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Everything posted by Raven

  1. That is a great design and the tooling is amazing!
  2. Hi Ray I've tried both types of lining, haven't had much success with either of them! I do have some nice thin leather though so how about starting with that?
  3. Raven

    Hail all :)

    Finally found these pics of my bracers - I'll have to dig them out and get some better ones done I drew out the knotwork myself and tooled it very basically, just cased it and worked the lines with a pointed modelling tool before painting.
  4. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I'd LOVE a tutorial of those! They look fantastic!
  5. McJeep- try this tutorial, it's where I got the info to make mine. Coogs Tutorial on Paleoplanet
  6. Ah, that may be why I'm not finding much! I think I'll have to have a look at the Birka and Rús styles as well
  7. I mainly use a hard plastic cutting board intended for kitchen use, does the job for a while and is cheap to replace
  8. Hi all I've made quite a few bags now and the one big problem I have is with lining them. I have not yet managed a good looking lining. How do you do it? Is there any 'best' way or 'easiest' way? What do you use to line your bags? I usually avoid lining at all because of this but I know my bags could get a lot better and look a lot more finished with a lining so any help will be gratefully appreciated!
  9. Hi all, I'm interested in the Viking era (600-1100CE) and was wondering if anyone had any references or patterns for pouches or bags used during that era? I'm mainly interested in Anglo-Saxon or Scandanavian designs rather than the Rús designsif possible. Many thanks
  10. How about getting a sports bra that fits for a pattern? Most of those I've seen have been fairly robust (and as my lady is agoraphobic I get to do more undies shopping than I'd like to lol).
  11. Hi Carrie, I'm a newbie here too I use The Identity Store http://www.theidentitystore.co.uk/. They now take Paypal as well as credit cards and are based in Matlock although their Northampton store should be reopening this summer.
  12. As a Brit this doesn't affect me anywhere near as much as it does those of you in the USA but I must say he gave the best speech, both for content and for delivery, of any politician I can recall. I hope he does great things for your country!
  13. Well, I think it's only polite to introduce myself so here goes My name's Raven, changed it 7 years ago after a spiritual epiphany. I've been dabbling in a fair few crafts over the years, from woodcarving to printing to leatherwork although I am far from being an expert in any of them! I enjoy making things, learning new skills and trying to figure out how things were done in prior ages. My area of interest is the Viking Age, 600-1100CE roughly. Ihope to learn more of the styles and techniques used then, as the stuff I'm doing now is a little random These are a few of the things I have made.
  14. Raven

    Rune set

    "One DM to rule them all" Nice one! Yep, most standard rune sets have 24 runes. The Tandy set had a couple of extras when I got mine but they were repeats. Darned glad I got them when I did if they've discontinued them!
  15. I saw these the first time I went into the local leather store but decided to go with saddle stitch instead as it seemed so much more secure. I was thinking of getting one to do the light work like fixing linins in place but have no idea what they are like or how to use them. These are the sort I mean: So, anyone able to fill me in on what they are like and their ease of use?Many thanks
  16. That would be fantastic Tracy:) I'm using 1/8" thonging and have 5/8" buckles and D-rings. These collars are almost impossible to get here, the local pet shop only had one rolled leather collar available and was unable to get more! There were no braided leather collars at all.
  17. Well, this site's just what I've been looking for I was looking for some help with braiding as my partner wants me to make a braided leather collar for our Shih Tzu. Apparently round collars are better on long haired dogs. Anyway, I had a bit of thonging I'd made while trying out my lacemaker tool so I gave it a go. Sorry the pic is poor, our camera is not so hot a night pics Got the braid done reasonably well but now I'm stuck! How do you take 4 separate pieces of leather thonging and securely connect them together? As I said, it's for a collar so I'd want one end to take a buckle and the other flat for the holes. This is quite thin thonging so I'm a bit wary of just stitching a piece on top and bottom *edit* Just been looking at the leash on Myriams site and was wondering, could I braid the buckle and D-ring in so I only have to secure the other end? Would that be secure enough?
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