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i use to purchase powder dyes which i mixed my self with meths but the firm i used to buy from have closed down does anyone know where i can buy powder dyes from

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This Gentleman is located in Japan, his shipping is as good as you can expect since it has to go through our Customs. Three to four weeks.



You can buy powdered pigments at most craft stores.

You can get Rit and a few other brands in powder form off of Amazon.

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You can get powders from most hardware stores, particularly the large chain ones, Go to the builders section and look for concrete oxide powders that builders use to colour mortar.

Here is an Australian example for a colour chart.



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thanks for your help

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I used to buy powdered aniline stains from Woodcraft and Stewart-McDonald.

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I used to buy powdered aniline stains from Woodcraft and Stewart-McDonald.

Is these the ones you use http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Finishing_supplies/Colors,_tints,_and_stains/Inlay_Filler_Colors.html?tab=Pictures ? How do they blend with alcohol?

I used to buy the powdered Seiwa dye from Goods of Japan on ebay and mix it with alcohol, but they dont list it anymore. I am now keen on finding an alternative (inexpensive that is).


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Is these the ones you use http://www.stewmac.c...ml?tab=Pictures ? How do they blend with alcohol?

I used to buy the powdered Seiwa dye from Goods of Japan on ebay and mix it with alcohol, but they dont list it anymore. I am now keen on finding an alternative (inexpensive that is).


No, those look like solid pigments. They used to carry Behlens powdered aniline dye. J.E. Moser's is probably equivalent.


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Dharma Trading company has powdered dyes. I suspect that the "fiber reactive" dyes are the ones to go for and mix them with an acidic base instead of water for protein based materials such as silk and leather.


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