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I am a old man ,new to computers and I cant stand change ! I suppose the computer is not the place for me then . Some one put a lot of work into this new look here on this site . On one hand I should be honouring the work done on the other hand all I can think is "OH NO NOW ONCE AGAIN I FEEL LIKE A IDIOT " . I hate stumbling around blind trying to find out how things work after changes . I have always said if it works why change it ? Most of the time I end up frustrated and just go away after changes ,sad because I like this site and the people . As I get older and the world changes I feel less competent with each passing day . This is frustrating and I dont really know else to say . Its hell getting up each day and feeling like a idiot when you cant make things work . I am part of the on /off crowd why does one need more buttons than that ? What will come of this I have no idea ,will I be able to make it work I dont know . For now the familiar is gone and I am lost ,thats my problem for sure . Thats my two cents !!

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Hi Bluesman.. I'm sure you're not alone with the changes.. ;)

I came on and was surprised by them this morning..lol

I'm finding my way round a bit now, but then again, it depends on which features you use most i guess..

I tend to just use the forum and occasionally pop into my profile if I want to quickly find out if there's any new comments on posts I've commented on already..

I'm missing the flags down the side of posts, cos I'm interested in where folk are in the real world, but its no biggy..

Just keep muddling through and if you're stuck, I'm sure someone will be happy to steer ya in the right direction.. ;)



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I am not much for change either, but with software it has to be updated occasionally. These forum wasn't built from scratch, it is on a software template. I don't think this particular version has been updated for a while. I am not a computer expert, but what I have found is that as the newer versions are developed, some of the previous features that I get used to aren't supported by the developers and you can end up with an orphan set up. Thye work with older browsers but not with new ones, and things like that. There are still some tweakings going on with options in the background, more apps to be added, so this isn't the final version but at least it is up and running with pretty minimal problems so far. Much happier than after the historic crash several years ago when everything was lost and a ton of hours were put in by Johanna and Kate to unscramble text and pictures and recreate the forum.

The main thing I have noticed so far was the "view new content". On the new version mine was on a setting that didn't list posts once I had read them. I knew it was there an hour ago, but where is it now?? I found the setting on the left menu bar and it gives you lots of options.

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I really like the lighter colours, makes the site easier to read. I haven't noticed too much difference yet but because I use Facebook a lot, it reminds me of it and it's a bit more familiar. I'd love to see a new Leatherworkers' banner and the return of the flags on the side of the posts too (and breaks in the posters' profile list).

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  On 9/20/2012 at 8:29 AM, Horrrk said:

Hi Bluesman.. I'm sure you're not alone with the changes.. ;)

I came on and was surprised by them this morning..lol

I'm finding my way round a bit now, but then again, it depends on which features you use most i guess..

I tend to just use the forum and occasionally pop into my profile if I want to quickly find out if there's any new comments on posts I've commented on already..

I'm missing the flags down the side of posts, cos I'm interested in where folk are in the real world, but its no biggy..

Just keep muddling through and if you're stuck, I'm sure someone will be happy to steer ya in the right direction.. ;)



Phil,Thanks for your words! I had a favorite radio program I listened to for many years every night at bed time . The station folke decided to drop that program in favor of something else. That day I turned the radio off and it has not been turned back on in two years now . I listened for twenty years to that program and for me it was like loseing a old friend . Yes I miss the flags too ,it matters when you reply to something ,simply cant tell a guy in Russia to go to Tandy or buy something thats common to you in the states ,when he or she simply cant get that item . Makes you look like a fool ,and reminds others that life is just not like it is here for all . Thats unecessary and unkind . I dont know about you but I dont like feeling like a idiot or being told no to something . Right now every time I click on the gallery photos I am being told I dont have permission to view those . PERMISSION!!!!!!!! I dont need any bodys permission to see any thing that infuriates me to no end . Whats up with that any way ????? I have days full of NO's and annoying stuff every day ,people making decisions that affect your bottom line in a negative manner . What I need in my life is less things to click on ,less buttons ,fewer complications , and less annoyances . Right now I am sure I dont like the changes ,do you think removing the flags made any bodys life better ? No I think not and yet a decision was made that affected all in some manner ,and for what ??? Too make it better ??? I dont think so !! I want to thank you sincerely for your thoughts and words . Dont know what I am going to do ,I do know I am not going to deliberately going to annoy myself with something that has become difficult to use . Bill
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I am aware of the Gallery permission issue, and we're trying to fix it now. No one wants you to feel foolish or unwelcome. We're trying to give you a functional website to enjoy. Please give us a few days to work out the buggy stuff before you make a decision about us. We're trying very hard to do the best we can for our members.


