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Hello All

I have an old Fortuna Model G Skiving machine that has been working normally for awhile.  Suddenly, after I started trying to degrease and clean some of the the screws the eccentric lever stopped engaging when I try to lift it up.  Basically not functioning properly at all.  The screw still turns, but none of it is functioning as it was or should.

My best guess is that a spring gave out.  However, I am not quite sure how to reach or even check for a spring within the arm.  I have taken out the top that holds the screw and lever components.  I can see a small plate under it.  It does not look like a washer.  

Any advice appreciated.

Also, anyone in Tucson that works on these would be great too.




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If you’re talking about the drop down presser foot, yeah, you can’t leave them in the down position. I have a techsew and I can tell that’s one of the weakest links in the machine. If I’m correct about what I think you’re talking about. When not in use leave the foot up. You know there’s better springs out there. I put tape on mine to remind me to lift it when I’m done. 

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thanks @garyak didn't realize that, and now can't even tell you whether I kept it up or down, cause now it's just limp.

I have included a picture.


Thanks @northmount for moving this post to the right place.  I'm still getting the lay of this platform.


eccentric lever.jpg

  • 3 weeks later...
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Tak for det @DanishMan  I actually didn't need to replace the spring I just needed to clean it.

And now it's back in action! 

And...I am keeping the lever up as not to wear out the spring. yep.

  • 1 year later...
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It's pretty basic.  it seems to me that most skivers are based on this machine, so how they are set up should help.

just looking on youtube will be helpful. Just make sure to leave the lever up so the spring doesn't get worn out. 

Campbell-Randal has new bell skives if you need a replacement..and other parts, too. Mike there is very lovely and helpful.

I would attach a spare parts manual, but it's too big and I don't know how to add another way.

I'll follow with some pictures of my mahine.  Let me know if you have specific questions and I'll do my best.



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Okay, all my pictures are too high of resolution, even just from my phone.  1.46MB is a bit low i guess for these newer phones.


If you have a simple suggestion. let me know..

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Posted (edited)




Edited by Northmount
Converted HEIC files to jpeg and resized and uploaded
14 hours ago, Tilda said:

Okay, all my pictures are too high of resolution

You need to resize the picture files.  800 pixels in the longest dimension is adequate for phones and most monitors as they don't display in high res.  Take a look at this thread for some helps.  There is lots of Apps and other helps on the web too.

HEIC files don't display on this site and many users will not download unknown files.  So post as jpeg.  Your phone has settings to make that transition.  More info here.  https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/98380-heic-picture-files-convert-to-jpeg-before-posting/


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Posted (edited)

Thanks Northmount...i did resize them down...but I ddin't know about the HEIC.  It's not as easy to convert them from one place to jpeg as it used to be. sadly.

the belt is not misaligned.  it's the angle.

@ViktrM if you feel like sharing your email I can send you the spare parts manual..


Edited by Northmount
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