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Sticky Question

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I am about to try my hand at carving and tooling leather. Before I start I want to get educated. Several of the sticky threads above seem to be of interest to me. But when I open the thread and click on a link I get a message saying the topic is no longer available. This happens on a number of the stickies. Is it because I am new here and don't have the necessary permissions? Or is there another location where I can access the info? I am particularly interested in the use of the various carving tools, what to use for what purpose and techniques in using them. I will continue browsing this subforum but it would be nice to find a central source for "how to carve".

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Bill I can't answer your sticky question, but look into (Jim Linnel the art of carving leather.) Also check out Don Gonzales, Joe Mellings, Bruce Cheany, George Hurst, they all have good tutorials & training. There are a ton of other guys & gals I know I did not mention, that all have great content. 

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3 hours ago, UpstateSCBill said:

when I open the thread and click on a link I get a message saying the topic is no longer available

Unfortunately, some items disappear off the web.  We have no control over that.  That being said, there have been a number of forum software upgrades over the years, and along with that, changes to internet protocols and browsers.

I just had a look at the top pinned item.  Further down in the posts, the original URL was fixed.  I just copied that into the first post.  The person's own website is not available, and I can't fix that.

As you find some of these problems, message me, and I'll see if I can fix broken links on this site, or recover from other sources.  It's not going to happen all at once as I have a life of my own to live.  I have fixed quite a number in the past.  Maybe more in the future.

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19 minutes ago, Northmount said:

Unfortunately, some items disappear off the web.  We have no control over that.  That being said, there have been a number of forum software upgrades over the years, and along with that, changes to internet protocols and browsers.

I just had a look at the top pinned item.  Further down in the posts, the original URL was fixed.  I just copied that into the first post.  The person's own website is not available, and I can't fix that.

As you find some of these problems, message me, and I'll see if I can fix broken links on this site, or recover from other sources.  It's not going to happen all at once as I have a life of my own to live.  I have fixed quite a number in the past.  Maybe more in the future.

You have a lot of nerve wanting a life of your own.:) I beleve all of the threads referencing ClayB in the title have the problem.


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1 hour ago, UpstateSCBill said:

threads referencing ClayB in the title have the problem

Fixed the stickies referred to.  Most web connections now want a secure connection.  So http has to be changed to https, the s for secure.

Check out https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/ssl/why-is-http-not-secure/


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2 hours ago, Northmount said:

Fixed the stickies referred to.  Most web connections now want a secure connection.  So http has to be changed to https, the s for secure.

Check out https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/ssl/why-is-http-not-secure/


Thank you for that fix. Much appreciated. Now go back to that life of your own.:P


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6 hours ago, DieselTech said:

Bill I can't answer your sticky question, but look into (Jim Linnel the art of carving leather.) Also check out Don Gonzales, Joe Mellings, Bruce Cheany, George Hurst, they all have good tutorials & training. There are a ton of other guys & gals I know I did not mention, that all have great content. 

I will do a search on those names. I have read references to a couple of them as I have browsed.


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