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A customer wants to know if I can make a holster in Charcoal Grey color. It isn't black, but not a regular grey, either. Has anyone done this?

I have read that grey dye is a different beast than black dye and they don't play well together.

Any help is appreciated.

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You might get close by using Fiebings liquid antique black and giving it a good wipe down with a damp rag after applying.

Good luck,


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I like the Pro water stains from Tandy. One thing I have done is dip die using a lot of water with very little stain. You can vary the color with time in the stain and a little more or a little less dye/water.


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Not sure this will help but look at the holster Ghormley made for Russell Crowe. I think his method may work. Good luck.

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I wanted a Western rig like that for myself, . . . my formula was 90% Feibings thinner, . . . 10% black oil dye.

It makes a very dark charcoal grey, . . . but it also does not fully cover in 1 dipping. I was looking more for a "worn" look, . . . weathered, etc. Got what I wanted.

The picture here was just after I got it done, . . . the oil in the finish I use darkened it some, . . . that has since gone away, . . . it's a real nice dark charcoal now.

May God bless,



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Thanks for the help, guys.

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Sooper, thanks for the link.

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