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Personal Opinion : Ads

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I keep a bottle of white out next to the computer for just that reason .... a few swipes with that and no more problems.

Big surprise for me the ads were always there . My ad block has apparently stopped working . For those who have always seen those 4 ads at the top of the page ,please understand I saw them for the first time two days ago when my ad block apparently quit working . No wonder every one thought I was NUTS ! Seems the auto spell check here has ceased to work for me as well . Nothing but frustration with this computer stuff. Had not considered the white out ,but a hammer and duc tape has crossed my mind . Time to see the computer doctor I guess . I just realised its possible one day I am going to click on a button who's function I dont understand and end up deleting myself . Scarey !! Bill Edited by bluesman1951

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Before you take it to someone else, it's pretty easy to make sure that your add-ons are compatible with your current version of your browser. I had some add-ons stop working a long while back and was getting pretty peaved before I realized that FF had updated itself and the add-ons didn't work with the new version. It was a simple visit to the add-on page to get the most recent iteration of the app, and everything was back to normal.

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I'd strongly recommend against hitting the unsuscribe link. That merely confirms that they have reached a valid email address.

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. Any opinions on "Qcad " or "Blender" looking for a 3d cad program for pattern and mold making for wet forming leather . Bill

Not sure about Qcad never used it I use Illustrator for making my patterns up I have used Blender it's got a bit of a learning curve though if you are only doing simple wet forming shapes a solid modeller might be better that way you could get it 3D printed if you wanted fairly easily. The surface modellers (Blender, Maya, 3DMax etc) can be used for 3D printing but you need to go through a few extra steps to get the models to export for 3D printing. I use a program called 123D it's free and is a scaled down version of Autodesks Inventor you can get it here http://www.123dapp.com/design.


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I'd strongly recommend against hitting the unsuscribe link. That merely confirms that they have reached a valid email address.

Mike, since I have clicked the un-subscribe links in emails, my spam of such has been reduced to maybe 1 or 2 a week, from well over a 100 per week. I play a lot of online poker, and I would get so many emails a day for pretty much everything available in the world. I still play online poker, but no more weird and wonderful spam.

The Nigerian ones, I send them very disgusting, foul mouthed, vile emails. I continue sending them for about a week just to let them know how disgusted I am with there existence. I must now be on a list of Nigerians "Do Not E-Mail" because I may only get 1 or 2 a year now from them.

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I'd strongly recommend against hitting the unsuscribe link. That merely confirms that they have reached a valid email address.

Hmmm, If there is a link to unsubscribe, I thought the problem was when you click on it and they ask for your email address...

I would never give them my address - I figured that is how they get it. But I thought it was OK to unsubscribe when they just

say right away that you have been unsubscribed... ?

I can't believe there are still people out there that would fall for that scam from Nigeria anymore... My Spam blocker gets 95%

of the spam BUT when I get the ones from Nigeria I send them this - I can't remember where I got it, but I never hear from them again

Attention: Who Ever You Really Are:

To stop internet fraud, which your e-mail appears to be,

the following agencies, (ICPO-Interpol, Europol, RCMP,

New Scotland Yard, FBI, Secret Service, EFCC,

Australia Westpac Banking Corporation), have combined their resources

and created the NW3C and its complaint center, commonly known as IC3.

This Joint Task Force is responsible for investigating, charging and prosecuting

con artists who's sole intent is to obtain funds illegally, via the internet,

Western Union and, MoneyGram.

Your communique appears to violate the task forces statutes

and is being forwarded to the IC3.


The criminal act is "Impersonation of an institution or trademark

(like a bank, government agency or charity) also known as Phishing."

These criminal violations carries a mandatory 25 years in prison and a $250,000.00 USD, Fine!

You will be prosecuted and arrested on site! Law enforcement agencies will begin triangulating your location, within 24 hours, from the time and date of this e-mail. You must remit:

a. your international passport;

b. Domestic or International Drivers License; and,

c. Your Bank, United Nations, Insurance Company and or Government Identification Badge.

