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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Paxton, I usually use a piece of cloth like a shirt scrap or something on that line. As far as the second method, you can apply it to un-dyed leather too. It will darken it a little but not very much. I hope that helps. Frank
  2. Not a problem Paxton. I hope it works well for you. I use the same method with most of my belts. It's quick and simple and seems to do the trick. Frank
  3. There are a couple of different ways you can finish the backside even if you dye the back. 1.) Use Gum Tranc. and a cloth rag. Put a liberal amount on the backside of the belt and rub vigorously until you get a smooth finish. This will cause a little of the dye to rub off but it will seal nicely. It does take some time and elbow grease to achieve this. Do this before you put any holes in the belt. 2.) Easiest and Quickest method: Take a 1" foam brush and add an even coat of Fiebings Leather Balm with Atom Wax. Allow about 15-20 min. for it to dry and then buff it well with a piece of denim until shiny. Then add a second coat on top of the first. Be sure to use longer fuller strokes on the second coat to avoid and bubbles in the liquid. Also do this before adding any holes. I hope this helps out a bit. Just don't get either one of these on the front of the belt as they will alter the color of the finish. Frank
  4. I've never used deglazer and everything seems to come out just fine. I use the Chuck Burrows method: 20-25% distilled water and 75-80% bag kote in a spray bottle. Shake it up well and spray it liberally on a rag and rub it in. It is a trial and error type thing. Try it on some scrap and see if that works better for you. Frank
  5. Tony, I've heard of some guys using the resolene as a top coat finish. I have never tried it though. I have a side of black W/C and I don't have any problems with the bag kote sealing the leather. So far it has worked great for me. I switched from tan kote to bag kote a while back. What application method do you use? Frank
  6. Not a problem. I hope he can help you out with that, otherwise I might have another contact for you. Let me know how it pans out and then we can go with the second one if need be. Frank
  7. I remember my saddle making instructor having photos of a saddle he made for an individual in a wheel chair. I do not know if he added the attachments after the tree was made or if they were added when the tree was assembled. You might want to give him a call and find out. You can usually get a hold of him 11am-9pm Mountain time. He's a nice guy to deal with. His name is Dallas Stermon of Outlaw Saddlery. (605) 673-5316 Frank
  8. Thanks for the link. I came up with a pattern and sent it to the customer for a fitting. Hopefully it turns out all right.
  9. Just bumping this to see if anyone in the weekend crowd had any input. Thanks.
  10. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had a pattern for a .22 cal. over/under 2.4" bbl. derringer similar to the small Davis or Cimarron? I have a customer who wants one but I need to tweak it a bit to fit his wife's 2.5" waist belt that I made. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Frank
  11. Thanks for the heads up Dan. I did see that but the delivery time for that is 2-4 weeks and was hoping to get it sooner than that. Frank
  12. I figured I'd give this a bump and mention that it is the 10th Anniversary addition of the Leathercrafter's Journal. I'll be at a show all weekend but will be checking my email from time to time. Thanks in advance. Frank
  13. Hello all, A friend of mine needs the pattern and instructions for the bible cover in the Jan/Feb 2001 Leathercrafter's Journal. If anyone can scan this and email it to me or make a copy and mail it to me, I'd greatly appreciate it and so would he. PM me whether you want my address or email address. I'll gladly pay for the postage and copying fee if you are willing to send it to me. Thanks much. Frank
  14. I can't help you out with that but I have had the same problem with the cheaper Heritage splitter from Weaver. I don't use it that often so I have not had the extra time to take it all apart. Maybe tomorrow would be a good time for that. If I see anything that will cause any problems then I'll post it. Frank
  15. Thanks for all of the compliments on the holsters. I do appreciate it. His friends can beg and plead all they want, but he's the only customer of mine that will get them. The whole idea was really a trial and mostly error ordeal. The customer has ordered from me before and threw this idea at me. I bid it high not wanting the job because I knew what it entailed. He then wanted a second one after the first one was done. Go figure. Of course the second one was somewhat easier. Bronson- PM me with your email address. I don't have any photos of the back but over the next 2 weeks I am finishing up the original prototype of this holster. I can then get some out to you. Frank
  16. Here's the opposite color holster that the same customer ordered. Now I'm officially done making these.....thank God!
  17. I've had some luck taking a black chap hide and over oiling it with neatsfoot oil. I then place the the other hide grain down on the black chap hide and rolling it up tight. Then just let it sit and have the oil do the work for you. The time really varies depending on how much surface contact there is and how much oil you use. It's just an idea you might want to try when you have some extra time on your hands. Frank
  18. I'm more than happy to help you out on your way to insanity...at least that's how this holster made me feel after the first one and now I'm on to number two!
  19. Thanks Dennis, I appreciate it. No problem. Maybe it will work for some others on here as well. If anyone needs any tips on making something like this, feel free to PM me. I'm an expert on how to screw it up so you don't!
  20. I only use the drum dyed leather unless people ask for a specific color job. The black tends to rub off a lot more than the other colors. Once I get my finish coat on there then it's fine. I can even wet mold after the finish coat and have no run off. Once you hit that part of the process you should be fine. I tend to oil drum dyed leather a day or so before the finish coat and that helps out. Frank
  21. Thanks for all of the compliments. It's the type of holster you really can't mess up on at all. There is very little room for any "cover ups". I'm glad it turned out as well as it did.
  22. Last week I finished the bound edge holster after a little trial and error. I told the customer (who is now a good friend) that I will not make them for anyone else because they are such a pain in the . He was so happy with that answer that he ordered another one in reverse colors and said that he would pay for my A.A. classes if the second one drove me to drinking....more. What a guy!! Here's a photo. Frank
  23. Thanks for the info. I contacted him and he already purchased some. I have 2 other individuals going in on a larger order with me. I wasn't looking for any, just looking for other people who wanted to chip in on an order. It saves quite a bit of money, not having to place a minimum order by yourself.
  24. Just trying to get some ideas here...thanks
  25. Just trying to get a couple more guys interested.
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