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The first one is a guitar strap I made for my friend Sean; the second is a sketchbook cover I made for me; and the third is a purse I made, also for me. The sketchbook cover is background dyed black (and I need to work on my dyeing skills but that's OK), and the purse is filigreed over navy-blue suede.







  • Ambassador

fine looking work. How long is the Guitar Strap and do you

have an idea as to how long it took to Lace it ?

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Thanks! 48"- he likes them short for some reason, not that I know enough about guitars to say for sure whether that's unusually short- but there are 8 extra inches on there. I'm not sure exactly how long it took me to lace it. I think about a week, but it was one of the more hectic weeks of my life, so my leatherworking schedule was decidedly catch-as-catch-can.

  • Ambassador

very nice stuff...great carving and stitching...love the bag design


Chocolate- Looking at those beautiful pieces, it made me think to myself for a moment "I hope they can appreciate what they are getting". For us leatherworking buffs- we look at those items as Craftsmanship, Time, and Soul. Every piece to be treasured... Some

recipients will really cherish something like that "just for what it is" but it is even sweeter when someone knows what kind of Blood Sweat and Tears went into it. You really went the extra mile on those items! Beautiful!


Very nice work! I agree about the bag design, I like it!

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks! It's silver mylar lace. (It really does look blue in the picture though!) I borrowed the idea from the guy that taught me how to do lacing.

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