I thought both of these machines are clones of the 1341, but according to their specs, the Techsew claim stitching thickness of 1/2" vs 7/16" of the Class 26. Both uses 135x16 and. 135x17 needles (First I thought the Techsew is a clone of the 441 before seeing this specs). Lastly, Techsew 4800 claims thread size #46 to #277 and the Cobra claims #46 to #207.
Only physical difference I saw that might contribute to the above is the double tensioners in the Techsew 4800. If the manufacturer's claim is true, is this the Godzilla of the 1341 clones out there ? Please help decipher this mystery to me. Thank you in advance as I am looking to get a cylinder head machine this holiday season.