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I wasn't sure where to post this, but the leather tools sub-forum seemed the way to go.

My son (who is a great photographer and graphic artist among many other things..) just finished updating my website. It now contains a page devoted to the knives I make for leather workers. I'd appreciate a visit and an opinion if you have the time to look! Just go to www.knipknives.com and then click on the "leather knives" button at the top of the page.

Thanks for looking...

Knipper (Terry Knipschield)

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The website, and the knives, look great!

One thing that would be handy in the descriptions of the leather knives would be the stock thickness.

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Beautiful website! And absolutely STUNNING knives! I only saw one thing that was missing... The link back to Leatherworker.net! ;)

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Beautiful website! And absolutely STUNNING knives! I only saw one thing that was missing... The link back to Leatherworker.net! ;)

There's another thing missing, PRICES! Even if you price on a per order basis you should put a range or something on there. I am always reluctant to contact someone about a product if I don't know what price range I am looking at. If it's way out of my league I don't want to waste my time, or theirs.

They are great looking knives though, and I happen to be in the market for a head knife. Too bad I don't know how much yours are! haha.

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There's another thing missing, PRICES! Even if you price on a per order basis you should put a range or something on there. I am always reluctant to contact someone about a product if I don't know what price range I am looking at. If it's way out of my league I don't want to waste my time, or theirs.

They are great looking knives though, and I happen to be in the market for a head knife. Too bad I don't know how much yours are! haha.

Prices are there! Just let your mouse hover over the picture to display a tooltip containing pricing, or click on the picture and read the description that pops up! :)

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Prices are there! Just let your mouse hover over the picture to display a tooltip containing pricing, or click on the picture and read the description that pops up! :)

Ummmmmm....not on my browser. Perhaps that is something they should investigate is browser compatability because hovering over the picture doesn't do anything and when I click the picture there is no description, just a picture.

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Ummmmmm....not on my browser. Perhaps that is something they should investigate is browser compatability because hovering over the picture doesn't do anything and when I click the picture there is no description, just a picture.

Same here... :16:

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Very nice work!! I just added three to my wish list. I had no trouble viewing prices.



I use fire fox and if click on thumb nail it goes to a bigger picture with information or i can do the hoover thing and it see the same information without the bigger picture.

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The price is listed after the name of the model in each description...


There's another thing missing, PRICES! Even if you price on a per order basis you should put a range or something on there. I am always reluctant to contact someone about a product if I don't know what price range I am looking at. If it's way out of my league I don't want to waste my time, or theirs.

They are great looking knives though, and I happen to be in the market for a head knife. Too bad I don't know how much yours are! haha.

  • Contributing Member

I see the hover information on Internet Explorer with XP. What browers are you using whinewhine and evandailey? (Having recently redone our website, I understand the frustration of getting them to look right in everything. Information about browsers, etc. from multiple sources will help Knipper a lot!)

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What Browser are you using? I've tried this on Firefox, Chrome and Explorer (current versions) and everything appears to be there. I've learned that sometimes you have to clear your browser's cache to get certain features to work.



Same here... :16:

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Heh...I usually ask permission from the site before I post a link, but you're right.. I don't think Leatherworker.net will mind. I'll work on that. I have some more links to post anyway.


Beautiful website! And absolutely STUNNING knives! I only saw one thing that was missing... The link back to Leatherworker.net! ;)

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Thank you! That was a good catch. I'll get a revision going (all the head knives are 1/16" thick, by the way...)


The website, and the knives, look great!

One thing that would be handy in the descriptions of the leather knives would be the stock thickness.


Tried this with IE 8 and 9 as well as Firefox 4 and 5. All of them show up with the hover function where Terry has his prices.


The knives look very nice. That's a unique draw gauge blade. Good idea. Glad to see another one producing knifes for the leatherworker.