In the event of non-compliance or non-remittance,

you will be contacted by the IC3. Time is not on your side!

Have A Nice Time In Jail

Edited by LNLeather

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That is FAR nicer than the one I send out...lol But I have copied it for future reference, just to add some more bite.

I am also amazed that people still fall for them. I have a friend who's Uncle actually tried to borrow money off of him, so he could get the proper documentation needed to acquire his millions of dollars inheritance from a long lost "Non White" relative from West Africa. He would not listen to reasoning from his own family members. Very very sad.

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That is FAR nicer than the one I send out...lol But I have copied it for future reference, just to add some more bite.

I am also amazed that people still fall for them. I have a friend who's Uncle actually tried to borrow money off of him, so he could get the proper documentation needed to acquire his millions of dollars inheritance from a long lost "Non White" relative from West Africa. He would not listen to reasoning from his own family members. Very very sad.

Unfortunately, this is still very common and we investigate dozens of these a month, usually with the elderly. There are almost always good intentions, but you all know how that works out. Cheryl, while your reply is funny, it doesn't really phase them as they know what the reach of any investigating body is, and according to current US law, any agreement to send funds is purely a civil matter from a local law enforcement stand point. The problem is that once a person willingly agrees to send funds, its a) too late to do anything and B) a civil agreement.

There may be new legislation coming but the best way to prevent this type of thing is to be aware. The FBI has an excellent fraud page explaining most of the scams.


Lastly, when scammers send out mass emails, the unsubscribe button at the bottom is noting more than a confirmation button that the email address they targeted has a human sitting behind a computer. For those of you whom that's been effective, congrats, you are among the few, and I'd be curious to see how you have your computers set up to see if thats part of the email or part of your security programs. My computer can usually tell the difference between real and scam emails.

I HATE that these scum prey of the elderly or the feeble, and I vigorously prosecute any that are domestic and fall within our jurisdictional boundaries. Please pass along the FBI site to those whom you feel could benefit from it.

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Unsubscribe only works with reputable companies. Spammers either ignore it, or register your email address as a valid address. Makes their list more valuable to sell to other spammers.


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Indeed this is true. It is much better to simply filter these messages to your spam folder or trash folder.

Unsubscribe only works with reputable companies. Spammers either ignore it, or register your email address as a valid address. Makes their list more valuable to sell to other spammers.


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Good to know . So far after 3 years its been trouble free ,no need for the shop . For that I am grateful . Thanks for your response . Any opinions on "Qcad " or "Blender" looking for a 3d cad program for pattern and mold making for wet forming leather . Bill

I tried Blender, and it doesn't really allow you to draw with much precision, which I feel is necessary for this kind of design work. I also spent some time playing with AutoDesk's 123D products. They're free, but they've been neutered to the point where they're useless. So far Sketchup is the most promising, but I'm still testing, and haven't gotten one to go all the way to fab yet. It's also free - you can download it here: http://www.sketchup.com/

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Indeed this is true. It is much better to simply filter these messages to your spam folder or trash folder.

A filter will get the spam out of your face, but part of the problem with email spam is, the bandwidth that gets wasted when the emails are sent, and filters do nothing about that. So I claim it's better to stop them from being sent in the first place. For reputable businesses, use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page. For the unscrupulous ones (and you can usually tell), there are getting to be more and more spam cops on the internet where you can file spam complaints. If you forward your spam emails to one of them - I use spam@uce.gov - in many cases you can stop or severely limit the ability of that mail server to send email.

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I tried Blender, and it doesn't really allow you to draw with much precision, which I feel is necessary for this kind of design work. I also spent some time playing with AutoDesk's 123D products. They're free, but they've been neutered to the point where they're useless. So far Sketchup is the most promising, but I'm still testing, and haven't gotten one to go all the way to fab yet. It's also free - you can download it here: http://www.sketchup.com/

Thanks I tried down loading that and got a message about unsafe excuitable bit . It wont let it in says untrusted source any way I am going to have my computer guy look at it . Thanks if I ever get this to work i plan on making some great molds for wet forming leather for cell phone cases and hard leather projects . Bill

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Thanks I tried down loading that and got a message about unsafe excuitable bit. It wont let it in says untrusted source any way I am going to have my computer guy look at it.

