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Everything posted by Norik

  1. Looks good.
  2. Thank you! Did you inherit those catalogues?
  3. Unfortunately, the link doesn't work anymore. Do you happen to know the name of the documentary? Maybe I can find it elsewhere.
  4. I'm still experimenting myself, but I would still use a beveler. The creaser is, as far as I know, used to "iron" the edge, to make it smooth. You can also use it to melt wax into the edge. I don't know where your machine starts, temperaturewise, but I'd start with the lowest setting and when on the edge, keep moving it to avoid burning it or an uneven colour. If it is designed for creasing leather, the temperature range is presumably chosen accordingly. There are tips that are concave for rounded edges and flat ones. I'm still figuring things out myself, I'm sure there are others, that know a lot more about it. Have fun with your new toy! Christoph
  5. That would interest me as well.
  6. I used to do it with my fingers and sometimes still do so, but recently I started to use a marker with a rollerball tip (I also diluted it with distilled water, otherwise it would be too thick.). The brand is MOLOTOW, but there are probably similar ones from other manufacturers. No problems with clogging so far. For larger areas I use the same spreader I use for glue. The spreading part is made of silicone and easy to clean.
  7. Beautiful! I hope he appreciated it. How long did it take you to make it?
  8. You could also buy embossing filling.
  9. I like it very much. I would have probably tried to make the sword (Gram, Not(h)ung, Balmung) stand more out against Fafnir and chosen a more "heathen" belt buckle (at least tried to find one).
  10. That looks very nice. I'm working on something similar at the moment. A smaller one and a large for A4 format.
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