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Everything posted by KennethM

  1. hey guys I had a customer ask me for a tote bag with a conceal carry pocket.. looking for inspiration, patterns and tips. I use a cobra class 26
  2. hey guys I have some chrome tan,3-4 oz.. its really floppy and soft ,I didn't realize how soft it would be when I purchased it..was going to make it into a tote bag..if I line it with itself..itll be maybe 8oz thick, do you think that it would be firm enough for a tote? also do you think that would be to heavy for a tote?
  3. yea brother that sucks that happened to you! ahh idk (no offense) I feel its tacky to use pleater or cheap shit to line a baggy love the way the canvas looks but I haven't had much luck with it. I wonder what else is there to use
  4. yea man wow, thats a kick in the nuts.. do yall think lining tote bags isn't worth it? it doesn't take me long to make a tote badge have the right equipment
  5. did you find someone to make you a wallet yet?
  6. I know someone here has done this before lol,how to you go about lining a tote bag? what method? what is your fav lining material?
  7. Still up for grabs?
  8. Sweet.. I don't think I ever be sewing any patches onto anything besides hats so I'm thinking this should be good to go
  9. Hey guys I have the opportunity to get this machine for $700 with a sailrite motor.. I never used a post bed machine before.. I was wondering if this machine would be good for hat patches? My patches are 6-7 oz thick normally On facebook I was told to get a patcher vs a post bed for hats but idk Idk if I am mis typing something or what but I'm not finding much info on this brand/model online
  10. I have a question.. seen a local yamata fy810 post bed for sale. Been looking for post bed machines to see on Leather patches for hats.. the cylinder arm works but is annoying. A post bed would speed things up. Would this model be a good fit? My leather patches are 6-8 oz depending on what I have in the shop
  11. How much for the post bed?
  12. What's left?
  13. Interested in the leather splitter and bell skiver
  14. Hey family,I Know this isn't Leather but I am curious if anyone here has worked with waxed canvas? I have some to make hybrid totes and shaving bags. Do you need to bind the edges? If so I have a cobra class 26,what binding attachment would you get? How does it work? What all would I need? Thank you,just trying to learn.... google is not helping
  15. What all do you have for sale still?
  16. Did you ever sell it?
  17. Need custom keyfobs with your logo? Messsage me to see your options! Youll be surprised by how affordable it is!
  18. Why are you selling it and would you ship it?
  19. So when getting custom belt orders online from customers on the other side of the globe...you still get them to measure there own waist?
  20. Thank you everyone for the feed back..a great deal of Information. I made myself a belt and it came out nice but it's a tad to long in my opinion. I used a chart I found on this website. I want to start selling them in batches through my Instagram and Etsy ,so having a custom measurements sent to me seems counter productive? They may measure wrong or simply give me wrong measurements on purpose with the hope of a free belt Soni don't get a bad review (there out there,those Karen's) I was just trying to see if there a standard math formula,kinda like what mass belt producers do..for instance just add X amount of inches to the pant size..in my head seems like there has to be a possible way
  21. Hey man,still have the skiver for sale?
  22. Hey guys, I really want to start making some belts, maybe make them for Christmas gifts for the family. My question is, I know the belt blank needs to be longer then the acutal pant size, but how much? For example if I wear size 34 pants, what belt length would I need?
  23. Curious if this is a thing? Lot of hunters in my area and if I could find some veg tan camo print Leather I could make some good sells
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