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Everything posted by ToddW

  1. I don't know the zipper sizes at all any idea how you buy it.. I get the length side but don't know the teeth and such...
  2. ok.. advice taken.. I ordered one and will cut out the guts.. will probably order a better zipper
  3. I have one of these cheap Chinese accessory pouches made out of nylon and have been wanting to make one out of leather. This one has elastic straps and mesh pouches. I am a bit torn whether to replace the elastic straps and mesh pouch out of leather meaning straps and leather where the mesh is but the elastic nature of it lets it stretch to accommodate different cables. I almost view this like a tool roll but do like the layout of the below pouch. I am one that hates zippers so will probably use a stap and buckle on the outside. This is more of a design question.. Has anyone made anything like this or have some thoughts how they would go about it? somewhat rambling here but just torn on elastic and mesh vs leather on the inside.. Thoughts?
  4. I guess that is my point. That is a simple tote. They also have a leather pen wrap, iphone case, etc.. All of which seems pretty common place. I also see Saddleback has a youtube how to knock off their bags.. Anyway, I just don't understand how some of this stuff could get a patent when bags and wallets have been made for years..
  5. I just did a search for "saddleback" at uspto.gov and got to his patents. Here is one for a tote. https://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=45&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=saddleback&OS=saddleback&RS=saddleback
  6. right now, I am doing mostly wallets but have a strong desire to make bags.. I will ultimately get there so want a cylinder arm with a detachable bed.
  7. The more I dig, the more I get confused. I did find the Artisian 618 used which seems like a good deal as its sub-$1000 but not a no brainer deal. Was really like the Cobra class 26 but looks like the Techsew 2750 Pro is a bit better. I see some saying the Cowboy is $500 cheaper. so confused.. The new ones have financing available making it bit easier on the pocket book leaving money for a clicker or laser.
  8. I found a Artisan 618 with Table and servo motor with speed control included with bobbin spinner, Large M bobbin.. I kinda wanted the cylinder arm for bag gussets but this is a lot cheaper being used. I am thinking this cover the wallets & Journal covers I do.. Not sure how it will handle the computer bags.
  9. just let me know.. would need enough to make an iPad bag...
  10. yep.. definitely want something heavier. but not sure its "glove leather" as it was "glove tanned leather".. anyway, no biggie.. still looking at colors for what I am wanting..
  11. thanks! I am in the US but like to see the various blues which there are a lot of them. I saw the discussion on leather from COACH which happens to have the colors I like. The thread was old but described it as glove tanned leather. Still out there looking..
  12. I'm ok with smooth or pebble grain... She is more particular about the color..
  13. Wife is wanting me to make her a bag for her iPad in a soft blue. This is about the color. I have seen cobalt blues which are bluer than she likes. Anyone know of a leather supplier with good selections of blues?
  14. well.. I guess that is what I was looking for.. Its a pass.. I also thought $800 was way to much but they are clearly putting a lot of the value in the die's they have which I don't need. I did find a shop press already modified with plate steel and cutting board for $300. I have a shop press but don't have a welder anymore. thinking I could use that and order up some steel plates and cutting board but came across this one already done. I'm thinking the shop press with cutting board at $300 is a better deal..
  15. Just heard from the seller and she said the orange label reads Chandler sales out of New York. Specialty machines. I found a Chandler & Price that makes presses but can't find anything else
  16. I have been intrigued here as well. I am a hobbierst with the hopes of selling things I make. I typically look around for free pattens with a rare purchase of a pdf plan I really like. Looking at a lot of the wallets, its clear that there are styles many use and sell. No clue if that was ever protected. When I started looking at some of the computer satchel bags, I like the saddleback style which clearly don't have plans out there. One can use the style to make the bags and utilize the general measurements. Not sure if that breaches anything protected but did find a few patents Saddleback has filed such as this one: https://pdfpiw.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=D0777423&homeurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpatft.uspto.gov%2Fnetacgi%2Fnph-Parser%3FSect1%3DPTO2%26Sect2%3DHITOFF%26p%3D1%26u%3D%252Fnetahtml%252FPTO%252Fsearch-bool.html%26r%3D31%26f%3DG%26l%3D50%26co1%3DAND%26d%3DPTXT%26s1%3Dsaddleback%26OS%3Dsaddleback%26RS%3Dsaddleback&PageNum=&Rtype=&SectionNum=&idkey=NONE&Input=View+first+page So.. I guess the question is whether a change really makes it ok. For example, remove a buckle or a strap or do you have to change the functionality. As an example, Saddleback does allow for a lot of their bags to be converted to backback from shoulder strap. Does removing the backpack functionality change the functionality? What is ironic is that Saddleback made a video how to copy thier bags but they went through the cost to protect them with a patent. Sachels have been around for a long time and there is only so much you can do to change them.. buckle style, rivits for strength, shape of straps or reinforcement, etc.. I look at wallets and bags nonstop through google searches or you tube and gravitate to certain styles. As an example, I like lean bags without a lot of tooling and I don't like zippers. that typically guides you to one group or another. I hand cut and hand sew my stuff although starting to look at clickers and laser cutting for consistency. I'm just not sure how close to a style you can get without tickling patent or protection. I don't have any interest in selling patterns but I do have an interest in selling my stuff once I feel the quality is good enough to sell. For my question.. using the above design patent for a pistol wrap, is it really a matter of just changing something? one could just remove the leather loop holder which would be a change bur retain basic function.
