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Everything posted by TheOne

  1. Hello, I'm looking for a bit of advice please. Someone asked me to overstain black this stingray cuff. It has 18carats gold bits so it is quite expensive. Anyone has had experience with redying stingray leather? Would it have to be declared first? How much should I ask for the work? Thanks Alberto
  2. WOW That looks great
  3. It's cool. Didn't take it as a criticism.... I appreciate the input. If I get to make another one, for a paying customer, I will stitch them
  4. Just to make sure, Is that what are we talking about? I was thinking of stitching the logo on the sides, but then I went for the rivets The other strap guides, yes, maybe a stitching would have been better, but I'am still learning, and that was the design, and didn't think "will curl up " one day I do appreciate the comments and suggestions though. I basically learned leather craft from Youtube tutorials Cheers
  5. I think I misunderstood you. I thought you were talking about the back straps... The strap guides above the pockets was like that in the original patter, and didn't think of stitching it just for the look, as there was already ENOUGH to stitch In fact some of the decorations I have removed, from the buckles straps, would have been stitched as well, and if I did think about it before, I would have not made the pocket flaps stitching either. That would have saved me a considerable amount of time. Unless I was going to stitch with a contrasting colour which would have looked good. I like the last one, with the strap passing through the flap, but i do not have an oblong punch. I can still do it but would take a longer time. What does YMMV means? English is not my first language. Cheers
  6. Thanks for looking and your comments Tugadude Every part with a load bearing IS stitched & riveted Thanks LittleF
  7. TheOne


    That looks great. I just finished a same pattern all in black. ALL HAND STITCHED!
  8. Hello everybody, After many hours, of sweat, blood (needles into fingers ain't no joke) tears, and a considerable amount of swear words, usually after stabbing my fingers...I 've finished this backpack for myself. The leather used, is a waxy leather called "crazy cow" so hopefully it will be more water resistant. I have changed the original pattern a bit , by removing some of the decoration pieces, made padded shoulder straps, added an extra pocket to the left where it was supposed to be a water bottle holder, made an extra inside pocket, with a D ring to attach keys, added a "grab handle", and added some extra rivets to strengthen the buckle attachments I only started leather work in 2020, so I am still learning. This have been the most challenging project so far, but I am very happy about the results, although I would do some things differently if I get to make another one. Let me know what you think, and obviously any suggestion is appreciated. Cheers Alberto
  9. Is it not too harsh on the leather? Have you done it before? I guess it would have to be done all over to avoid patches, right? Cheers
  10. Hi, I'm looking for advice on what's best to use to remove the painted design and re dye the jacket. This is a 25+ Yr old jacket that I would like to re dye black. Not sure if there is some kind of coating over the paint. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Nice. You'd be at home in a fetish club wearing that
  12. Thanks for the kind words battlemunky. The bamboo is not actually cut with a swivel knife, since the leather is only 1.2mm but just heavily traced & pushed down. Had a couple of issues with the stitching spacing in a couple of place, which I'm not happy with, but most of them or good enough I think. To be honest I'm not much into the mirror finish on the edges, might give it a try sometimes. They look nice sure, but they don't had to the strength and take far took much time.
  13. Hi everyone, greetings from UK Thought I'll introduce myself. My name is Alberto, Italian born but living in London at the moment. I started doing leather work in 2020, while on furlough from my day job, and found it really interesting. Done quite a few pieces so far, including a couple of custome works for sale. All different style and looks, since I still haven't found my style. I have attached photos of my latest project. Would be good to get some reviews from people with more experience
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