scaple to get good At it.I was curriors if those rotary cutters were better?
Hello everyone.My name is Kenneth and I am new here and new to leatherworking..Orginally a blacksmith/Bladesmith that has been struck by the beauty of leather working craft..I have a question.I been practing making bi fold wallets which has been fun.I am using an acrylic template..I hold down the template onto my veg tan leather and trace around it with a scalpel knife..sometimes when I inspect the leather aftwr words I noticed bits of it is undercut .Sorter then the template and sorter in some areas then others..
I was thinking maybe I am apply to much pressure onto the template as I hold it down?Or maybe a dull blade .I wanted to seek you leather gurus advice before I keep making this mistake lol.I really want to learn and improve.Thank you for taking time to read this!