Members Dan Hammons Posted March 12, 2007 Members Report Posted March 12, 2007 (edited) Hi All, Could you fellow leather workers give me some advice as which Leather Guild you would recomend for a fellow from Utah. I know there are some good ones out there that just want to help each other . I would need a Guild that would accept me even though I can't attend meetings from where I'm at. I recently left the IILG very quietly based on my own personal difinition of right and wrong. I would like to enter some of the competitions but without being a member of a Guild that's not possable . I would be very gratful for any and all of your recomemdations Thanks a Bunch Dan. Edited March 12, 2007 by Dan Hammons Quote
Members Jim M Posted March 12, 2007 Members Report Posted March 12, 2007 Have you checked out the PSLAC, Dan? I know they allow folks who are long-distance to join. - Jim Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted March 12, 2007 Moderator Report Posted March 12, 2007 PSLAC is a respected resource, but I don't think they are members of the IFoLG (International Federation of Leather Guilds). When you enter in an IFoLG competition, you must belong to a member guild. Lonestar has members from all over the world, and the Pitt Pounders also have out of state members. Also, you can belong to more than one guild. There is always good natured bantering when the masters decide which guild to put down for competition entries. ("Pick our guild!" "No, ours!") The Pitt Pounders do a monthly newsletter which can be read online (shameless plug- I think the world of those folks, and I do their site ) and Lonestar is hosting the big show this year. Johanna Quote
Contributing Member wolvenstien Posted March 12, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted March 12, 2007 What we need to do is create a non guild that does everything the IFoLG does without requiring competitors to be members of guilds! I am still along way away from full understanding of guilds and the "master" guild..... even after having a lengthy conversation with Johanna, but i figure, an established conpetetor to the IFoLG would probably get some competition entries from independants that would blow your mind... Oh well... a guy can dream cant he? Quote
Ambassador The Major Posted March 12, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted March 12, 2007 My guild, Praire States Leather Guild also accepts members from all around. If interested you can go to for info. Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted March 12, 2007 Moderator Report Posted March 12, 2007 Well, ahem, there once upon a time was a company that considered "putting on the show" and establishing the world class standard. They invented the prestigious "Al Stohlman Award". Then there was a guild that grew so big that putting on an international show was discussed, but there was too much apathy to pursue it seriously. The Al Stohlman Award was turned over to the one magazine that caters to carvers, but is not available on your local newstand, so companies have trouble justifying the expense of the advertising. Leatherland is not very well organized, with the exception of the cooperation of the IFoLG member guilds. Part of it is economics. Even the big IFoLG shows are attended by vendors more out of courtesy and and the desire to see old friends, not any hope of making a profit or breaking even, after expenses. The teachers/instructors would say the same thing. The host of a show has to front some money to make it happen. To host a show like the IFoLG is known for- up front cost will be say between $4000-$8000, depending on what you can negotiate, and you hope to break even through the raffle, not the registrations, t-shirt sales or banquet tickets. Then, personal economics, scheduling and distance affect attendance. Can the average leatherworker afford to take few days off from work and drive or fly to the host city, stay in a hotel, eat out, rent a car and so forth? I am saving money to go to Texas because we have 4 kids, and rooms and restaurants...well, any family can do the math. It adds up. The IFoLG tries to alternate years where possible over the Mississippi River because people like me have never been to the western shows, and people like Clay seldom come east. That's the geographical problem. I think we could easily do contests or comparisons online with people voting for their favorites. I could ask around for donation prizes. I'd need a few of you to volunteer to judge so no one knows who did what until winners are announced. Wolvie, you're in charge of getting a few people to judge and suggest some ideas for patterns, guidelines, dates etc I'll set up an area where you guys can hash out the details privately, then you can announce it on the main board. If you're interested in competitions, post here or PM Wolvie. Meanwhile, I need to get back to work on the member galleries. Don't forget to send me pictures and a bio so I can include your business, hobby or smiling face! Johanna (still waiting for Dan's stuff! LOL) Quote
pepin1948 Posted March 12, 2007 Report Posted March 12, 2007 PittPounders, in Pennsylvania, also accepts people even when they can't make meetings. Also, there are shows you can compete in without being a guild member - I know the one in Indianapolis coming up doesn't require membership. Quote
cjbleather Posted March 13, 2007 Report Posted March 13, 2007 What we need to do is create a non guild that does everything the IFoLG does without requiring competitors to be members of guilds! I am still along way away from full understanding of guilds and the "master" guild..... even after having a lengthy conversation with Johanna, but i figure, an established conpetetor to the IFoLG would probably get some competition entries from independants that would blow your mind... Oh well... a guy can dream cant he? I am not sure what you meant about the IFOLG. As far as I am concerned, they have done a very valuable thing for all leather guilds who wish to join the group. The IFOLG sponsors an annual show for all their members at which any member can enter items for competition. This show is not a small undertaking. Just ask anyone who worked on the 2006 show in Butler PA. If you really desire to do what the IFOLG has been doing, good luck. You will need it plus a lot of volunteer help. If you are looking just for a guild to join so that you can participate in the IFOLG show, go with one of Johanna's suggestions. However, don't overlook the PSLAC. They probably publish the best newsletter by far of any of the guilds. But, unfortunately, they are not members of the IFoLG (Carl- you typed "IILG and I wanted to avoid confusion~Johanna). So, a membership with them, will not allow you to enter the IFOLG show. Personally, I would also join them though for just their newsletter. It is great. Carl Quote