I just happened to notice in one of your earlier posts you mentioned running on linux? If that's the case, Sketchup will not run on your OS.

Anyway, back to the original subject. I realize now you were not referring to the banner advertising at the top of the forum pages when you were objecting to all advertising in general. I hate pop-ups and email spam, too, but as for the advertizing I see embedded in web pages, I realize that it's those sponsors with their targeted offers that help keep this and other sites we enjoy visiting up and running. I personally appreciate well-targeted advertising that is relevant to my interests. And I very much appreciate what that advertising does to keep the costs of all the content I enjoy so low.

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I just happened to notice in one of your earlier posts you mentioned running on linux? If that's the case, Sketchup will not run on your OS.

Anyway, back to the original subject. I realize now you were not referring to the banner advertising at the top of the forum pages when you were objecting to all advertising in general. I hate pop-ups and email spam, too, but as for the advertizing I see embedded in web pages, I realize that it's those sponsors with their targeted offers that help keep this and other sites we enjoy visiting up and running. I personally appreciate well-targeted advertising that is relevant to my interests. And I very much appreciate what that advertising does to keep the costs of all the content I enjoy so low.

Sounds like you are a really nice person. I do mind "Targeted ADs" I dont want to be watched ,recorded ,or have my surfing monitered .The world fails to understand the concept of the word "MINE" ,if its mine leave it alone . Data mining is a creepy invasion of privacy . I have recived mail from me to me ,had my contact list hijacked ,had face book account hacked ,gotten thousands of Nigerian scam emails, I am glad life is giving you a enjoyable experience ,I have out in the weeds on the edges of cyber spce and its not wine and roses trust me . I guess what I am saying is I want CHOICE to be able to choose to see something or not . I guess I could never turn the computer on ,that would be a choice as well . Seems bad choices and no choices are the order of the day . For me its like having no front door on your house and the public comes and goes as it pleases . LOL If you are computer savy I suppose steps can be taken to stop all this mischief . When you arent smart enough you become every ones victiam ,a virtual punching bag for every one up to no good . So once again it appears "Its My Fault " I am not smart enough to stop them . LOL

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The way i see is that your on a private form that is free and open to the public. It's the owners choice as to how they pay for their site. Just like it's your choice to turn your computer, radio, tv off never buy a paper or magazine or to never go outside because of the adds. Their every where and the adds are what pay the bills.

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I appreciate your point of view Bill. There are certainly times when the constant bombardment of advertising is wearing. It's at those times I personally retreat and take a grown up time out from all things electronic.

On the other hand, I find the ads here to be appropriate for this forum. The sponsors aren't trying to sell us pharmacy products or other goods unrelated to this site. I have already purchased goods from a vendor here and have been very satisfied.

Love your rant though. :)

Regards, Eric

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I appreciate your point of view Bill. There are certainly times when the constant bombardment of advertising is wearing. It's at those times I personally retreat and take a grown up time out from all things electronic.

On the other hand, I find the ads here to be appropriate for this forum. The sponsors aren't trying to sell us pharmacy products or other goods unrelated to this site. I have already purchased goods from a vendor here and have been very satisfied.

