This is my first attempt at working with leather. I've taken no classes; I'm kind-of learning as I go. The mistakes are many, the imperfections are obvious, & the room for improvement is vast. I know this much...but nonetheless, it didn't turn out completely terrible..did it? I made this checkbook cover for my 78 year old Vietnam veteran father. I told him I wasn't entirely happy with it, but he insisted the imperfections are what makes it perfect in his eyes. I'm aware not everyone will be as kind as him (after all, he is partial), but I want to get better at the craft. With that being said, what am I doing wrong with my beveling? The Hi-Lite I applied to outline the crossed cannons just didn't turn out right. The beveling tool I used is B197. Do I need to use a different tool? Or am I just doing it wrong? Thanks for taking a look!