Contributing Member wolvenstien Posted March 13, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted March 13, 2007 Carl, I in no way was trying to belittle what the IFoLG does. What I was doing was making gest of the fact that you have to be a MEMBER, just like you stated yourself "The IFOLG sponsors an annual show for all their members at which any member can enter items for competition." I understand what the IFoLG does and also understand that they are instumential in alot of things that just cannot be done without them. Johanna, Whats this putting my head on the chopping block? What did I do to you? Or not do as it may be? I will stop this side track of the thread and throw it up in another area... or same area different thread of its own so as not to steal the thread away from Dan Hammons who is looking for information, and I inadvertenly cluttered up his thread with this... Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted March 13, 2007 Moderator Report Posted March 13, 2007 I'm a member of PSLAC, and I gladly link to their site at the bottom of every page of this forum (Rawhide Gazette is their newsletter). It is worth the $10 membership fee to browse through the members only files they have collected, and you can even buy the older newsletters on cd for a reasonable price. PSLAC started out as a buying cooperative, I believe. Bob Stelmack has devoted a lot of time to making sure the art isn't lost. The IFoLG show for 2008 will be here in Ohio, about two hours from my house. (We will have to have a party next year for weary travelers!) Wolvie, your head is not on a chopping block. Wood dulls my knives. It's a great idea, only I've got too much going on right now. You seem like a good planner. See if you can talk Carl and Clay into judging, and I'll ask Bob Stelmack (of PSLAC) if he will help, too. You've got some good ideas. Now write them down instead of copying my post! Shawn, your guild, the Prairie States Leather Guild, is becoming another good online resource for leatherworkers. The South Central leather Guild is another. Both of these guilds recognize the benefit of sharing fellowship and fun, as well as taking strong educational roles and archiving information. Along with FLASAH, they have done the most this past year to further the art of leathercraft. The Central Indiana Leathercrafters are doing a show in Indianapolis in April, but it's not "IFoLG" recognized. I am planning to go. Anyone can enter in a show like that. The trick is to get a group of people who will sponsor it. There used to be The Midwest Federation of Leather Guilds (any guild within 600 miles of Chicago could join) and they held an annual show for years. I'm not sure what happened to the Midwest Federation, but some guilds reorganized, and I can't recall any recent shows. (Maybe Carl could fill us in, or Blanche) I don't know why a similar show couldn't be organized, and if guilds/groups work together. I would like to work for a combined online library shared by all. There are a few people dedicated to preserving what yesterday's masters wrote and said, and documenting the outstanding leather workers of today. Bob Stelmack (PSLAC) Joe Holman (PSLG) Dave Howell and Jerome Wharburton (SCLG) Verlane Desgrange (Do you look at the Siegels catalog?), Ruth Barkely, who has the tedious job of sorting through Yahoo lists for nuggets to add the the LKB and others that I'm momentarily forgetting. I'm trying to do my part. There are archived Pitt Pounders newsletters available, and pics of the 2006 IFoLG show on their site: Pitt Pounders. So Wolvie, don't feel bad. I'm a dreamer. too. But if enough people care, and are interested, anything is possible. The IFoLG is proof of that. People participate because they want to, not because of any economic incentive. (Oh, yeah, and we have a great time!) Johanna Quote
Contributing Member ClayB Posted March 13, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted March 13, 2007 Another show open to anyone that wants to enter, guild member or not, is the World Leather Debut held in conjuction with the Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show (Sheridan, WY). This show costs more to enter than the IFoLG show, $25 per entry vs. $2 per entry (pretty sure that is right). The World Leather Debut also pays fairly substantial cash prizes for best in each of 13 catagories. Runner ups and honorable mentions get ribbons and certificates. If you enter this show you have to be prepared to go up against the likes of Peter Main, Jim Jackson, Jan Schoonover just to name a few. There are no divisions like beginner, advanced and masters like the IFoLG. If you go to view the entries, you will see some really amazing stuff!! Clay Quote
cjbleather Posted March 16, 2007 Report Posted March 16, 2007 Johanna, The Midwest Federation is still going strong. Mostly through the efforts of the Praire States Leather Guild. Central Indiana and Midwest agreed a few years ago to alternate their particular shows. Primarily, because they both had a show, usually at end of March or in April. So, rather then continually fighting for attendence, they wisely agreed to alternate each year. This year must be Central Indiana's turn. Next year, Midwest will put on the show. Carl Quote
Members Brigid's Forge Posted March 16, 2007 Members Report Posted March 16, 2007 We would be interested in a guild in the Southeast, and would try to attend meetings, although the closer to north Mississippi the more frequently we would show. Quote
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