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  On 9/20/2012 at 12:33 PM, bruce johnson said:

I am not much for change either, but with software it has to be updated occasionally. These forum wasn't built from scratch, it is on a software template. I don't think this particular version has been updated for a while. I am not a computer expert, but what I have found is that as the newer versions are developed, some of the previous features that I get used to aren't supported by the developers and you can end up with an orphan set up. Thye work with older browsers but not with new ones, and things like that. There are still some tweakings going on with options in the background, more apps to be added, so this isn't the final version but at least it is up and running with pretty minimal problems so far. Much happier than after the historic crash several years ago when everything was lost and a ton of hours were put in by Johanna and Kate to unscramble text and pictures and recreate the forum.

The main thing I have noticed so far was the "view new content". On the new version mine was on a setting that didn't list posts once I had read them. I knew it was there an hour ago, but where is it now?? I found the setting on the left menu bar and it gives you lots of options.

Thanks for your words . Dont really know what to say because I dont understand all the computer stuff you spoke of . For me it either works or it dont . I am just too darn old to be putting up with a bunch of changes ,I like it when things work the way I rembered them . As the days stack up I would like to feel smarter rather than dumber with each passing day . LOL I am unhappy and sad with this I enjoyed being here and seeing all the work now am just frustrated and annoyed . Bill
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You'll be able to make it work. Don't fret. Change is inevitable.

It's not what has changed that matters. It's the things that have stayed the same that do. Look at it in the perspective of automobiles. There's a HUGE difference between a '76 Ford Fiesta and a '11 Lamborghini Gallardo as far as features go but as long as you know how to drive a manual transmission car you can drive still drive either. Whether you know how to use all of the Lambo's creature features or not it won't stop you from driving it.

When it comes right down to it all forums are the same. They all have categories, forums/sub forums, topics and posts. At the heart of it that's all you need in order to understand it's use. It doesn't matter what features the forum has, as long as you know that that basic navigation is the same you can pretty much use any forum. Don't let the bells and whistles blind you.


It is a Very Common Reaction for us humans to not like change. Usually once I get used to the new things I see that they

work better in the long run.

There is a section for Computer Help - down below Announcements and Administrivia (That should probably say Administrative)

I have never used it , but that might be a place to pose your technical computer questions... :thumbsup:

Hey WOW, as I was writing this there was a pop-up window that said 1 new replies added. Show me. When I clicked on it

Bill's latest post came into view...... and again for Johanna's latest post..... This is a GREAT addition - so we wont miss any

new posts while we are writing!

I was going to say that we all should probably be patient and wait for problems with the new site changes to get ironed out, and then Johanna posted that very idea...

Just be patient and look for the new things on the site - don't be afraid to try something new, just to see what it does... :winkiss: It is like exploring a new place... :lol: lots of really good things here... :unsure: Look at it with a positive outlook :coffeecomp: Please don't give up :smashcomp: Learning new things keeps you Young :thumbsup:

** I had a favorite radio program like yours be discontinued and I was really disappointed. 3 months later it turns out that program was

just put on a different radio station... You might be missing out on radio programs for no reason... try Googling what you were listening to and you might find out that there is an alternative way to listen to your program and maybe even more choices. I like to listen to the old radio shows and there are quite a few choices to be found in a Google search --------> old radio shows free online

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  On 9/20/2012 at 1:05 PM, bluesman1951 said:

Thanks for your words . Dont really know what to say because I dont understand all the computer stuff you spoke of . For me it either works or it dont . I am just too darn old to be putting up with a bunch of changes ,I like it when things work the way I rembered them . As the days stack up I would like to feel smarter rather than dumber with each passing day . LOL I am unhappy and sad with this I enjoyed being here and seeing all the work now am just frustrated and annoyed . Bill


Kind of think of the software like a car. Every year they come out with new models, kind of like new versions of software. Things change a bit with every new version. After a while they stop supporting the old versions, kind of like not stocking OEM footswitches for the dimmers on '67 Chevy pickups anymore. Because of other changes in browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox, etc. the software has to change to keep compatible. Just like new cars, the controls are moved and things look different because we have gone from the '67 Chevy to a 2012 Explorer without some of the changes in between. Even the administrators don't know exactly how things are going to look or work until the new version is in. That is where things are at right now. The big things are being squared away, other changes are being found and dealt with. As far as the applications like the flags, think of those as the aftermarket accessories. They will be reinstalled on the new version, but the first priority was to get the new version up and running first.