Love your rant though. :)


Thanks for your words and thoughts . I am in agreement with you . For me its all about choice : To see Or not to see . I would enjoy them all in one place and out of sight . When the thought comes lets go shopping comes to mind one click and there they all are to view at once . I had a very effictive ad block program running so I surfed with no adds at all ever anywhere . One day it stopped working and I was buried in ads like a ticker tape parade . Made me nuts just could not make them stop every screen every site flooded with stuff . There is no doubt that the vendors are giving good service and quality products . Funny thing I never saw the ads here till my ad block stopped working . They were always there and I did not know it .LOL So chalk this up to one of those computer overload days . You are 100% correct in your thoughts . Thanks . Bill

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The way i see is that your on a private form that is free and open to the public. It's the owners choice as to how they pay for their site. Just like it's your choice to turn your computer, radio, tv off never buy a paper or magazine or to never go outside because of the adds. Their every where and the adds are what pay the bills.

You are 100% correct . My ad block program stopped working and I went from clear skies no ads anywhere to a blizzard of ads in the blink of an eye . Big surprise for me . Life is about choice always ,its not choice when the only choice is a bad one . One could live like a monk in silence to get away from the ads ,but that might not be any fun at all . I wish to thank you for your point of view and yes you are correct there is no flaw in your thinking at all . There is a saying among pilots when talking about weather CAVU ceilings and visibilty unlimited nice as it gets ! There is something to be said for CAVU surfing on the web . Some one must pay the bills so that may be impractical but one can dream . Thanks for your imput . Bill

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My ad block program stopped working and I went from clear skies no ads anywhere to a blizzard of ads in the blink of an eye .

I downloaded that 'Adblock Plus' and it just works fine without having to do anything to it.

Except - When my sister sends pictures from her phone I have to disable 'Adblock Plus' to do see the pictures.

Are you sure you don't just have to unclick Disable everywhere under Tools - Adblock Plus ... ?

Or is your Adblock Plus just all gone?

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Is your sister sending the pictures to your e-mail account via her phone? If this is the case, just "Disable" Adblock Plus on your e-mail account webpage.

You can setup Adblock Plus to be disabled on some pages, and enabled on others. If your on a webpage that has some sort of Advertisement, or built in pop-up, there should be a little "Block" button that pops up on the top right side of the Ad or popup, if you click the "Block" button, this will disable it on that page. It's a great program to use on Facebook.

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Is your sister sending the pictures to your e-mail account via her phone? If this is the case, just "Disable" Adblock Plus on your e-mail account webpage.

You can setup Adblock Plus to be disabled on some pages, and enabled on others. If your on a webpage that has some sort of Advertisement, or built in pop-up, there should be a little "Block" button that pops up on the top right side of the Ad or popup, if you click the "Block" button, this will disable it on that page. It's a great program to use on Facebook.

Thank you so much for your help!

*I couldn't figure out how to do that.

I have disabled Adblock Plus for a couple of Firefox webpages,

but I browse with Firefox

and get my email through SeaMonkey and I can't figure out how to disable Adblock Plus for that.

When I am on Firefox it is Easy to "Disable on this page only"... Simply click on Tools - Adblock Plus - "Disable on this page only" - on each page I want that disabled.

When I am on SeaMonkey and click on Tools - there is no link to Adblock Plus...

or if there is I can't find it......... yet :rolleyes:

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Cheryl, I have no idea what SeaMonkey is, if it's a browser, my suggestion is to only use FireFox, no need to use two different browsers to surf the web.

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Cheryl, I Googled SeaMonkey and see that it is a Mozilla written browser. Here is a link to the Adblock Plus for SeaMonkey, it's probably the same as FireFox.


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I downloaded that 'Adblock Plus' and it just works fine without having to do anything to it.

Except - When my sister sends pictures from her phone I have to disable 'Adblock Plus' to do see the pictures.

Are you sure you don't just have to unclick Disable everywhere under Tools - Adblock Plus ... ?

Or is your Adblock Plus just all gone?

Looks like it all went away . Checked all the boxes you spoke of they are checked correctly . I installed new filters and now its clear skies again . Walmart and Best Buy and all the blinking stuff is gone . My screen no longer looks like a blinking fourth of July with adds when I arrive . There is a note with ad block plus that says : It does nothing alone ,specific filters do the work so they must be added . Once I did that all worked just fine . Thanks for your words . Bill

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