  17. yep.. leaning towards that is it.. Trying to see if the one I am looking at is worth $800. Comparing it to the new ones are in the $1,600 range for a clicker but struggle whether I want a home built one compared to a comercial one. I can clearly build one from a shop press at a few hundred bucks. My real issue with the shop press is how slow it would be and how much space it would take up. This one feels a bit quicker than a shop press but take up a lot of space so incremental better than a shop press. My preference is the mighty wonder but they run $1600 - $3400.. Once you get up to the $3400 range, a glowforge starts looking attractive.
  18. their die's are Hearts and such and I do wallets.. Not thinking I will be cutting out hearts and ear rings...
  19. Somewhat new to Leather Working but spending a lot of time on it these days.. A bit of background.. I predominately make wallets, coasters, pen cases up to messenger bags or small laptop/ipad bags. I currently hand cut everything and hand sew. Started out with the cheap stuff and find myself rebuying nicer stuff. As an example, just replaced my cheap pricking irons with Sinabroks. Looking to make my next purchases.. Sewing Machine and clicker (or maybe laser). My first first purchase was one of the Chinese Cobler Sewing Machine which was probably a waste of money but saw some videos on Youtube where they were tuned to do leather working and the price was right.. I have watched Youtube after Youtube and everyone has their view on sewing machines. Juki, COBRA Cowboy, old singer, tek sew, weaver, adler.. cylinder arm vs bed... seems a lot of people have 2 machines.. I would prefer not to spend $3K plus on a machine so used is probably the route I will go. If I have a model that I am looking for, I am very good at finding one used. Could someone point me in the right direction for a machine good for wallets but be able to handle a messenger type bag. I want something with a large bobbin for long runs on my bags. Thickness usually runs 2.0-2.2mm on the leather for my bags although I did some dog collars that were in the 4 or 5mm thick, Just need something versatile.. Thoughts.. Right now, I think I am leaning towards the Cobra class 20 or the class 26.. I like that they have the speed reducer and servo motor out of the gate. Thoughts?? Any help is appreciated!
  20. I asked and haven't gotten a response yet...
  21. I asked about the orange label so waiting on that response. Here are some different pics that has better view from the side
  22. I dont know what it was. Its listed as a clicker press with a hand full of die's for around $800. I don;t need the dies and could not find anything like it for price comparison. Not sure if its worth $800 for a press like this but thought I would ask. I am wanting a clicker press for wallets and such and this looked like it might work.
  23. which Rabbit model did you buy? The cheapest I saw on their website was $7,800.. I would have to do A LOT of work to pay for that one..
  24. just seeing the ones on eBay and Amazon which I assume are the Chinese ones. I can afford $400 - $500 but $5K is another thing. GlowForge does have payments but its still $200 per month
  25. I thought i would ask on this old thread unless someone can point me to a newer one. I was looking at a GlowForge and came across this thread. Glowforge are 40w & 45w which is where the cheap chinese laser cutter and engravers are. I make wallets, journal covers, and a periodic bag when I have the energy. I was watching lil king goods use his glowforge for cutting and stitching holes. Since these Chinese ones are $400 - $500 (far cheaper than the $3K - $5K), I was drawn in but don't want something I waste my money on. This will be for low volume or R&D on new patters. I would probably buy a clicker die for any high volume work. Cutting to the chase.. Are these junk? I see the ebay prices of $400 for a 40w https://www.ebay.com/itm/253313831369?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20180105095853%26meid%3Dda0d6a8569e244afbb7127182380030f%26pid%3D100903%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D20%26sd%3D254840192013%26itm%3D253313831369%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2510209%26brand%3DOMTech&_trksid=p2510209.c100903.m5276
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