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About Akers

  • Birthday 06/18/1968

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    Instagram: akerscustomleather
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    Floyd, Va

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  1. Very nice!
  2. Thanks everyone. Hasbeenciwboy, I don't think so, I'll have to ask. The dog loves to retrieve anything you throw, especially tennis balls.
  3. Thanks tsunkasapa. My daughter started raising and selling golden retrievers, she uses it a lot.
  4. Thanks Hardrada, I wish I had smoothed out my beveling around the head a little more. I thought I had it faded out good until I stained it, then my mistakes showed up. Lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't for a paying customer. Lol
  5. First attempt at carving a dog. My daughter was happy with it. Back to more practicing.
  6. I have a friend that plays in a bluegrass band. I was trying to think of something to make for him, this popped into mind. He was really thrilled with it.
  7. Thanks guys for all the tips.
  8. Bert03241, I completely agree!!! Lol I'm surprised no one picked up on that sooner. This was the first one I made (made for one of my son in laws). I had finished it including sealing it and posting it here, before I realized I hadn't sewn the edges! Oh well, practice makes perfect. If it comes apart on him, I'll make him another one.
  9. Thanks Hags, they look really good.
  10. Thanks Rahere, I realize now I worded that question wrong. I already tried clicking on his name but can't find his photos. When on someone's bio, where do you find there pics?
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