To further this car theme deal. I drive a 2002 Ford pickup. I know every control, can work them without looking. When I travel and rent something, it is an experience. If I can get the radio going and lights and wipers figured out in 10 minutes I am pretty pleased. Last year I changed the rear view mirror in Indianapolis and 10 seconds later was connected to OnStar. About time to turn the rental back in and I have them pretty well down. The new version of the forum will be that way too.

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Posted (edited)

Bluesman, I hear you. I've got some years on you, but this site CAN be worked out - what sent me off recently was that my 10 year old, 36", 200 pound TV took a sh- uh - DUMP on me. Now, for years, you called a TV repairman, or took the thing to a place to get it fixed, or maybe just pulled some tubes and ran them in to check them -- not anymore. I had to buy a new one. I toddled up to a joint to look at the things and find that my old TV (which was a pretty good sized one back when I bought it) is now a dinky little thing, squashed down in height and stretched sideways a bit. I ended up with a 50" thing of about the same size as the old one, so that it would fit where the old one was. A kid shows up to load the thing in my car. Runs it out on a hand truck, looks in the back of my vehicle, says 'it'll fit", picks it up and slides it in. My old one weighed almost 200 pounds, and this kid picks this new one up like it's nothing!!. Get it home and my son shows up to help me out. He pulls the new one out and just carries it into the house - the thing can't weigh 60 pounds. He looks at the wires all over hell and half of Texas,from the Direct TV box and the DVD player, and starts yanking them out. He say that I won't be able to use the DVD player 'cause it's too damned old - won't look or work worth a crap on the new 'Hi Def' machine. I say what about hooking the TV to the Direct TV box? He pulls out a single cord, says that he knew that I wouldn't know to buy one, but he had an extra from when he remodeled his house, then just plugs the one cord from the box the the TV. Messes with my remote a bit and turns the new TV on. It fiddles and farts for a bit, talks to itself and finally I have bright, new picture, and off he goes. I don't think much about it, other than to think that this Hi Def stuff isn't any better than my old one. About a week later a friend drops by, sees the new TV and says that the picture looks like hell. I tell him it's just as good as the old one was. He jumps up, messes with the box, pushes a button a few times and all of a sudden, I can count the hairs on a dog's - uh - tail-end. Anyway, I can remember our first TV, an Emerson with an 8" black and white picture, and initially we used a coat hanger out the window for an antenna. This technology stuff is getting to me. I can remember that my grandmother had a cast iron cook stove, mostly wood fired, but with two gas burners on one side of the top. She never used the gas burners because she was afraid of the gas. I guess that now I understand how she felt. Mike

Edited by katsass

Wow, had a big storm the other day and my internet is out for a while and I come back to a shocker lol.

I like this site and the people regardless what it looks like, but my first thought was; I think the old brown look looked more leather-ish. The blue is kinda generic like 3 or 4 other sites I frequent. The old look was more unique and unlike any other sites I read regularly. No offence intended, just an honest observation. On the other hand the blue has a new and fresher feel to it.

Other than that, great work on the new stuff. Much gratitude for a great forum and all the hard work on the updates.


PS...is there a "Mark Forums Read" button somehwere when you "View New Content"? I'm probably looking right at it without seeing it.


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The "Follow this topic" finally works. I now get an email when there are replies to a checked topic. If there wasn't change we would be driving stick cars, watching a small black and white TV, our phone would be the black candlestick, and there wouldn't be any smart phones, lap tops or internet. Instead of bringing out your negatives about the new format, we should embrace it like we all have with the 441 clone. As the 441 clone was drastcally new to first time sewing machine owners, they learned to overcome, and now their machine is the best thing since sliced bread. I for one would like to thank the owners of this fabulous site for keeping it updated with new features.

Terry Nawrot

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The blue is temporary. When we get the car running properly, we'll paint it. :cowgirl:


  On 9/20/2012 at 3:19 PM, Mike516 said:

PS...is there a "Mark Forums Read" button somehwere when you "View New Content"? I'm probably looking right at it without seeing it.


At the very bottom of the page, left side. It also provides options on what to mark read.


PS. I like the changes, it's a common verson to a number of other forums I frequent. (hunting/fishing forums).