  • Members

I see the hover information on Internet Explorer with XP. What browers are you using whinewhine and evandailey? (Having recently redone our website, I understand the frustration of getting them to look right in everything. Information about browsers, etc. from multiple sources will help Knipper a lot!)

I was using some version of Internet Explorer. I have no idea what it was because it is put on by our IT dept. at work and we have no control over what it is.

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I use MSN Explorer and I don't see the prices either. When my cursor hovers over the picture the knife model shows up but without a price.

What Browser are you using? I've tried this on Firefox, Chrome and Explorer (current versions) and everything appears to be there. I've learned that sometimes you have to clear your browser's cache to get certain features to work.



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Yeah, I think there will always be issues with older browser versions. Some do not support some of the newer features one can do on a web page now. If I made the website so simple that even the oldest browser could view it, I wouldn't be able to do some of the things my son has engineered into the site, so I guess I just have to pick what works for most and be content with it. One thing that might help is to clear your browser's cache...somehow that makes some features work better if the version is not too old...


I use MSN Explorer and I don't see the prices either. When my cursor hovers over the picture the knife model shows up but without a price.

I suppose one could also download the FireFox browser and use that. It's free and I know the website works well with it.


Yeah, I think there will always be issues with older browser versions. Some do not support some of the newer features one can do on a web page now. If I made the website so simple that even the oldest browser could view it, I wouldn't be able to do some of the things my son has engineered into the site, so I guess I just have to pick what works for most and be content with it. One thing that might help is to clear your browser's cache...somehow that makes some features work better if the version is not too old...



I was using some version of Internet Explorer. I have no idea what it was because it is put on by our IT dept. at work and we have no control over what it is.

It sounds to me like you companies filter system is blocking it from coming through. There are a lot of people on this forum that post pictures elsewhere and link them here instead of posting them directly on the forum. At work the filter cleanly removes them. Many times I have no idea something is missing unless it is commented on by someone.


  • Moderator

FWIW, I am using IE Explorer 8 on Vista and can't see the hover deal either, just the model name comes up. :dunno: I had upgraded to IE Explorer 9 and had to go back to IE 8 until they release some improvements.


There are a bunch of things that can affect viewing in IE. For instance privacy, security levels, filtering, pop-up blockers, smartscreen filter, compatability filters, etc are some of them.

Likewise there are a number of things in Firefox that can impact it as well.

With both of them the Java library version can have an impact on the viewing as well.

Just some places to look for possible fixes for the problem.



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Your page looks beautiful to me. although a little small. I am using Firefox 10.

I love your style and apparent quality of work in your knives.

I have book marked your page and I am considering leather a knife for sure.

However, I didn't see any prices on the fixed nor on the folding knives though!


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Hi Joel..

The "intro" pages of fixed and folder type knives are intended to just show the type of work I do and picture some of my favorite models. Prices are listed consistently with the "Available For Purchase" section of the Gallery. Older work is listed in the "Previous Work" section, and yes, some do not list prices. That's because my materials are going up in price every year and prices are soon outdated. But I will quote a firm price once the customer tells me what they want. In general, Fixed blades with Micarta handles will run $225 to $350 unless some exotic material is requested. Folders start at $375 and again, will increase with the size of the knife, or model, and materials requested. I always like to talk with a customer anyway...to get to know each other and set up a good dialogue either on the phone or by email, so I encourage inquiries. It's more personal that way with a truly 'custom' knife as opposed to just listing a model and price and shipping it out. Many times the customer wants some sort of variation on what I've made previously and I've found talking with the customer is the best way to handle it. Now that the format is up and working, I plan to do some more editing on descriptions for the previous work section, and if I can commit to a price, I'll put that in there too, or at least a price range.


Your page looks beautiful to me. although a little small. I am using Firefox 10.

I love your style and apparent quality of work in your knives.

I have book marked your page and I am considering leather a knife for sure.

However, I didn't see any prices on the fixed nor on the folding knives though!


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