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Everything posted by Simplejack1985

  1. Good work!!!!!
  2. Do each color 2 x with a little extra the length of the project. Use first color for length then pull the 2nd color same length, thread each end normal. The take the opposite cor and go 3/4" of the opposite color pierce and seat the needle again with each. Pull taunt. It will create a min joining knot do not cut the ends. Pull even lengths as normal.through the first whole. Center the knot do not cut the excess. Saddle stitch and it will alternate colors.
  3. Thankyou. And I joined two different color threads and saddle stitched it.
  4. Remake of a green book cover I made for one of my old soldiers stationed in italy. Post office was kind enough to loose the last one for me. I used 2 kinds of italian veg tan, pig skin lining with tiger thread.
  5. I bought the book. I need some more figure bevelers. I thought antiquing might make it pop like sheridan. Not so much
  6. Thankyou, I think so as well
  7. Got the belt all stitched up
  8. It's solid Same buckle I have on my cardillo powerlifting belt I bought in 2009. 4" all the way around is a power lifting belts.
  9. From a craftaid
  10. Good idea Does the chalk line effect the leather. I've used them for construction Great idea I'm going to get some more work done on it tomorrow
  11. Working on a carved power lifting belt, it's a surprise gift for someone. Ordered the 4" buckle from weaver. I cut my 4" strap from hermann-oak skirting. My poor strap cutter did not survive so I used my head knife. It's exactly 4" the whole length for the strap. I think im gonna bite the bullet and just order a vergez and blanchard plough gauge from rocky mountain leather.
  12. I ordered one, only nickel color. Anyone know if I can use 2 x layers of saddle skirting with this buckle? It will be a single layer at the fold over I think.
  13. Thank you, hopefully they have some nice brass ones that would look bad ass
  14. I'm gonna carve a custom lifting belt. I'm going to use two layers of saddle skirting. Where can I find a buckle for this?
  15. Nice work. I don't golf but I've wanted to make one.
  16. Thank you, it's a craftaid from tandy Thank you, I think it would make some cool suspenders as well
  17. Sure ya do. Carve then bevel everything, then turn that picture next to your project. The 2 B tools bevel left and right side so you may have to turn your project. Then your 2 P tools are pear shades I believe then start with the tips of leaves, walk them back to where they all kind of meet. Use a bragrounder to fade some texture around the leaf.
  18. I gave up on all that I just bevel and that ad depth with a shader and a leaf liner then decorative cuts
  19. Thankyou. And yes I did ill stop the liner right where the belt end meets it after folded. 10oz or thicker plus liner is way to thick. I will skive down the belt end as well from where it bends to the end so it doesn't get to bulky.
  20. Mike tyson had a great saying
  21. Thank you Thank you Thank you, thats what I was going for with the keeper
  22. Different leather It's the 10th special forces group That's the al stohlman oak leaf belt craftaid. I wish I could draw lol
  23. 10oz H&O exterior/ 6oz brown fancy Italian veg tan liner. 1mm cream tiger thread with gun metal grey hardware. Dark brown fiebings antiquing. Custom stamp made by leather stamp maker for the belt tip. Keeper is fiebings light brown. Took me a long time to get it finished but I finally shipped it off today.
  24. All true. I paid 2,000 yen for this
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