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As someone who's seemingly built a lot of websites recently, and built (and then again) rebuilt my own website from scratch due to a hacker, I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into making and maintaining a website. Thanks to the leatherworker.net team for all the work you do to keep this international community alive and well! I love the "New Content" menu on the left - A LOT!!

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Hey all!

I'm brand new to this web site (but not to the planet) so I don't know what it used to look like however, if there is one thing I have learned it's that I need to be grateful that there are sites like this where I can log on for free and connect with people of like mind and interests.

I don't like change either. We have owned exactly two computers since 1997 and every time I turn this one on it pesters me to install the new updates (ones that I did not ask for and have no idea who decided that I need them) and has been doing so for 3 or 4 years now. I don't care what the updates are, I liked this computer the way it was when I first turned it on and I don't want to have to sit and stare at the dam thing every other time I go to use it, wondering if it will work for me this time?

I hear ya Bluesman, I really do.

I guess if we want to play in someone else's sandbox we have to play by their rules, right?

No big deal cause we still get to play anyway...

  • Moderator

A couple people have commented that the board seems much more responsive and fast. I like all the hover previews (drive your mouse around and explanations pop up, or more detailed views) and the cleaner layout. We want to make this board easy to use YOUR way. That's why all the options are there, but you have to explore and experiement to set your account up to please yourself. I noticed one cool feature this morning- see someone's signature, and it gets on your nerves? You can block a signature displaying without blocking the person. It's the little things like that that make customization possible, and that's what we want to provide- your board, your way. Excuse me, gotta get back to this Gallery thing.


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  On 9/20/2012 at 6:47 PM, Johanna said:

A couple people have commented that the board seems much more responsive and fast.

I agree - it definitely seems more responsive. I have AdBlock running in Chrome, so I'm not aware if there are banner images up top currently, but those previously were a HUGE part of the delay when loading a page - adding a couple seconds or more to the load time.

One thing I'm beginning to miss is when I click on a link to view a post, it takes me to the beginning of the thread. Previously, it would take me to the newest post that I had not seen yet so I don't have to navigate through several pages of posts to catch up and find where I left off... Perhaps there is a setting to enable that feature I haven't found yet?

  On 9/20/2012 at 3:37 PM, tnawrot2 said:

Instead of bringing out your negatives about the new format, we should embrace it like we all have with the 441 clone. As the 441 clone was drastcally new to first time sewing machine owners, they learned to overcome, and now their machine is the best thing since sliced bread. I for one would like to thank the owners of this fabulous site for keeping it updated with new features.

Terry Nawrot

Sorry Terry, people have opinions and I believe everyone is entitled to theirs. Personally, I wasn't being negative, just making an observation. I think we all appreciate the hard work that goes into making this great site what it is. Some people just don't like change and they're just voicing their concerns, not beating up on the people upgrading the site.

  On 9/20/2012 at 4:41 PM, Johanna said:

The blue is temporary. When we get the car running properly, we'll paint it. :cowgirl:



  On 9/20/2012 at 5:23 PM, Phatdaddy said:

At the very bottom of the page, left side. It also provides options on what to mark read.


Thanks Kevin, I must need glasses...wait, I do, I'm just old and forget to wear them lol.

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Every things these days is throw away . We cant fix any thing any more . First its the machines then one day it will be our turn to be obsolete . I never touched a computer before my 60th birthday ,thats a late start and I am not sure its a good one . If you wish to see me zone out and my eyes glaze over .Say to me "All you have to do is......." This guranteed to bring on a catatonic state . LOL Hope you enjoy your new TV . Thanks for you words and the story ,I enjoyed that a lot . Bill

  On 9/20/2012 at 2:46 PM, katsass said:

