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I am just getting started in doing leather work... so new I don't even have a project to post yet!

I have been interested in learning tooling for some time but have just finally got enough gumption to get going…

(or should I say my wife finally had enough of me driving her nuts and told me to get a hobby! :P )

Anyway, my wife is an artist and I frequently go to shows with her where I see a lot of leather work which is what has been fueling the desire to learn. So I guess today is day one of my quest, or as some of you term my new “addiction”. I look forward to getting input on my projects as I progress on this journey (addiction). :)

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welcome to the site and to the addiction.

  • 2 weeks later...
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welcome havamal! what part of washington are you in? I am in vancouver, right across the river from portland oregon

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Be smart and selective with your tool purchases to you don't end up with a lot of crap. Good tooling stamps make a world of difference.

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Thanks for the welcome!

Duke ~ I am in Spanaway, just south of Tacoma

immiketoo ~ I have been doing a lot of reading on this site and that was one of the first things that I became aware of. Not all tools are created equal!

Do you have a perticular barnd that you find best and are there any you recomend I stay away from?

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I am in Manchester, just north of Tacoma.


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I have alot of craftools but my go to tools will always be my barry kings. theyre spendy but worth it. I also have a wayne jeutske basketweave that I love.


Check out PSLAC at www.pslac.org


Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks for the Welcome!

Woody ~ Is'nt Manchester up by Port Orchard?

Stelmackr ~ Thanks for the link! Was looking around for local leather groups but had not found any.

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Posted (edited)

Woody ~ Isn't Manchester up by Port Orchard?

It's sort of part of Port Orchard. Like a suburb, so to speak. Not really a clear line where one starts and the other ends.

It's good to see some other people from the wet half of the state.

Edited by shtoink
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shtoink ~ LOL... we live in one of the few places that you can case your leather by going for a walk! :P

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Hello and welcome to the addiction. Have you ever considered heroin? It might be cheaper. :devil:

I'm just a bit north of ya'll in BC, 'bout an hour out of Vancouver. You aren't kidding on casing leather Havamal. I started learning to work leather further east in the much drier Kootenay region of the rockies. When I got home I had to totally relearn and experiment how to case the leather properly before tooling...the first pieces I tried casing using the method I originally learned went moldy before drying enough to tool! Sometimes it seems like the air here is damp enough on it's own...lol.

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Lurker ~ Thanks for the welcome! I'm actually originally from B.C., Quadra Island to be exact. (Campbell River area) So I am use to the soggy lifestyle! :)

Robertmeco ~ I have spent quite a bit of time here, and will spend a lot more I'm sure... LOTS of information and good people!

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It's actually kind of interesting in this area. Since we have this large body of water in the middle of the state, a great deal of uneven terrain, and no straight roads longer than a few miles, we have our own method of describing distance. We will describe it as taking an hour or two hours to drive somewhere, even though it's only 10 to 15 miles away as the crow flies. The distance from my location to Seattle is only about 15 miles or so, but there's this body of water called the Puget Sound between us.

I've had had phone support from people in the Midwest and the South that describe some service center or store being really close when they check their computer. Drive time is even longer if you live on one of the many islands and require a ferry to get to your destination. You need to time your travels with the ferry schedule.

They have no idea what it's like up here. The only other place that might be similar is areas around the Great Lakes.

I wouldn't change a thing, though.

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Welcome aboard! You've come to the right place for leather info. The PSLAC suggestion from earlier is one I'd second, or third


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Thanks for the Welcome Hornm... I'm going to have to check out PSLAC. Seems interesting!

Shtoink ~ I know what you mean! I work for a 3PL and the Corp office is in Atlanta. They keep on insisting on telling the customer that they can improve how we route and save them all kinds of money on thier deliveries, but they don't seem to be able to see that large body of water! I always have to explain that you can't go from Seattle to anywhere on the peninsula in a matter of a few miles :no:

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Hi Havamal

Welcome I live in Port Angeles, I case in the frig then I put it in a wool blanket till cool on my face.



Welcome & I just gotta say

I love your handle...

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Dan ~ Thanks for the Welcome! I'll have to try that frig method.

Cheryl ~ Thanks for the Welcome! I started using that handle quite a few years ago for forums. I figured it was appropriate! I have only come across a couple of people that recognize it and know what it means. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
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Check out www.goodsjapan.com the best of the best tools live there . Welcome . Bill

  • 1 month later...
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Welcome Matt! I lived in Spanaway for a very brief time about 20 some years ago, probably has changed a lot since then. Look forward to seeing your future creations!


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