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I just stumbled onto this forum yesterday, quite a cool deal. I am a custom saddle maker and engraver here in Midvale Id. There are plenty of engraving forums, and I participate when time allows, but I have always thought it would be cool if there was a saddle forum, well I guess there is and I am just slow on the take-up.

All through my career the saddle business has been very secretive, shops just did not divulge information, even when I worked for other shops they taught you just enough for you to get your work done, its nice to see a place where there is a free exchange of information happening.

Besides custom saddles as I said, I also engrave, I do my own saddle silver and tinker with bits and spurs as a hobby, My other serious work other than saddles is high end art knives, which makes a nice balance, you can only pound on leather for so long. Brian



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Welcome to the forum, Brian. And thanks for the pics and link to your site. I love looking at saddles. Your's are outstanding

works! I'm very impressed at your talent in leather and metal. That big spade bit is elegant!

Got a question...what did you use for the horn wrap in the pic you posted?

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I've been admiring your outstanding work on your web site for some time now. It's great to have makers of your caliber join in the discussions. Welcome!


  • Moderator

Welcome Brian,

That is the kind of work to be noticed around this forum. Feel free to jump in anywhere, just because a topic is old doesn't mean it is done. Like Jon, I have been admiring your work for a while too.



Beautiful work! We checked out your website - saddles first of course. They are gorgeous. But then we looked at your engraving section, particularly the knives... Wow... I don't have any other words for them and Rod was too busy drooling to talk...

  • Ambassador

WOW.....WOW......WOW Oh yeah, welcome to the forum. Brian, had a look at your site (had no idea what the second pic was) and I am in AWE!!!

The saddle you posted is spectacular, the attention to detail, everything about it is just awe inspiring. When I clicked on the engraving section of your site, well, that floored me. Such great beautiful art. You have a talent second to none. Those knives are amazing.

Okay, I'll stop drooling now..... Here you will find so many great people that are always willing to share info, knowledge and friendship. Ask a question, and you'll get answers, post pics, and you for sure will get praise.

Again welcome, it's great to have another talented saddlemaker here.




Ditto to the accolades that others are giving you. Definitely welcome aboard. I have been checking out your site for quite some time. Both sides of your work are great (engraving and saddles). I actually stumbled upon your work/website off of an engraving forum.

Look forward to your participation in the group.



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checked out your site! Wow what fabulous workmanship. Love the proto type you did for William Henry knives. that is one of the favorite knife companies that a very dear friend of mine Raves about.


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Man I love this forum....all these great craftsmen in one place, Kieth Seidel, Steve Mason, Bruce Johnson, and on and on....now you. I have had your site in my favorites for quite a while. You guys are all too much to live up to...but I keep trying. No one has mentined your chinks, but like everything else on your site, they are outstanding.

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Welcome as well, Brian. I've been a fan of your work for quite some time. I look forward to your input. JW

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Thanks for the warm welcome. The horn wrap on that saddle is elk hide, its a happy medium between mule hide and rubber. Rubber has never been well excepted in any branding trap I have been in, but I really dislike using mule hide. You can stop the same cattle that would cause blue smoke and a scorched rope on mule hide, with only a couple turns on the elk. Anyway, thanks everyone for checking out my website. I am working on a pretty cool saddle right now, full flower square skirt, should be done at the end of the month I will post some pics when it is done.-Brian

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Welcome to the forum, Brian! Wow... I'm totally floored by your work and seriously thought about hanging up my tools. Also looked at your website and man... I got floored a second time! Exquisite and top-notch work!

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thanks for posting such nice work gives me something to aspire to. looking forward to seeing more picturess posted of your current work.


Holy horses! That is some quite amazing stuff you make!

The saddle seem to be absolutely top notch.

Sure hope we see more stuff from you!


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Howdy Brian;

I have been using "elktan" for a while now and like it much better than the mulehide (pearl apron split). If you don't mind where are you finding your "elk hide", our leather suppliers in my area don't carry it.

Thanks Much

Thanks for the warm welcome. The horn wrap on that saddle is elk hide, its a happy medium between mule hide and rubber. Rubber has never been well excepted in any branding trap I have been in, but I really dislike using mule hide. You can stop the same cattle that would cause blue smoke and a scorched rope on mule hide, with only a couple turns on the elk. Anyway, thanks everyone for checking out my website. I am working on a pretty cool saddle right now, full flower square skirt, should be done at the end of the month I will post some pics when it is done.-Brian

Stunning work! I love the patina you get on your gold. (I don't engrave and don't pretend to do the type of work you do, but I do work in silver and gold and put a patina on most of my pieces.) I really like your style. I'm glad you're here and look forward to the new saddle!

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I have ordered the elk from Siegal, and I think Sheridan leather has it as well. Cut your strips a bit wider than normal since it will strech and narrow up when you wrap the horn, I usually go about 3", you will also have to cut around a few bullet holes :) -Brian

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Well that's it, I just threw my gaver and chasers hammer against the garage wall! That engraving is impecable! Saddles very nice too! I fiddle with bits and spurs but nothing on your caliber.

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Very Very Nice Work Brian.... Thanks for sharing... I just found this site as well and am anxious to explore it also... Adios... Jay Nordley

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masterfull work brian thanks for sharing.

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