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We are in the process of up-dating the pricing information in our "GREEN BOOK" and made this interesting observation.

In 2007 the cost of materials for a custom saddle was $ 948.29 and this year it is $1,256.57, which is a little over a 30% increase (an average of 5% a year and the government is telling us the inflation rate has been 1 to 2 % a year over this time period).

In 2007 the US median household income was $ 54,489.00 and now is $ 51,404.00, a 6% decrease over 6 years or a deflation fate of 1% per year.

We all need to keep our pencils very very sharp.

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Posted (edited)

Well that's not very good news...I'm sharpening my pencil now!

Indiana is planning on lowering the state income tax. If they lower it from 3.4 to 3.06 that is a savings of $170 on $50,000 of income per year and they call that a 10% decrease in taxes. But they are looking at raising property taxes by 1-2% per $100.00 of assessed value and adding more gas tax. Plus we pay 7% sales tax so the bottom line is we will paying more than the $170 to get the $170. Has society got so blind that they think this is a good deal? "Smoke and Mirrors"

Edited by benlilly1
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Yep, not enough people paying attention to politics. You call it smoke and mirrors, I just call it BS.

In Nevada we don't have a state income tax, but they make up for it in other ways. So far it has been OK for me.


It has gotten so bad that I recently saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets.

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It has gotten so bad that I recently saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets.

I would love to reply to this one with another joke, but that would belong to the adult section lol ;)

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I work basic retail jobs right now, and I got stung for nearly 10% of my last paycheck. A shared rent anywhere nearby would take about half my gross income. A single room house would cost about 12 years' salary, and downpayments are around 10% of the value. We also have a sales tax of 20% on almost everything. Gasoline is about US$8/gallon (and is taxed twice). Mandatory car insurance even on a tiny vehicle would cost me about £2k. But at least we have decent beer. Occasionally I can even afford to drink some.

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Matt, sorry to hear you have it that bad over there. I wouldn't be surprised if we see things really turn for the worse here. Enjoy that beer!

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just my 10c worth..many NZ'ers buy online offshore ..real crazy prices here for certain items..


veg tan [carving] leather NZD$11 to ?? $16/ sq.ft..and higher for W&C [but no stock]

the last lot I bought here was imported South African ..grade not too bad ..soft hand ..[~NZD$11/sq.ft..]

the Chahin was cleaner ,but didn't suit my application that day..too dense and flinty[overtanned?].

.this was priced @NZD$15.50/sq.ft

[an aside :as the largest dairy milk exporter ,we have the privilege of paying more for milk here than the UK or USA].

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Doesnt really matter which side of the aisle you have decided to live with, whenever they talk about reduction in taxes, they have an alternative to make it up and some, and they will. there are hundreds, if not thousands of little facebook pictures and sayings about all this, I bet most of them are even true. The reality is, we can not make the government live within its own means, like we can at home, and many of us struggle with that as it is. But I think what really is setting people off is, no matter how hard they work at being fiscally responsible at home, the government is slowly but surely, finding ways to take more and more of a percentage. Somtimes I feel like I should expect sheriff nottingham to come knocking at my door every week.

I dont think I will see it in my life time, but I suspect a radical change in the us to come. I hope it doesnt happen via violence, but it wouldnt surprise me either. We have become such a country of consumers instead of builders (usually not this type of group though, im talking outside of creators and producers). The politicians need to live within the same means as the rest of us, same rules as well. This be in office two years and get benis the rest of your life is sham for the rest of us. but they wont, because they are all on the same page in that little group.

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quote " The reality is, we can not make the government live within its own means," ---- and there in lies the problem Dragonspit, too many THINK we cannot make them change. They are supposed to work for US, but as long as we ALLOW them to take advantage of us they will. We can change things, but it will take effort, something that too many do not want to exert. It all starts with local politics, get the good guys in there, and work on up the ladder. Now the problems start because what you think is right, may not be what I think is right. I have talked to some who believe that the Feds have not spent enough, and want them to spend even more than they have. I just wonder what part of $16,000,000,000+ of debt don't they understand. They don't realize that the money the Feds use is actually their money, not the Feds. Gaaaaagh! This discussion could go on for days, but until people wake up, and put all levels of govt's feet to the fire it won't change.

May I suggest an alternative --




Well said but you left off three zeros on the debt.

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Good catch! I don't see the edit tab, but yes it should be $16,000,000,000,000+

Or a visual of just one trillion $$



Hey Lobo,

The politician with his hands in his pocket was momentary, while he was stuffing them full of what he has taken from us! lol.

God Bless.


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