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Hello, for anyone with knowledge on finishes and where to find them, I’m looking for neat lac or clear lac. I have called Tandy and they do not supply, neither does spring field leather. I’m woundering if I have to order wyosheen but apparently some people don’t recommend using it. There must be a neat lac supplier still selling if anyone has any updates thank you much appreciated. 

ben N

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This topic has come up a few times over the years and I think wyosheen is your only option. The new neat-lac isn't like the old stuff and the old stuff is carcinogenic in a million different ways or something...

If you find something suitable in your search, please post up for posterity.

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Thanks, I’m thinking of going with wyosheen, was just curious if it differs from the original nest-lac in anyway, does anyone know what the difference is? 


ben N

1 hour ago, battlemunky said:

This topic has come up a few times over the years and I think wyosheen is your only option. The new neat-lac isn't like the old stuff and the old stuff is carcinogenic in a million different ways or something...

If you find something suitable in your search, please post up for posterity.


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11 minutes ago, Ben00 said:

Thanks, I’m thinking of going with wyosheen, was just curious if it differs from the original nest-lac in anyway, does anyone know what the difference is? 


ben N



I just found this online, which is available, however, I don’t know if it is as good as near lac, I only just found it now. It also can’t be shipped internationally. 

lmk if anyone has tried it.

 Regards BN 



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4 hours ago, Ben00 said:

I have called Tandy and they do not supply, neither does spring field leather.

ben N

Is this what you are locking for ? 

Neat Lac

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Thank you Leatherlegion, 

but no, Tandy leathers newest version of neat unfortunately does not provide the same results as it’s predecessor.

thank you though

regards BN 


If you are really interested in the old Neat Lac that Tandy used to sell years ago, it was apparently manufactured by LCI, Leather Coatings Inc.  They make Clear-Lac.  Available at https://www.panhandleleather.com/products/lci-clear-lac-qt  I got my current quart at SLC a few years ago.  I don't see it on their site anymore.

I use it from time to time.  It is the same as my old Neat Lac.  Like to use it with an air brush.  Needs to be in a well ventilated area.  Also very inflammable as is usual for most lacquers.


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