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Everything posted by Boertjie

  1. Master Bob, Some day I will do it just as fine as you, some day .........
  2. My sentiments exactly!
  3. Looks like only spirit dye and plain old saddle stitching to me!
  4. I think the clue lie in the pewter castings they make. I have a friend that use embossing plates carved by laser from perspex in his clicker press to obtain similar images. Fast, economical for mass production. From the size of the products they make I would guess a similar procedure, rather than heat embossing. For them it would be simple - use a negative image cast of pewter, high density foam beneath the cased leather to accentuate the embossing - clicker press - and there you have it!
  5. My new year's resolution - to spend more time on leather than on LW! Happy New Year everyone!

  6. How do you ever get it over your heart to crack such a whip? To beautiful!
  7. Same old problem, lookup this link. Sorry about the photo's, it was my first post. Hope it helps. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=781&view=findpost&p=122614
  8. Really lifted my spirit(s). I like!! Schalk
  9. This is it!!! I'm packing up my tools. I will never be able even to copy it. Schalk
  10. Anet, I'm from the Kimberley area. sober@worldonline.co.za

  11. Still cannot stop looking at it. If I'm preoccupied - it's because of this!
  12. Thank you for the pictures. It gives me a good idea of what it must have been like. I cannot compare my own work with those in the pictures - yet ......but sometime .....someday .....when I'm older ..... Citizenship? Eish, Africa bleeds for the loss of her children as the umbilical cords are cut.
  13. One lucky PH! Yes, the stripe pattern on the legs of the zebra are much narrower and will do for small projects. Zebra skins are expensive because they are a bugger to tan properly - ask any taxidermest or tanner. Now on the detail - how do you get that tiger stripe effect?
  14. Ghillie, you sure got my attention mentioning your "Leg o Mutton" gun case. Here in my part of the world I have yet to see one. I am very much interested in the inside construction and assembly of such a case. Contact me plse.

  15. In the Leatherworker.net Home menu - Tutorials - Beaverslayer, I only get connected with the profile page of CitizenKate. I am looking for the hat and vest tutorials that were posted by Beaverslayer on the old site. Hope it didn't get lost with transferring to new web pages. Can you please rectify the link or help me with the tutorials? Name: Schalk Oberholzer UserName: Boertjie IP Address: Email Address: sober@worldonline.co.za
  16. Yes!! Nothing beats the experience and knowledge of the old hands and you can have it just for the asking. Thank you guys, you definately saved me the frustration getting the thing to do it was not designed for and some money as well. Now to find that bargain cylinder arm heavy duty stitcher!
  17. I am looking for a leather sticher but can only drool over the Tipman and Cobra advertisements. However I came across this machine in an upholstery shop. See pictures. It looks the same as the 29K series Singer machines discussed in this forum, but the model designation might give a clue to it's spesifications and abilities. The owner could not give me any information regarding it's abilities, he could not even thread the machine - he never used it - bought it with the business long time ago. I am a seasonal leather worker and makes belts, handbags, holsters and some horse tack as well as small projects such as book covers. Will this machine be up to the job, or is it an overkill? It is in very good condition and seems to be very little used. He's asking around $400 - is that a deal? Boertjie.
  18. I revisited this tutorial many times, made a few hides of rawhide (or should that be rawhide hides? Ha, Ha) and the recipe works like a bomb. I also discovered the limitless uses of rawhide. Sheep makes a beautifull thin rawhide that can be used on drums, tambourines and banjos but is useless for braiding. When dry, rawhide takes on a natural yellowish colour, very different from the white ones that you find on the mentioned musical instruments. In the Tandy catalog they advertise "bleached rawhide" that will probably have the white colour. Does anyone know how to bleach rawhide?
  19. I noticed that this topic is more than a year old, but here are my two cents worth ..... throw away the balm and the tape! A leather friend of mine shared the templates he uses for fingersleeves for hand stitching. Here it is, in format ready to download and print. Fingersleevecan30001.pdf For the lefthand, just flip over the template ( mirror image). Not shown is the wrist strap, but that can be cut to size fit and attached with the appropriate rivets and snaps. Fit to the finger can be adjusted by the stitching line, don't make it too tight. For large hands, scale the template. The indexfinger's sleeve is attached with a snap so it can be removed when not needed. Here is the finished product. Notice the flap on the sleeve of the littlefinger. This is used to push the needle obviating the need for thimbles and sewing palms. Heavy stitching would need something more robust though. I finished a pair of these sleeves in under an hour using 3oz suede and it will probably lasts for years to come. Fingersleevecan30001.pdf
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