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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I think there is a 9 inch Buchman head knife on eBay right now. It's a biggun'.
  2. Warning to anyone contemplating getting one of these knives. I did purchase one because I was allowed to use one prior and I found it to be super sharp right out of the package and never had a problem with it until today. While stropping the knife, the blade actually started to turn inside of the handle!! I'm damn lucky I didn't lose a finger or two. I called Tandy and he wants it back immediately. I'm guessing since they were a new arrival, pushing to get them out before the holidays, that some got overlooked on Q.A. I was extremely happy with the knife up until this point. If you have purchased one, check the tightness of the blade before an accident happens.
  3. There is a tannery here in Milwaukee called Seidel Tanning Corp. I have a friend that uses them all of the time since he does a lot of biker chaps, leather jackets, and stuff like that. I've never used them but I should stop by there and see what they offer one of these days. Seidel Tanning
  4. I had a chance last January to see these tools in person...I drooled a little!! I met Gary last year when I visited NM. If you haven't had a chance to say hi yet, do so. He's a very personable guy and made me feel right at home when I was there.
  5. Just figured I'd add my 2 cents worth. I bought one the other day. I was given the opportunity to use one prior to purchasing mine. They are definitely worth a shot and I feel they are a lot better than the Osbornes. Yeah, there are a couple things that could be changed but they are worth the money in my opinion. I was shocked that out of the box they will cut Tandy's 13-15 oz saddle skirting with ease, and not to mention skiving it as well. I belive they have a 17 degree angle on the blade. I used the 50% off coupon and got it for $75 flat. Just check your local store and maybe they have one behind the counter they will let you use prior to purchasing.
  6. The leather working manual by Stohlman does provide a lot of good tips for beginners. I highly recommend it. I have an old one, probably back when they were frst put into print. It shoul serve a person well, especially for the money.
  7. The $200 minimum is still in effect but if you want only a few liners, they add 12% to the cost. The liners only take a few days to get since they have a warehouse in Arizona
  8. After going through the pictures, I was at a loss for words, the only one that came to mind was "WOW"
  9. Hello, My saddle making instructor was trying to get rid of his a couple of weeks ago. He offered it to me but I didn't have the extra room in my shop. I'm not sure if it sold or not but you can contact him directly: (605) 673-5316 his name is Dallas Stermon. Just tell him Frank sent you. I hope it works out for you.
  10. Frank

    Byler Punchs

    Are you talking about Beiler's Manufacturing in Pennsylvania? If so, I do have the contact info for them if you want it. They usually get a catalog out to you in a week and so far their customer service has been great. They only deal with checks so you call and place an order, then send your check in. As soon as they receive the check, they ship your stuff out. Frank
  11. Kevin, So far I have no complaints for you. I used the roper type wallet liners and the clutch purse liners without any problems. After we got the phone number problem in Arizona cleared up, everything was smooth sailing. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on that too. Frank
  12. I believe cheaperthandirt.com carries a spools of 550/para-cord Frank
  13. David, You might want to get a jar of the deglazer and it should take the leather sheen off the project but be careful as this stuff will eat right through nitrile gloves and should be used in a WELL Vetillated area! Either you put too heavy of a coat of the leather sheen on or you bought the new inferior leather sheen. There have been a lot of problems with flaking and cracking in the new leather sheen. Fiebings has offered to replace any of the new leather sheen that people have purchased. I guess there is a chemical reaction between the new formula and the propellent they use in the can. I hope this helps out a bit. Frank
  14. Hitching Post Supply no longer carries them. They will refer you to Gloria at the number I provided earlier. It's best just to give her a call. Frank
  15. The last time I attempted to place an order with them (about 2 weeks ago), the phone number for the warehouse was not working. I emailed Keith the owner and he suggested that we call Gloria at: (480) 223-3130 until such time that the phone is working properly. This is Gloria's personal cell phone. If you leave a message for her, she will get back to you usually in the afternoon since she works mornings at another job. I hope this helps a bit. Frank
  16. I'm glad my morbid thoughts and ideas can make people laugh.
  17. I was thinking of ordering my headstone early, just in case. Until that day comes, I can use it for tooling and stamping. They can put the "expiration date" on it when I'm gone. Kinda "kill 2 birds" so to speak...LOL
  18. Cord, That would be Fiebing's antique paste and a lot of patience. If you search youtube.com for saddle carving or leather carving, there is a short tutorial on it. Frank
  19. I still have full volumes 7, 14, 15, and the 3 current issues of volume 19 left. PM me if interested. Frank
  20. No problem Steve. I use sheep skin remnants to apply both dye and NF oil. If I run out of scrap shearling, I buy a couple bags of scrap sheep skin from my local Tandy. Just get a good amount on it, but not saturated and rub in a circular motion until even.
  21. If I have to dye anything with the oil dye, I put a good coat or two of NF oil on the leather. I then let it soak in for a day, then dye and finish. I got in a hurry once and used just oil dye without conditioning and the project developed stress cracks because it was too dry. Conditioning before dyeing seems to set the dye evenly...to me anyways. I hope this helps. Frank
  22. Hey All, I just got off the phone with a representative a Fiebings. They are just down the street from me. I noticed a lot of complaints on here with the new formula of Leather Sheen. I had the same occurrence. They offered to replace any containers that I had of the new formula. with Kelly's leather sheen. I asked if they were going back to the old (good) formula and they said that they were sticking with the new formula but said it was an aerosol problem that caused the flaking. They were very apologetic. I'll keep you updated with info when I receive any from them as far as when the problem is fixed. In the meantime, I'd give them a call and let them know so they can replace your cans that you might have purchased. Frank
  23. I must have lost my mind a bit. There are some issues missing. Here is a full list: Vol 1- Issues 2,3 Vol 2- Issues 1,4 Vol 3- Issue 4 Vol 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15- Issues (All) Vol 16- Issues 3,4,5,6 Vol 17,18 Issues (All) Vol 19- Issues 1,2,3
  24. Hey All, I figured I would offer them here first before I listed them elsewhere. I am just finishing up scanning certain articles of my Leather Crafters Journals, that I have an interest in. This is a full set from 1991-2008. They are all complete with the patterns although some may have been pulled out to be copied but they are all there. I also have partial volume of 2009. I do not want to break the entire set up but I know full well that most aren't looking for a full set. Anyone interested, feel free to PM me. Frank
  25. Frank

    Material Guide

    Hey all, I'm not sure how many of you out there use a Tippmann Boss but I do have the material guide for it if anyone is interested. It is new and has not been used $80.00 plus shipping. I just don't have a use for it. I believe they are $120.00 new.
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