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A while back, in another group, it was asked how we prepare for a project. I mentioned that I cleaned off my workspace and got everything ready. Wellllll....that just hasn't been happening lately....it seems like stuff just keeps piling up on my desk and staining area. So I thought I'd take some pics and ask: what's the worst you've seen in YOUR shop?

Mine is in the washroom part of our basement. The former owner had made a workshop in there, so it was perfect for me to set up in. The unfinished desk I brought with me from our old place, but everything else was here already. I'm in the midst of a few projects at once right now, as I prep for a big event next month. I've got roses being painted on my desk, and a piece being pressed under weight on the staining bench. Lovely way to press, huh? Marble with a buffing mitt under it, LOL! Then the project is under that. (It's a small wooden box with a leather top glued on)







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Whoa, I could never work like that. I'm a real neat-freak, to the point of vacuuming my workbench after every use and storing every tool in its "right place."

You'd never even know I did any work there unless you actually caught me working! :lol:

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Mine usually looks like total chaos while a project is developing, can't seem to cleanup until it is done, then the mess starts all over again.

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If you notice the bowl of water on the floor next to my chair....that is because the cat kept jumping on to my desk to drink from it!!! So in addition to clutter, I had to keep pushing her off. Finally I gave up and just put it down there. It was in use for diluting paints and such (I'd pour some from it onto my palette)


:evillaugh: I make no excuses about meself or my way of life. This is my room/workshop!!! The rest of my home can be quite a mess too.

Normally the desktop areas and the floor isnot this much cluttered but I'm on my third or forth project over last week so..

My working desktop was not cluttered this morning, today was lot of stitching, punching lacing holes, tooling, measuring, checking with patterns, cutting material, touch ups, colouring etc so I did manage to pull out a lot of stuff over it. At midday I was standing in my morning dress (morningrobe??) outside in the rain putting down the makers mark to the bottom of the box I'm doing, lol. I go out with it because it's so noisy and I suffer from tinnitus. Luckily no neighbours passed by.

Me and my girlfriend was just discussing this five minutes ago. About why there are certain people who's homes often is quite messy and why we belong to that category.








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Posted (edited)

OK, I confess, I'm a "messer" too :-)

But somehow I always know what I have stuff, even if it's on the floor (?)



Edited by Tina

Hey I see you have a spindelpress. Have you tried to set eyelets with it? I see people complainig here about the manual setter for eyelets and I'm having probs too but never hear anything about anyone using the spindlepress to set eyelets. According to my supplier it wall make perfect eyelet settings with out the cracks and uglyness the manual setter causes.

Don't feel like bying one for this purpose only and come out still unsatisfied with results.


  • Ambassador
OK, I confess, I'm a "messer" too :-)

Woof. It pains me to even look at that workspace, Tina. I'd have to start cleaning it up immediately. ;)

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Woof. It pains me to even look at that workspace, Tina. I'd have to start cleaning it up immediately. ;)

You know, I have almost come to the conclusion that it is not really that messy, just my room is waaaaaay to small :rofl:


No, I have it just for my Jiffy rivets. I set all eyeletts by hand. This is the European style press and I only find tool for it it Europe/Sweden. I do have a brand new American press to from "Heritage" but I have not used it yet and not sure if I'm keeping it or not?

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Posted (edited)

Today has been a fairly productive day. A batch of belts, loads of keyfobs and a stack of hair barrettes plus a lovely re-enactor lady who wanted a cloak fastening made just when I was ready to call it a day. My workroom has ended up looking like the pits so I felt obliged to join in this thread... I have to say, it isn't always like this as I do try to tidy up before starting a new job but today I simply haven't had time! Enjoy the mess guys - there is a broom and hoover in there somewhere if you haven't got anything else to do...













Edited by UKRay
Posted (edited)

I see Tina! Let me know if you need parts for it. I'll take care off it.


Edited by TomSwede

Tina, just so you know, Ohio Travel Bag has attachments for European presses including eyelets in several sizes.

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BEFORE YOU START ANYTHING ELSE........ i have to.... :whatdoyouthink::cheers:

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Wow, y'all have workbenches, fair sized tables, even whole ROOMS to work in....I'm jealous. I have half of my 3' diameter dining room table, and several tool boxes things are stored in, and everything....EVERYTHING has to be cleared after use. Otherwise, we have dinner on top of anything leather related that's on the table.


The guy who taught me said when he got out of the Army all his work was done at the kitchen table and he turned out some beautiful work.


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Oh, nothing wrong with a kitchen table at all....as long as it isn't the ONLY table, and the kids aren't dyeing your leather with tomato sauce. :head_hurts_kr:

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I started on a kitchen table in our second apartment. The building's laundry room was below us, and one time when I was pounding away, a fellow came knocking to make sure I was okay...he thought someone was being hurt.


But hey, at least he was kind enough to check things out!

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I started in the cupboard under the stairs... barely enough room to get in there let alone work - I couldn't even think about doing it now... LOL!!!

  • Contributing Member
I started in the cupboard under the stairs... barely enough room to get in there let alone work - I couldn't even think about doing it now... LOL!!!

Ray.....we're still talking about leatherworking here....

  • Members
Today has been a fairly productive day. A batch of belts, loads of keyfobs and a stack of hair barrettes plus a lovely re-enactor lady who wanted a cloak fastening made just when I was ready to call it a day. My workroom has ended up looking like the pits so I felt obliged to join in this thread... I have to say, it isn't always like this as I do try to tidy up before starting a new job but today I simply haven't had time! Enjoy the mess guys - there is a broom and hoover in there somewhere if you haven't got anything else to do...

Wish I had a workshop that size..... I just have 1/3 of a table out in the sunroom..... :-(

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I don't know what goes through your mind, Mike... It was a very small house but I had an electric light, :Lighten: workbench, shelves, stool and a toolrack in there and nearly killed myself with the fumes from the stain and contact adhesive :wacko: . LOL

Ray.....we're still talking about leatherworking here....


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Must be nice to have a dedicated room to just your leather work. I use the computer desk for my tooling area. Have often thought about clearing an area of my woodshop and if I did that I would be the winner of this contest hands down.

I try to keep my area picked up while working. Now in the woodshop, it is a MESS, really a case of to much cramed into to small an area and nowhere else to go with it.


Here is my workspace. It used to be the garage. It's been a long time since a car has been in it and will probably never have a car in it again. I try to keep it organized but it's also storage and not much space.












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