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Everything posted by china

  1. Yes I know that
  2. Thanks tom, I know about heating creasers with a flame etc, I used to have cheap adjustable Tandy example the heat just destroyed it, so thought this may suffice, the price seems too good to be true, in saying that It is not a big loss if it turns out to be rubbish
  3. Hi, been a long time since I was here last for various reasons, however getting back into leather work, asking if any one has used one of these https://vi.aliexpress.com/i/4001282163735.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm china
  4. Thanks for the replies, shoe soles makes sense, I should have mentioned it has a circular blade not a bell shape blade
  5. Ok here are the pics
  6. Ok sorry I did not realize this I will suggest the poster on the other other forum posts it here
  7. Hi all Does any one recognize this I thought it may be a strap cutter
  8. Thanks
  9. Looking for a pattern for a day sporran, I did a search although all the posts are old and none of the links work
  10. That Singer sight only sells domestic items, be aware that Singer is only a brand these days the Singer company has been gone for many years, if I were you I would look at the Cowboy sewing machines they are set specifically for leather use.
  11. china


    Price reduced $1999.00
  12. china


    For sale 45k new bench and motor no further use and I need the space $2299 ono I am in South Australia
  13. Yep the one on Ebay is what I am looking for I will contact and see if I can haggle, only problem is the shipping,
  14. Getting desperate will consider overseas sale depending on price and freight
  15. Hi I want to buy a used Fortuna style skiving machine does not have to be pretty jusy 100% working, Australia only. international postage would make it too expensive china
  16. Hi all I received an email stating that Paul Burnett had passed away, I find it interesting that there is no mention of this on the forum. Can anyone confirm this or have I been sent a malicous email china
  17. Hi all, A questian for those who are smarter than my self, I have 29k71 shoe patccher I am attempting to sew some cordura and canvas however when I attempt to sew at right angles across a previous seem it just stops feeding and caused the thread to bunch up, Ihave tried increasing and decreasing the foot pressure and just about everthing else taht is adjustable all to no avail. Is this just a limitation off the machine or am I doing something wrong, other than this the machine works fine
  18. china

    Granit Slab

    Thanks for the replies gives me something to go on when I see my mate
  19. Hi all I am about to upgrade to using a granit slab for tooling etc can someone tell me if the surface is normaly polished or just gound flat or does it make no difference, reason being is I won't be buying it from a tool supplier. I have a friend who is a memorial mason and it will not cost me anything
  20. Hi , Just thought I'd let you know the site has improved 100%, I have not visited for ages the site was just too slow. I can now visit more often knowing that i won't grow old (older) while waiting for topics to load
  21. Just to add my two cents worth people should make sure of their facts before they blagard others
  22. Yes the 132k6 is a walking foot machine, the thickest I have sewn on is about 9mm/3/8", I am told it will handle 5/8" easily although I have not tried anything that thick. They used to sew masonite door tims for cars with them. I also have a 45k cylinder bed I have sewn 1/2 with no effort on that machine, the 45k is not a walking foot.
  23. Hi all, Just a question to satisfy my curiosity, I very seldom here anything mentioned on this forum from the American users concerning the Singer 132k6, are they not popular , considered too old, hard to get ? Here in Australia they seem to be legendary, those who have them do not want to part with them. Many motor trimmers still use them on a daily basis, so what are your thoughts.
  24. Thanks They will be a good reference
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