Bluesman, I hear you. I've got some years on you, but this site CAN be worked out - what sent me off recently was that my 10 year old, 36", 200 pound TV took a sh- uh - DUMP on me. Now, for years, you called a TV repairman, or took the thing to a place to get it fixed, or maybe just pulled some tubes and ran them in to check them -- not anymore. I had to buy a new one. I toddled up to a joint to look at the things and find that my old TV (which was a pretty good sized one back when I bought it) is now a dinky little thing, squashed down in height and stretched sideways a bit. I ended up with a 50" thing of about the same size as the old one, so that it would fit where the old one was. A kid shows up to load the thing in my car. Runs it out on a hand truck, looks in the back of my vehicle, says 'it'll fit", picks it up and slides it in. My old one weighed almost 200 pounds, and this kid picks this new one up like it's nothing!!. Get it home and my son shows up to help me out. He pulls the new one out and just carries it into the house - the thing can't weigh 60 pounds. He looks at the wires all over hell and half of Texas,from the Direct TV box and the DVD player, and starts yanking them out. He say that I won't be able to use the DVD player 'cause it's too damned old - won't look or work worth a crap on the new 'Hi Def' machine. I say what about hooking the TV to the Direct TV box? He pulls out a single cord, says that he knew that I wouldn't know to buy one, but he had an extra from when he remodeled his house, then just plugs the one cord from the box the the TV. Messes with my remote a bit and turns the new TV on. It fiddles and farts for a bit, talks to itself and finally I have bright, new picture, and off he goes. I don't think much about it, other than to think that this Hi Def stuff isn't any better than my old one. About a week later a friend drops by, sees the new TV and says that the picture looks like hell. I tell him it's just as good as the old one was. He jumps up, messes with the box, pushes a button a few times and all of a sudden, I can count the hairs on a dog's - uh - tail-end. Anyway, I can remember our first TV, an Emerson with an 8" black and white picture, and initially we used a coat hanger out the window for an antenna. This technology stuff is getting to me. I can remember that my grandmother had a cast iron cook stove, mostly wood fired, but with two gas burners on one side of the top. She never used the gas burners because she was afraid of the gas. I guess that now I understand how she felt. Mike

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Well, when I came today I PMd a friend to see if it was supposed to look like this or if my computer was acting up :-) I hate change, would still be using windows 95 (what I learned on) if I could, but every time I get a different computer seems no one will put 95 on it for me, LOL. I'm finding my way around pretty well so far, and like a new windows program I end up loving it once I know how to use it until the next new one comes along and then it's grumble, grumble, whine again for a while. I'm sure I'll love this once I get everything down pat. Cheryl

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Posted (edited)
  On 9/20/2012 at 8:02 PM, bluesman1951 said:

Every things these days is throw away . We cant fix any thing any more . First its the machines then one day it will be our turn to be obsolete . I never touched a computer before my 60th birthday ,thats a late start and I am not sure its a good one . If you wish to see me zone out and my eyes glaze over .Say to me "All you have to do is......." This guranteed to bring on a catatonic state . LOL Hope you enjoy your new TV . Thanks for you words and the story ,I enjoyed that a lot . Bill

Bill -- ain't that the truth! 'Planned obsolescence' is now, more than ever, the name of the game. I used to be able to work on my car, not so's you'd notice anymore! But those that can work on my car just see $$$$$ when anyone shows up. Not only are things made to be thrown away, they charge you for the privilege. About 12 years ago I got a cell phone for "emergencies". Basically it was so I could get hold of Ma when I was going to be held over after an already 12 hour shift. But this idea of one for emergencies was more in case of something happening to me on the road - to and from work. I'm home now all the time so I don't use it - it's charged and if the power goes out I can call Edison to get a busy signal, and try a dozen more times. This 'in case of emergency' as advertised by many, is a farce. If you are 50 miles away from home and you get a call indicating some tragedy has struck (sink stopped up) -- what the hell are you going to do? You're 50 miles away! And if I'm out wandering the boondocks, nobody is going to find me in time to do anything anyway, 'cause I'm out in the boondocks AWAY from people, on purpose. Anyhow, my first one took a dump within a few years. (Hell I have somewhere in my junk an old, stand-up dial phone that still works if I plug it in.) SO, a new one was 'needed'. I go to the store and see prices of up to $300 or so -- for a damned telephone - that does everything in the world but work to call others. I finally find one down in a corner for $25. It's a telephone - that's all. I pay $20 every 90 days to keep it going, and have over $400 in usable credit on it. But I have one - if I can find it. I have a computer, which can take the place of a typewriter. But to use it I have to pay to get a line into my house for the computer. I then have to buy a printer to do just what my old (1920's model) folding portable typewriter does with a piece of paper - make words on paper. I'm thinking more and more that 'technology' is more and more used for toys - expensive, unneeded toys, but hyped a NEEDED, and the bottom line is just $$$$$$. Mike

Edited by katsass
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Do you remember the world of tomorrow?

Random thoughts:

The future ain't what it used to be.

Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before.

The only constant is change.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

The opposite of progress is congress.

- Just my 2 cents, but what can you buy with a penny? Not a damn thing. If a penny is worthless then all the pennies are worthless. Worth less or worthless?

I am now obsolete at Leather Machine Co.

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