How did YOU find out about
Cross Linking Survey
114 members have voted
1. How did you find out about this site?
A Tandy store or manager7
Internet Search Engine (google, yahoo, msn etc.)52
Another forum/list/message board or Yahoo list11
A leather guild, like the PittPounders or Buckeye Leathercrafters Guild4
A leather store, supplier or dealer0
A link from another site6
Newsletter, magazine or other print material1
Stupid dumb luck14
I have no idea how I got here!9
other (please explain)3
friend or relative told me13
2. How often do you check the website?
once a month2
once a week2
several times a week16
every chance I get21
so often I should be doing something else right now!28
3. Would you be willing to link to LW on your website?
yes, send me a banner29
no, thanks2
I'll think about it9
I don't have a website73
4. Does this site help your site to get more Internet traffic?
No, I don't have a website.68
No, I don't list my website5
No, it doesn't affect my traffic6
Yes, occasionally5
Yes, regularly5
I have no idea21
other (please explain)3
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